What was the last game you pulled an allnighter for?

What was the last game you pulled an allnighter for?

S2 is out?

Fallout New Vegas like a month ago. Can't believe I forgot how good that game is. Still haven't even played a DLC or modded the game.

Corpse Party Book of Shadows. I never do all-nighters but I sat down with that one on the second to last chapter and was resolute about finishing it then and there. Started at midnight and finished right before the crack of dawn. I actually basked in the cathartic vibe of it all for like 5 minutes before going to bed, it was pretty great. Also, it's Book of Shadows so holy fuck, that ending.

The Grisaia series. Good enough story to have me hooked despite 0 gameplay. Haven't found many other games which have come close to pulling an allnighter since then.

I pull all-night ears for pretty much every game I play. Most recent was a replay of RDR.

Probably when the Halo 2 servers were getting shutdown. Played like 3 days straight.

Is that King Crimson?

dark souls, warcraft 3, hearthstone

Alien Soldier for the Megadrive, taking turns one life each with two friends. It was a pretty fun and comfy night. Fuck Seven Force Kaede though.

Got 99herb

A week ago playing Hollow Knight

Mass effect: andromeda. Multiple times.

Arma 3

Can you really not tell?



the first night i played it for 7 hours without getting up once.

Civ V. From noon until morning.



Shame about Blood Drive

Oh thine god...
Thou must rally another crusade

I set a challenge for myself to finish every single MVM bootcamp mission in tf2 in one sitting. I got through most missions but didn't manage to get through the expert missions on decoy, coaltown and mannhattan and gave up.

Not even proud of this one.

I got stuck on Asgore because I refused to attack him

Bloodborne and MGS V

Krtikia online. For some weird reason i played it through the entire night despite it's 7/10 game at it's best.

almost any fighting game on release

but the last non-fighting game was Dragon Quest 3 & 5

the grinding is real, but i don't mind

Kritika online. When fingers work faster than brain.

Coh: blitzkrieg mod with my best buddy.
Sadly I will never do an allnighter with him again.

Nothing. I want to enjoy the games to the fullest so dragging myself through them in a half dazed tiredness doesnt benefit me at all.

srtog generations


I've only ever pulled an all nighter for one game.

I was borrowing Apollo Justice from my college roommate. I finished it the morning of graduation, and I barely remember graduating I was so sleepy.

Dark souls 1 was probably the most recent all nighter I pulled, so around 7 years ago. Most games aren't worth an all nighter these days

Kid Icarus

Megaman Legends

A GBA emulation of Yu-Gi-Oh for some strange reason

Super Sup Forums Refreshathon

I played it all night and now the sun is up.