I'm glad we can all agree

i'm glad we can all agree

Other urls found in this thread:


>adding more than one game of certain series
>won't bother to add other titles from series, that don't even have THAT many titles
start over, now

i haven't played those

do that now



What a shit list.

R&C2 is better than R&C3. Spyro needs to be higher. Psychonauts needs to be higher. Gay mario crap needs to be lower. Why is Portal even on there?

where the fuck are the shrek games

jsrf controls like ass , its so fucking floaty. i dont get why people love it, aggressive inline controls soo much better.

I played both Ratchet games, 3 is much better.
Let's agree to disagree.

The list is upside down on purpose
Weakest newfag bait

2 > 1 > 3 = ACiT > The rest

>R&C2 over 1 and 3


That level isn't even bad. If you had a hard time in it, you are a casual cuck. If you just "found it boring" it goes for like 10 mins max. I don't get why people complain about it so much.

>no crash 2 on the list

>3 is good meme

>R&C2 is better than R&C3
>has ass story, padding out the ass, one of the worst bosses of all time (even the devs hate it), etc

R&C2 is by far the game Sup Forums has the most nostalgia for. It's downright crazy.

The story is good, it has almost no padding, and I don't even remember which boss this apparently terrible boss is.

Fact is, you have bad taste buddy.

Name a sweeter thing a game company has done

>The story is good, it has almost no padding, and I don't even remember which boss this apparently terrible boss is.
>Fact is, you have bad taste buddy.

You literally proved my post correct. You're going entirely on nostalgia. That is the only fact here.

>not just turning him into a sheep
Hows it feel to be bad at video games?

>that level isn't even bad

Holy fuck, now THIS is proof of how delusional r&c2 fanboys are. I like 2 but even I can admit that level is complete fucking shit. Even the fucking developers hate it.

>and I don't even remember which boss this apparently terrible boss is

Probably because all of the bosses in R&C2 are unspeakably horrible, even by the rock bottom standards of the series.

Galaxy>Galaxy 2

>mario gaylaxy 2
>great tier
pick one

How? Galaxy 2 had more level and upgrade variety as well as having tons more content and not just having you replay the game as Luigi to 100% it. Only underages think the first one is better.

>Tooie in okay tier
>Tooie below Kazooie

Neck yourself in the face.

>spyro is in ok tier but galaxy 2 is in great tier
this is bait

Quit samefagging you raging faggot.

Holy shit, how can one faggot be so mad over 1 fairly okay level in an otherwise great video game?

>b-but the devs hated it

Devs hate everything they do because they see it with a critical eye. Most if not all absolute 10/10 masterpeices, in both gaming, films, music, literature, paintings, are hated by their creators as not being as good as it could have been.

>n-no this pretty much unanimously hated level is pretty okay because i say so! everyone but me is wrong!

To reiterate, you're delusional. Sperg out if you want but that won't change this simple fact. You will get no more (you) from me.

>this random level is unanimously hated because I say so

Sure thing buddy, don't forget to take your meds.

>The story is good, it has almost no padding, and I don't even remember which boss this apparently terrible boss is.

weak bait

>horrific weapon balance and scaling
>R&C1 weapons entirely useless
>two giant levels full of nothing, people may only remember yetis, but there was also a completely boring desert crystal hunt planet too
>terrible boring damagesponge bosses that go on for way too long
I looped GC excessively as a kid, but it definitely had flaws that put it below UYA for me. Particularly the fucked up weapon scaling. While it's still fairly bad in later games, it was most awful in GC by a long shot.

shit taste.

I liked the open world levels. They were better than the multiplayer arena's in 3. R&C3 felt way to much like a shooter, and was full of grinding fucking everywhere. The sheer amount of upgrades in 3 made it feel like the entire game was a grind to upgrade to the next level constantly like some MMO. Half the levels were also gimmick shit or very linear compared to 1 and 2 which were way more open.

Psychonauts belongs in a tier not c tier