What's the verdict Sup Forumsirgins?
What's the verdict Sup Forumsirgins?
GOTY if you're not a salty poorfag
Buying it on sale in the future because there's games coming out soon I have more interest in
Sounds like you're a salty poorfag about to be poorer because of your shitty financial choices, you're also a retard and the cancer killing gaming
Ain't touching it.
Waiting for reviews too see how big is the grind. If it's not dragged out to the point of boredom then I'll buy it
I would buy it since I loved the first one, but I'm kinda put back by the file size and my recent frugal nature thanks to my getting a job.
I'm fine playing Dishonored 2 right now, and getting Bomber Crew once it comes out.
This. I might buy it, if the final act grinding isn't that big.
pirate the game
Go away
Loved the first one, might pick this one up but my backlog is huge
I might get it if the lootboxes aren't too obnoxious.
If they are I'm passing on it. Too bad too, I liked the first game.
>What's the verdict Sup Forumsirgins?
>mediocre story
>kinda dumb generic orc ai
>upgraded nemesis system is surprisingly fun, pretty much the reason to play it since everything you do pretty much ties into it from fortress fights to just trying to build your ideal army
>lootboxes are disgusting, but never needed, not even the ones you can buy with in-game currency
>better than the sum of its parts
>orcs are generally very well written and funny, but there are some not so good ones
tl;dr solid game that's a little rough around the edges, nice chillout game
It's funny because it's always actual poorfags who say this shit.
how long till its cracked
I'm more interested in seeing how long it takes to get cracked than the game itself.
what did he mean by this
Honestly seems like the most level-headed analysis yet. Thanks user.
Going to be pretty funny if denuvo gets btfo twice and the game is cracked on release day.
Reminder; You don't need to purchase loot crates for shit, and legendary gear is bound to drop if you do side stuff
>and legendary gear is bound to drop if you do side stuff
Easiest way to get better loot is to let an orc kill you and then do a vendetta mission to kill said upgraded orc.
Not like gear is a problem anyway.
Im gonna buy it just to piss of Sup Forums
Can I play as Orc Orcman