Dude let's make a boss phase 10x harder than anything in the game up to that point!

>Dude let's make a boss phase 10x harder than anything in the game up to that point!
>And let's make the first phases of the fight piss-easy so they waste five minutes to get there every time just to die in five seconds!
>Great idea bro!
What were they thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What were they thinking?
That it would be an effective way to filter out casuals.

"hahaha casuals are going to hate this boss"

thats phase isnt hard at all if you stop holding the attack button down and pick your shots

the only real danger are the flame bubbles and they only explode if you shoot them dingus

>tfw I found the second phase really hard and beat the third on luck
Feels good. Other bosses ain't shit.

>Use horseshoe
>Just focus on platforming
You suck

>buy wrong weapon when you don't know what any of them do
>get fucked
great casual filter there

literally just beat this boss while sick if you can't do it you're bad

Seeming to be doing its job.

>took me 4 tries to get past that 2nd phase
>beat the final phase in one try

If you think this is hard you're fucking ded at the robot.

Grim Matchstick is cute! CUTE!

is dragon hard? is she really hard like Sup Forums says?

>use horseshoe
>implying I know what the fuck this is and that it's available in my shop
See that's what's bullshit, I have the roundabout, the peashooter, and the spread weapon and they're all dogshit against him and I have no more available coins and you can't get refunds.

Fuck this retarded trial and error "hope you buy the right gun LOL xD" RNG bullshit

literally get good

Its more bad design than hard

Oh, I'm dead alright.

what's so bad about her design?


>Don't know what any of them do
>Has a CLEAR description underneath

shut up subcasual.

I made the mistake of playing through the whole game while sick with the flu. Now I associate that feeling of being sick, nauseous, and headachey with that of playing cup head which I think is going to kill any rose tinted feeling I might develop for the game in the coming years. Because instead of looking back on Cuphead as that fun platfomer I played on a cool afternoon it'll be that game I played while I felt like I was going to vomit the whole time.

Same thing happened to me when I played sim tower decades ago and while I remember liking the game I never want to play it again because subconsciously I associate it with feeling sick.

here's a guide if you want user


Lobber and roundabout and in the final phase avoid hitting the fire bubbles.

>flamethrower only hits middle platform
>Fire balls only explode when shot
I had a lot of trouble with this boss, but not because of the easiest phase he has, user...

>has picture of a projectile traveling in a U
>says to hit backward for extra dmg

>Has a targeting reticle
>says aiming not required

>Charge shot
>Called fucking charge shot

Are you literally retarded?

grim matchstick is pretty tough but it really just comes down to being able to control your shots and not blow up the fireballs.

Honestly the people mad about this fight suck and just need to git gud. The only fight with actual poor rng based design would be the bee boss just because you can get really fucked by bad ledge spawns and it really does feel truly random when they stop spawning ledges on the left and right side.

Stop shooting the fireballs you stupid asshole

Or they don't have the right weapon because they bought the roundabout and burst before they got to the fight, and there is no way to get more coins or sell your weapons?

I kind of had that with Shenmue, except instead feel like the game cured me and got me through a bunch of headaches. All about perspective!

burst as in the shotgun one? That weapon is spectacular for the dragon's first phase imo. Then just peashooter for all the others...


that doesn't answer my question
is she hard or not


He means the roundabout you autisoid. It can hit even if youre not shooting at him


i asked "is she really hard like Sup Forums says"


>he didn't just use the starting weapon
lmao I haven't even bought a single other weapon yet

>this boss is hard
>vinny beat it in 1 try
>i bear it in 1 try
>DSP beat it
no op you are fucking shit quit playing video games

are you dumb
are you retarded
are you moron
do you have so low iq that you can't come up with a yes or no answer to my question
do you have brain sickness
fuck you dumb idiot go away from Sup Forums for all time

Congrats, user.

>use the gun that fills the air with bullets to trigger fireballs
>not just holding down lobber while you stay on top to avoid flamethrower
Stage 1: Roundabout/Peashooter/Charge, whatever floats your boat
Stage 2: Lob
Stage 3: Lob + super move

>he uses the invincible dash

Might as well play the game on Simple mode

>literally only has two attacks, one of which doesn't even do anything if you don't shoot it

Dude just equip Charge Shot lmao

>he uses the auto-parry


am i gud papa...

I haven't tried it myself yet but i'd think expert is actually easier than regular on account of the clouds going the opposite direction

>he doesn't use the passive super meter charge, objectively the most honest of equips

>There are people that used anything other than the base Peashooter, with no supers or items.

Sure, sure, I hope you're ready for bees and robots, though.

>he's so casual he can't even charge his own super

This but unironically.

>second phase is all RNG with how the fireballs jump, sometimes they are literally impossible to avoid
>third phase is giant middle finger if you dont own lobber or charge weapon
Just restarted the game to buy the lobber so I can beat this retard. great game desing

Yet another phrase that you children don't fucking know what means.

>>third phase is giant middle finger if you dont own lobber or charge weapon

It's pretty simple phase user, do not shoot the projectiles and dodge flamethrower.

I feel ready...

The second phase with the jumping fire balls is what made this level really frustrating for me. They jump way too fast and seemingly random and if you use your super attack you probably fall off the clouds.


fuck off idiot

>second phase is hard meme
Dude just jump at the same time as the fireballs lmao

>at no point is the dragon ever shown to be a female except on /trash/
>im the Idiot
first things first

I do too little DPS and it's fucking impossible trying to platform backwards with constant orbs floating, so few platforms, the fire, and if you hit a single orb you're fucked. Not to mention the final phase is like 3 mins long

Has there ever before been a game that has so decisively proven that Sup Forums is shit at video games?
I'm not even going to slightly entertain your shitty opinions anymore. You clearly don't know shit about video games.

Ur so mad

Get the charge gun so you don't accidentally shoot his projectiles on the third phase too much. Also the third phase is actually harder on co-op than in single-player for the very same reason of projectiles getting destroyed by yours and splitting into 4 parts.

Do you have any idea how stupid some of the people are that have finished not just this one boss you're having an autistic shitfit over, but the fucking game?
By complaining you're literally admitting everyone who did this is better than you, you fucking loser

Holy shit, why does everyone have such a hard time with this boss? I genuinely think he was one of the easier ones in the game. Only took me about 6-8 tries. The harder ones would take me 18-20 tries.


>Only took me about 6-8 tries.

Thats the sign of a tougher boss when I played the game, most bosses went through 1-3 tries.

I don't think I like this game. It looks very nice, but the animations and effects are so busy its not clear what exactly is a hazard or you might miss them.
its nice animations wasted in a game

To be fair, using homing in phase 3 dragon is a good way to get btfo by the splitting projectiles.

Anyone else like Sally Stageplay's fight?

It's not even difficult or anything but I just really like the pure 1-on-1 aspect of it, it really felt like she was just using her own skills to fight you the whole time. Werner/nazi rat kind of has the same feel.

I beat the last phase with a lobber on my second try, there is unironically no excuse for somebody to cry about that phase.

>nazi rat

>Fire meteor attack's smoke trail obscures platform position
>Platform position is RNG as it is
>The boss can randomly fire two meteors at the same time, blocking the entire screen, with no telegraph
>Those stupid fireballs that jump at random positions and speeds
>Sometimes seconds between jumps, sometimes no delay
This boss was one of the least thought through on the devs part

Why are people complaining about buying the wrong weapon?

Sure the charge shot is nice, but I didn't use anything but the default shot my first playthrough. It's really not that bad if you take your time and don't get greedy.

gee i wonder why you dumb shitter

the fireball is literally just a cosine wave
the easiest and most predictable and easiest to dodge attack

I get exactly what you mean.

Anything animated that is not you or comes out of you is a hazard. If its colored in pink, its still a hazard but you can parry it.

its not even hard lol

I was frustrated as well with the final phase and same for the robot. Once you take your time and actually platform where you can, you're good to go. The robot had me going at the end because it was all my fault. It's not that hard, I was just trying to do too much at once.

>Fire meteor attack's smoke trail obscures platform position
>obscures platform position
>Literally nothing said about dodging it
Get better reading comprehension

>game allows you to use different weapons
>use a different weapon for a different circumstance so it benefits my gameplay and helps me benefit from a more fun battle and less arduous
heh :^)

nothing ive seen from this game makes me think it's anything worse than the old contra games.
if anything id say it looks somewhere around the difficulty of the metal slug games.
are cuphead devs just trying to viral the 2hard4u meme like From did with darksouls?

fuk u bich basterd cunt

Ideally, you'll have already been paying attention to the platform positions before the meteors got fired, and already know exactly where to go. The smoke is pretty much a nonfactor.

This boss wasn't really that bad.
>third phase is 10x harder than anything else in the game at that point
No, it fucking isn't. Just don't shoot the fireballs and keep high to avoid the fire hose. The fucking 2nd phase is harder, and even that's not that bad unless you're going 2 player and you can't keep track of the fireballs

Seems like no one can agree on what's difficult. I kept getting my ass handed to me by the dragon, but beat the train on the second go, and people were going on about how hard that boss was.
I think we can all agree on one thing, though: fuck the fucking cunt robot.

The cat/mouse fight was really enjoyable. The ending caught me off guard. When I think about it, the death animations for most of the bosses were thoughtful and entertaining to watch. I'm glad they didn't go the generic blinks and goes away route when a boss dies.

fuck off bota jesus christ
french piece of shit get a job

>nazi rat
>wearing prussian armour, a country that no longer exists


I beat the robot on my fifth or sixth try but that's just an awfully designed boss fight. Trying to S rank it was the least fun thing in the entire game.

>Went from the gravity gimmick Run n Gun to dragon fight back to back
>Disorientated as fuck, treating the platforming as if I was still switching gravity every jump
I spent WAY too long on that gravity level

The dragon is a male my good friend, I don't know if reptiles have cocks but if they do that's what he has.

fake news
fuck off troll

Second phase was easy for me. I kept dying on first or third.