Platform of the year?

platform of the year?
or odyssey can do better?

Of course Odyssey can do better you fucking mong, as charming as AHIT is, there's no way it'll compare to the polish and amount of content a big name developer like Nintendo can put out.

I actually got to play Odyssey today and from my experience with both AHIT and Mario Odyssey, I can assure you not only is Mario Odyssey platformer of the year, but it's easily GOTY as well

Do tell!

>the most shilled game on Sup Forums


Yooka-Laylee is going to kick their asses.

I'm getting tired of all this false-flagging.

God, this game is such a fucking mess. Who thought tying powers to a gauge was a good idea?

Same here.
It's time to fucking stop.

is dead jim




Rather than Game of the Year, Yooka Laylee might get the title for "disappointment of the year"

The title which of course went to "No Mans Sky" last year

people compare this to old collectathone but in reality its more a platformer than any of the old. In old games you had big flat planes and sometimes some jumping crap or exlusive jumping levels in this game you platform throughout the entire game. So if odysee picks the old style of running around for 10 minutes on plain surfaces and 2 minutes of jumping callange at the end.. then from a pure platformer point of view this is better.

no only shit like banjoo kazooie have that thing

Super luckay will kill it

>AHIT: western
>Mario Odyssy: japanese
Gee I dunno mang!

It's really fun but Odyssey will be bigger and probably more polished.
All a 3D platformer needs is a way to go faster than running speed, which is why Super Lucky's Tale will be boring as fuck.

A hat in time obviously. Mario Odyssey is locked on the switch and only nintendo drones will care about it while Hat in time is multiplatoform and coming to Xbone & ps4 this fall as well.


it also has mods including level editing and scripting so you could re-create the entirety of mario oddysey if you really wanted to


>Sequel announced
>A kot in time

slutty ass rabbits

give loli hentai porn


AHIT is the goty (for 3d platformer).

It is in 4k 60 fps and Mario will only be Nintendo exclusive.

why are they so obsessed on harassing an iranian POC?

probably because they are racist fucks who hate sandniggers

>threads with "goty?" "best game ever" and other overly praising shit always with the same image
Really get the nogging jogging.
At least use a different image when you're trying to shill your shit here.

So it's a coincidence that the exact same threads keep getting made with the exact same pics and nearly the exact same text?

>not without controversy
the only controversy is polygon writing articles about it.
Literally no one is talking about JonTron, just lolis and platformer nostalgia.

Neogaf has like a 50 page thread on it.
Why those pedophile sympathizers think they have the moral high ground is beyond me though.

>Neogaf has like a 50 page thread on it.
You have to go back.

only neogaffers get this upset when somebody mentions neogaf

I'm not the one that knew which threads they are posting in.


Doesn't neogaf also have threads on why the sorceress from dragon's crown is a child and being attracted to her is pedophilia?
Neogaf is somehow worse than tumblr, to be honest. At least tumblr has porn.

I'm pretty sure they're just faking outrage to get people they don't like socially ostracized and jobless. Does anyone seriously feel threatened by JonTron's inclusion in the game? Or that it somehow ruins the game as a whole? Not even the most pearl-clutching SJWs are legitimately emotionally distressed by his presence.
Maybe if he were an actual nazi and only talked about personally gassing the blacks and gays during the game and listing odd names and places they'd have a reason to have their panties in a knot.

>Not even the most pearl-clutching SJWs are legitimately emotionally distressed by his presence
You are talking about an ideology that got a college professor fired for not giving a trigger warning before saying "rape."

We'll be your girls for tonight, user. Prepare your anus.

The Mario team actually realise that the most important thing about a 3D platformer is how fluid the movement mechanics are. So obviously Odyssey will shit on everything else in the genre.



>that weird guy who bought this trash for 30$

They're using social pressure and feigned outrage to purge people who they don't like. They aren't actually as soft or scared as people make them out to be, they're just subversives using woman-tier tactics to underhandedly destroy the lives of their enemies.


His name REALLY IS "Jonathan Arayan Jafari" I thought that was just memery. My sides hurt so bad.

HiT is super comfy, im sad its going to end soon. I notice so many inspirations from other platformers and even feel like some stages have been inspired by Paper Mario. Feeelsgoodman

Do things get better after Mafia world? I was really into the ship design but Mafia world's design is all over the place and incoherent. Not comfy at all, to be honest. Not a good first impression.

what do you think the inside of her hat smells like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell it

I went to the bedroom chapter after Mafia world (skipped the 4 timepiece world at first) and boy was that fun, after that doing the 4 timepiece world was a whole other experience, and i'm happy I could go whichever route I wanted. Also, in one of the stages I did something that was completely unnecessary, but doing it got me a gift. So the game has also some exploring value.