What is the greatest Castlevania ever made

What is the greatest Castlevania ever made

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SOTN, how is that even a question?

The real answer is PoR but no one will ever admit it because of the horrible anime art

1. Castlevania Bloodlines
2. Castlevania III
3. Castlevania
4. Castlevania SotN
5. Super Castlevania IV
6. Castlevania Rondo of Blood

Never played the rest


umm dont you even read articles by the lovely lady(male) heather alexandra?

>nu-castlevania metroidvania garbage


Best Rainfall of the games but its not the best castlevania.

I fucking wish nu-Castlevania was Metroidvania.

I like PoR better than SotN because replaying shows me how slowly Alucard moves; but playing SotN at first had more omg moments than PoR had and should be recognized as such

whatever one is your personal favorite is the very best one anons

the problem is the amount of versions available
whenever you say which one is the best, someone comes up with a weird msx version that got banned in australia and he found a copy on ebay ....

first: fuck you all
second: Castlevania NES
long answer: IV
next-get answer: eclessia

I actually think that game was really good aside from the Titan boss fights and how low impact the whip combat was.

After going back to the Classicvanias and finishing the NES trilogy and SCIV, I have to say that I think I still prefer SCIV. I really, really love CV3, but I genuinely think its difficulty gets a bit ridiculous in some levels. Even in the JP version, which is significantly easier, that one fucking level with the falling blocks is kind of bullshit.
Though, choosing different characters remedies it somewhat. It's almost like an organic difficulty option, even though I don't think that's the intent.
I think SCIV is well balanced and feels good to play. The difficulty is a bit on the easy side before at least getting to the castle levels and some levels are just straight up boring, but the overall experience is really solid and I always enjoy my time going through it from start to finish every now and then.
I'm torn on whether to skip Dracula X and go for Rondo of Blood, or to play both of them. My time with Dracula X on the SNES was not very pleasant, but is it worth re-visiting? It's considered a butchered port, so I'm not sure if I should skip it.

Amiga's port of Castlevania.

Every other opinion is literally wrong.

skip it

Better question.

What is the best boss theme in castlevania?

Just emulated the PC Engine version of Rondo.

Just know that Rondo is a bit overrated, the level design is pretty shit compared to the NES games and 4.

>Ctrl + F
>Aria of Sorrow
>0 results
wtf is wrong with you people

Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness.

I liked them FUCK YOU.

Yeah, I take it RoB is more of a set piece focused game? At least that's the impression I get from seeing the footage of it.

Portrait of Ruin aka CharlotteJonathan

I don't know about the best, but I enjoyed them too.

Learn to shield dash.

SOTN, but most metroidvanias after it are pretty solid too. There's a few I haven't played yet though, like Circle of the Moon. I could never really get into the linear Castlevania games, just wasn't my thing.

I liked Dawn more than Aria, even though it had a shit artstyle and those finicky touch controls.

Lament of Innocence was amazing specially the theatre stage. Elementals were great at blind runs when you had no idea what was going on, The Forgotten One is a memorable boss in my opinion lots of gore and stuff got stuck on my teen brain, Medusa fight was really fun.

Curse of Darkness was beyond enjoyable, felt like a huge game if you wanted to 100% it, steal mechanic added a lot of fun and IDs were a blast to play with. Endless tower and the other one were actually challenging for me during my first run and farming for special IDs and crafting items like the laser blade or whatever that purple laser whip was, was tons of fun.

I've always been interested in LoI. Does it emulate well?

It's a toss up between Dawn of Sorrows and Symphony of the Night. Both have great set pieces and bosses.

unironically the first one

>no filler
>straight and to the point
>levels and enemy placement are top tier
>the final 3 bosses are GOAT if you don't cheese like a fag
>nugame+ for fellow masochists
>no homosexuals

thinking about trying castlevania 3, asides from that the rest of the series looks like trash

The final boss is kind of shit. The first form at least. It's not very challenging, but it takes so goddamn long.

3 is great nigga go play it.

If you like CV1, you'll likely enjoy CV3. Just play the Japanese version though. It's got way better music and a better difficulty curve.


aria of sorrow will always hold a special place in my heart


>And you!

Castlevania IV

Also, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest is NOT as bad as people make it out to be. It's just cryptic at times.

I play it on PS2.

prorate of ruin is just symphony on steroids
could do with out that shit art style

worst castlemania ever

No need, when you've played the best.

The adventure rebirth



Backdash, sheild dash, wolf charge, bat charge
He's only slow if you just walk around.

That’s a matter of personal opinion but sotn and rondo are held in high regard

Why does James love IV so much?



fuck it post vampire killers youtube.com/watch?v=Xj7NMumwxB4

Because it's easy.

hollow knight

Circle of the Moon is fucking garbage ruined by the dash boots. Underneath lies a quite fun game, the dash boots soil it.
Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: you literally can't.

what is your autistic problem with the dash boots?

The constant double tapping is a bit tedious, but I still think it's a good game. The castle is definitely fun to explore and there are some really cool bosses. Not to mention, it's one of the only Metroidvanias that are actually somewhat challenging. Especially early on.
I also really like the visuals. Even if AoS technically is more graphically impressive, the darker gothic style of CotM is a lot closer to Classicvania and I appreciate that a lot.
Has one of the best Dracula designs too.

>You will never learn about the gallery in PoR from watching CHEAT! ever again


Its kinda the opposite in my opinion, the multiple paths in each level make it so the game can't be as tightly designed as the earlier games were.

I replayed Curse of Darkness and all I can say the OST is GOAT. Greatest CV though? Really?

This is easily the best 3d castlevania.

What the fuck, I never knew about this, you don't have to kill the qt vampire twins? Time to give PoR a replay.

Demon's Crest

If you want better music play the japanese version of CV3, if you want a harder than should be legal version play the US version of CV3, EU version is inferior all around.


>calling metroidvanias "nu"

fucking kill yourself retard. i bet SOTN is older than you are.

>He never got the true ending
I hope this is bait or PoR was your first metroidvania

Great game but holy shit the characters are gay af

>Classic Style
3 > 1 > Rondo > Adventure: ReBirth > 4 > X68000 > Dracula X SNES > 2

>Exploration Style
AoS > SotN > PoR > DoS > OoE > CotM > HoD

I really really hate them because they ruin an otherwise solid entry in the franchise, specially considering it was the first entry on the GBA.
The entire mechanic is deeply flawed and unnecessary. I had to track down a hex cheat to autodash and I had a jolly good time with the game from there on out.

I wouldn't be so pissy about them if the mechanic added anything meaningful to the gameplay.
What do you, as a player, gain from walking instead of running? I can wait, name just one. And consider that you get them 5 minutes into the game. After only 5 minutes of playing, walking is rendered useless.

>Well designed levels
>Very consistent difficult curve

>dude muh freedom

Huh, I dunno, it's been a while since I played PoR so maybe I just forgot I did it. I'm sure I never got the cream pie and paper airplane though. I got the true ending in Dawn using that specific combination of souls, what other Castlevania games had a true ending where you had to do some obscure shit to get?

GQ 2 > DC > GQ

SotN had a few false endings, had to find a pair of glasses to see an orb floating around Richter's head to free him or you killed him and Maria was sad

AoS had something with Graham where you got an incomplete ending, I can't remember what. Also if you died during the Chaos fight you got a neat little sendback to SotN with Julius coming to kill Soma

PoR could end if you killed the sisters instead of cleansing them, and the painting guy came and took them away and fled the castle, ending the game

Here's a fact for ya, you can tap in the opposite for your first tap and then tap the direction you wanna go for the second.

the ending with the sisters it the hardest one to get. For the life of me I could not charge up that stupid attack and it took me like an hour of trying to finally get it

yeah having charlotte pop that spell while keeping them off of her is fucking bitch.

I played as Charlotte exclusively, which made it even harder

>AoS had something with Graham where you got an incomplete ending, I can't remember what.
You had to equip three specific souls in order to get the true ending. You could find three books throughout the game, hinting towards them. I think they were Flame Demon for bullet soul(shoots three fire orbs a la Dracula), Giant Bat for guardian and Succubus for enchant.
Beating Graham with these equipped triggered a cutscene where Soma absorbed all the souls and became Dracula. It was pretty rad seeing that happen the first time. Plus, you get the sick dashing ability right afterwards, making backtracking a whole lot faster.
At that point you could open the shadowy gate in the Floating Garden and battle Julius before entering the Chaos Realm for the final FINAL boss.

Aria of Sorrow, of course.

>You had to equip three specific souls in order to get the true ending.

Flame Demon, Bat King and Succubus.
I replayed the game last week.

kill yourself

Do the DSvania games run well on emulator?

It's the best castlevania, no contest.

>metroidvania shit
>best anything
Play a real Castelvania.

I really have soft spot for Circle of the Moon.

It perfectly balances backtracking and level design from SOTN with gameplay straight out of classic NES castlevanias.

As far as I know, yes. DoS even has a mod that straight up removes the seal bullshit, making it a whole lot more enjoyable.
Don't know about the ice blocks though. You may just have to deal with that shit. Still, shouldn't be too big of a problem since the game never really forces you to move around while breaking them.

It says castlevania in the title.
It's from Konami.

Are you autistic or just a contrarian kid?

>play a real castlevania
>no, not that one that says castlevania on the title, that doesn't count

i like both

>always preferred Castlevanias back in the day
>now prefer Metroidvanias more

I realized this when I tried playing Castlevanias 1-4 recently. Man I don't remember them feeling this terrible to play.

>I think they were Flame Demon for bullet soul(shoots three fire orbs a la Dracula), Giant Bat for guardian and Succubus for enchant.

Why do people hate Harmony of Dissonance again? Is it really the music? I thought it was a pretty damn good SotN clone.


it's dull

camera was fuckin atrocious. i gave up playing it when i kept gettin killed by shit that comes from off the camera

>Bad animation
>One of the worst palettes ever seen in modern 2D games
>Terrible instrumentation on top of decent compositions when the majority of the series has at least a great soundtrack
>Stupid dash system that uses two buttons instead of one
>Bad castle gimmick that makes exploration tedious
>Spells get rid of any trace of difficulty

>caring about any CHEAT! episodes post-best host
>pic related

man where did that meme go.

same with the 25 year older tree

I hate the break it to you. But that's not Nu-Castlevania. This pachinko machine is.

>rip off of metroid
good joke

Neither were funny so they both got forgotten.

>hurr durr if ur beautiful and have beautiful hair ur gayyy
fuck off