Why do mustards make fun of console fags when at least 90% of pc gamers play at 3rd world tier settings

why do mustards make fun of console fags when at least 90% of pc gamers play at 3rd world tier settings

t. genuinely curious idort

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Anyone who feels the need to belittle others for their gaming choices probably isn't too satisfied with his own.

Most common PC card is like a 970, that's better than PS4 Pro

The meme is about 90% of gaming PC's being shit comes from the fact Steam counts Laptops from 2004 as "gaming PC's" & muddles the stats

Steam stats also counts every single turbo casual who bought skyrim because vidyagems are cool now, installed it, and then never played more than 2 hours.
Since physical copies of PC games that required steam were a thing for a few years, a lot of normies thought to buy into PC gaming when browsing gamestop before never bothering again.

Did it occur to you that 90% of "gaming PCs" are laptops?

It's the same as Sup Forumstards cling to their 'muh white history' this is the only accomplishment they have


Because consoles rely on brand loyalty to exist.
It's even worse than apple.

>Traced from Shantae

what am I supposed to feel here, pity? disgust? a mixture?

>Did it occur to you that 90% of "gaming PCs" are laptops?
Patently false considering most GPU sales come from AIB sales (AKA people buying dedicated GPUs for their gaming PCs).
The most common GPU at the moment is the GTX 1060, which is an XB1X-tier GPU.

I don't get it, is he taking someone else's pixel art and downgrading it so it's more "le retro"?

so much for that mac excellence.

Read the other replies you dumb fuck.

It's traced from Shantae.

3rd worlders cannot afford consoles in their countries because import taxes are such a fucking scam a ps3 cost 1000 US after said tax, non 3rd worlders who buy consoles are just stupid

Probably because the mustards making fun of console fags aren't the same people running Skyrim at 10 fps. That idiot is playing on a mac, btw.

Is traced the right word? They're recolors, he could've done it with whatever the mac version of paint is. Tracing would at least require some sort of hand eye coordination to accomplish.

Why would he trace such a recognizable idle animation? How did he start with Shantae and manage to make it this bad?

So basically he played Skyrim like this?


>at least 90% of pc gamers play at 3rd world tier settings
I'll laugh at them too.


>Dobson almost makes a good point for once
>goes retard just in the opposite direction instead
he's a whole 'nother level of retarded

>what is mining





Something that's only relevant for Q3 FY2017.