You have to unlock hard mode

You have to unlock hard mode.

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Fuck off Kiwi, stop shilling your shitty Equestria Girls Secrets Beyond The Stars comic




Fucking die

You're the one shilling it you dumb fucking nigger, no one, LITERALLY NO ONE, would have known what that was from without your stupid autistic ass telling everyone

Get gassed

you seem mad that someone is doing something with their life that they enjoy while you sit at a computer and think you're a white knight for flagging everything lol

Lee has severe mental issues, I'm surprised he hasn't been put away yet.

I can't imagine his family loves him very much for him to have turned out like this

Am i the only one who wants to hold hands with lee?

I'm just letting people know so they can call him out on being degenerate

He really needs help, he denies it and its going to make it worse.
An obsession like this is unhealthy

To make him calm down? Sure

How could he possibly get worse

Kill yourself

how long has he been doing this now anyway? it feels like everybody else stopped caring about mlp years ago

>He really needs help
Say that to the degenerates who still shill their shitty toddlers show

have you tried collecting stamps or something? this isn't a healthy hobby

Lee just because they need help doesn't mean you don't need any.

What about this is normal? You're not even upholding the rules here with how much you ban-evade.

I know many friends who watch MLP, they have girlfriends and are fantastic people.
I am sorry you are obsessed with some peoples interests and I hope you find peace some day

They'll still be shilling and that just can't happen

>Giving a shit about any difficulty outside of the default

Harder difficulties (for the most part) are entirely worthless. All they do is increase enemy health/damage output, and/or reducing the players health/damage output. All that changes is the amount of time spent playing the game. If Mario had a hard mode, making it so it took 5 stomps to kill a Goomba rather than 1, doesn't make the game any harder, everything is just drawn out.

It's rare where developers put effort into their difficulty settings, other than a simple across the board stat modification.

wtf is this where are the video games?

This, essentially. Especially in RPGs. I also hate games that remove key features from the experience just to make it harder.

Hey lee

they're gonna keep shilling anyways

in fact you acting like this makes it more likely to happen

but that's actually what you want isn't it