You will protect her smile.. right Sup Forums?

you will protect her smile.. right Sup Forums?

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which rwby character has the hottest feet lol

>generic no-nose anime chick #47852473
lol no

as long as she keeps it closed.

Is that even a question

Keep this shit in /tg/ you faggots


This isn't Exalted general at all!


That's some good shit



You guys keep making threads but can't even make one thread last


i wish pyrrha's smile could've been protected...

WTF is this ugly shit? I know you guys like your waifu bait thread, but this is just ridiculous.

Because only absolute retards would like this deviant art tier shit.
It is like watching trash anime but ten levels below it.

people watch this shit that looked like it was animated by a full sail university drop out who transferred to devry to dropout of there too

I'd make the soles of her feet my personal salt lick

Everytime I would be eating and my food needs a little seasoning I would have her soles right next to my face and then would lick up and down on her heel and arch to add salt to my food

I'd then lick inbetween her toes to get some black pepper taste seasoning

She would be my own spicerack

>that animation
Why do people watch this shit?

I only watched the first episode

It gets better, and waifus.

>tfw no decent rwby feet art

>it gets better
Nigger, no it doesn't. I've seen the webms from after Monty died. And the story sounds beyond terrible
>but waifus
They're ugly and off-model most of the time, and plenty of other shows offer better waifubait.

You're months behind if all you're posting is the announcement trailer

Back to your containment board.

>Why does anyone like RWBY? It's awful
>Ruby's voice is annoying
>back to /trash/
>Who's Ragna?
>UNI lobby up
>this game is casual two-button shit
>stream with announcements soon
what else do we add to the list of shit in every thread?

Wasted potential


who is ragu

It gradually gets better, plus the combat scenes are 10/10 right from the get go

Only good thing about this pile of shit is the jlullaby smut

The soundtrack is a musical masterpiece.

So is it just copy&paste soundtrack? Or did they make new tracks?

Copy Paste so far

>Watch two episodes because Twitch is streaming it to normies
>Have to turn it off in boredom

How can anyone enjoy this? It feels like those guys on deviantart trying to mimicked anime drawings, but suck at it. Only this is 100x worse because it's animated.

>>UNI lobby up
Too early

That wasn't the joke

Neither was that

Oh I'll protect her smile all right

Well, that's just lame. Is it at least unique gameplay? Or just a sprite drop like they were saying early near the announcement?
Not seeing a reason to play right now.

I just joined his patreon, he's great.

>those webms he released

A bit too unique

I want Yang to suffocate me with her chest.

I honestly can't tell if that pic's meant to be bad or not.
Reads like your partner acts like a Persona or that Carl fellow's sister, from what I can tell.

I wasn't even able to protect the smile of the one who really mattered.

inb4 Alpha is literally Ragna in a female body

It's smothering over the basis of the other 3 games. Too many things are being relegated to pressing the same button instead of having command normals being there. UNI and Blazblue have 3 butttons and 1 button being their unique/universal mechanic, Persona has 2 buttons for character attacks and 2 for persona attacks so relegating those series into 2 buttons and the rest being crossover specific stuff is a bit much

It's meant to be casual-friendly.

I'm on the fence saying it's a bit too casual.

>implying Ragna matters
4 fucking games and Carnage Scissors still look shit

I agree. They have a lot of buttons to work with, but went with X as tag instead of using left bumper for literally anything? The fuck are they thinking?

Well, I'm not seeing many reasons to buy then.
Thought maybe it'd be fun Persona style attacks like Yukiko in P4;Arena.

It's still in the pre-alpha phase and I think they're more concerned about showing off characters first than make the game presentable. I'm hoping they change the button scheme or at the very least allow us to switch between legacy controls and customize universal mechanics

Legacy's not happening. The most we can hope for is a slight rework of the system.

I hope so. I love all four series and hope they do it justice.
Well I don't know anything about RWBY, but I love the cheesy music.

Legacy is the ideal but that would be even better, dial back on some of these tag mechanics and at least bring some command normals and regular button placements. Even Marvel got it right with the tagging system at least in terms of designating proper button for it that didn't impede on the system.

Give it a watch. You can marathon the whole thing in like 3 hours.

Nah, I'll just stick to Xrd, maybe give Dragonball a go.

I dunno man. I tried the first episode when it released, but it wasn't for me.
Not that I think it's bad or anything, my opinion's neutral on the show.

command normals are in the game already

Why would a competitive fighting game have that sort of thing?

shitty kitty

Excellent taste user

Who is that guy fighting with an umbrella and why is he so swag?

>monty chink stole mmd models
>only redditors like rwby


it's a dead guy

this image is worthess because i can't tell the difference without the final project why only post the wireframe bastard dammit.