Leave it to me, plip

Leave it to me, plip.

Nin nin.

Is Disgaea 5 good? I have it but now that there is a better version I feel as if I'm missing out.

Are you talking about the switch version? If so all it has is the DLC bundled into the game.

It's really fun

Why for does little buns buns go plip?

I want to fuck the bun.

I liked it a lot.

Its a made up word for rabbit sounds.

Does she say "pyon" or something in the Japanese version?

Yeah I think so.

It's fantastic.

And the "better version" is just the base game + all DLC. And the DLC is purely cameo stuff so isn't really necessary, although some are useful units in terms of gameplay.

The only useful unit in Disgaea 5 is Sage.

The basic ability allows you to hit everything on the map in a single turn.

I hope the season pass drops in price.

It does every few months.

My parents taught me that the bunny sound was *sniff sniff*

Anyone have berserk plips?

It was my favorite game in 2015.
I bought a switch for odyssey and bought the switch special edition of Disgaea 5.
The game is really easy to breeze through with all the DLC characters.

Sticky runny bunny cunny

Reminder that Majorita is the best Disgaea loli.

I've never found any art for her berserk form, shit sucks

this is yukimaru. her job is to be the best girl in disgaea. please respect her personal space.

I know. Wild feral loli bun a best.

Do either you have official refs of what it looks like?



Excellent taste brother

Best girl in Disgaea is not even from Disgaea.

Best girl is the one that is with you in every game.

reminds me of that new fotm anime loli with the plump legs.

But Thief was a male unit in the first Disgaea.

What anime?


And he was terrible. Female thief was a huge improvement, but still Magic Knight is best of all.

I want to sniff that bunny

Don't you mean cunny?

Not a lolicon, but I really want to stick it in this bunny.

>Not a lolicon

Playing on PS4, I just started the post games, are divers good to advance on item levels? or should I just keep doing it with the old fashioned way?

Her bunny cunny?

I think it's a bit early for lolis there, do it in the butt.

Why there isnt a much translated doujins of this? the designs of everthing is top tier, and there is almost anything for anybody. You want big tits? you have it; nice ass? there you go; lolis? more than plenty; tentacle or monsters stuff?of course there is and more.

Helps indirectly, since higher floors have more +item level in the bonus gauge.
There's no limit to floors so there is no real way to fuck up an item.

She is beautiful.

what are the best classes on 5? or does Nippon Icchi finally found a way to make a well balacned disgaea?

>best loli
>when Usalia exist and is from the same game

a second best loli perhaps, but Usalia is a fucking miracle

All you need is Sage.
No, they haven't, lol.

The Sage is a must have due to her ability to nuke everything on the field, making her a big help in the item world. Outside of her, just use who you like the most.

>just use who you like the most.

as always, I have at least one archer on my main team, really there is something that I find them so useful on all the games.

I just love dat Unlimited Blade Works they have.

That's the best way to play anyway. That being said, you might want to give Magic Knight a try in 5 as she now gets elemental version of the regular sword skills to play around with.

Good stuff.

It's the least balanced Disgaea ever was.
The only generics that are worth anything are Sages and the various classes with unique support evilities/skills like Angels and that Mad Professor class.
For AoE damage Sages are indisputably the best by such a large margin it's not even funny, and none of the generics can come even remotely close to what uniques like Adel and Kilia put out on single target.
There is basically no point in using any of the regular generics.

no to mention the huge range.

>now gets elemental version of the regular sword skills to play around with.

what, that sounds amazing.

From my exparience there is no point in using anyone but Killia, Adel and Sages at all. They are so OP compared to others that there is just no point even touching others in the postgame.

Like everyone has been saying, Sage is mad OP.
I'm not sure what aspect of the mechanics makes it work like this but her screen clearing attack not only trivializes the item world, but also lets her master classes crazy fast which gives you huge across the board stat increases for some reason (which as far as I can tell the game never actually tells you)

any tips on what kind of item or evilities should I use on the sage? or just whatever?

Nekomata and the Twin Dragon's evilites you get from mastering their class let her attack twice if she doesn't move and attack yet again if the enemy's health is below 10%

I've never played a disgaea game before 5 complete. Do I have any reason to play the games before it?

someone post that Usualia's face during one of the preview segments.

If all you care about is gameplay, probably not. If you like story I'd say they're all worth a shot.

Not really.

If you liked what you played then you might enjoy seeing what the previous games were like along with their stories and mechanics.

Is Zetta in? I might consider buy it

He's DLC.

As DLC on ps4
He's already in the game on switch

Book form or Full Body?

Full body. And petta comes with a weapon that looks like him in book form.

full body nigga! Also his daughter is in too.

It's been a bit since I played but iirc I got mine the female mage evility that reduces SP usage and then some evility that boosts Int dramatically based on how much SP you have left. Might have also thrown in an SP drain ability.
This was more for sustain in the item world than anything else though, other combos would probably be preferable for raw power.

I'll leave this to you. *unzips dick*

Actual question though, is the cast actually good? I actually really hated most of 3 and 4 peps.

Body. There's a weapon that looks like his book form though.
Pram and Petta are in too.

is NIS dead? where's my Disgaea 6?

They're alright. Probably one of the more weaker casts in Disgaea though.

No, not really. The designs are generally good, but the actual characters are incredibly half assed one dimensional cardboard cutouts. A lot of the keypoints were straight up copy pasted from previous games and the character arcs are all incredibly linear, obvious, and always follow the exact same boring pattern.
They are easily the weakest cast a Disgaea game has ever had.

Fuck you, D4 had an amazing cast.

>TFW haven't started Disgaea 5 for Switch yet

Also, Rune Knight best girl

As said before, if you like story, it's worth it. 1 by far has the best story, but its gameplay is so dated after how much they refined the series later that it'd be hard to go back and play it later. If you think you can soldier it out, go for it.

At the very least, 1 and 2 are on PC so you can pirate them to try.

>Twin Dragon's evilites

isnt the dragon's evility a unique one?

There's no better time then the present. Do it for her, user.

Fug. Guess this is it for Disgaea for me.

while I agree with this, I fucking love Usalia and Kilia relationship, really gives the vibe of big brother looking out for his little sister.

Yes, but in 5 you can equip unique evilites of other classes if you master their class and gain another unique evility slot.

Really? I felt that the 4 cast had great synergy.

interesting, thanks for the info.

not too keen on item world changes and too straightforward shonen of story but it's ok.

Usalia and Christo were both great characters. Majorita, while a villain, was also a lot of fun.
Killia was a bit predictable and boring at times, but he was a decent protagonist. Not the best, not the worst.
Red Magus and Seraphina were both weak characters.

The only game that had a cast where every member was great was Disgaea 1.
Even 4, which is the best game and cast since 1, had Fuka and Desco on the side going IT'S JUST A DREAM FINAL BOSS IT'S JUST A DREAM FINAL BOSS the entire game.

Maybe my opinion is shit, but I loved Red Magnus, and never cared for Gordon, Jennifer or Thursday.

I liked Red Magnus, for a big musclehead of a character that only talks about figthing, I actually felt his development as a character, even if predictable, meanwhile seraphina is probably the most static of the cast.

The cast is kinda mixed. I personally feel its much much better as a whole than 3 or 4 but it pales in comparison to the first two games. Usalia was cute, Christo was cool, and Red Magnus was surprisingly one of the better characters. Killia was generic shonen protag as hell and I have no idea what they were going for with Seraphina but it didn't work. Also there was some other guy, think his name started with a Z, super forgettable, just benched the dude soon as I saw him. Honestly completely forgot he existed til just now. Majorita and Bloodis were both fun on the villain side but Void Dark was at least as generic as Killia.
Overall there are far too many unique characters. 4 had the same problem. I miss the days of the first two games, where I only felt obligated to use like 3 unique units; Laharl/Etna/Flonne in 1 and Adell/Rozalin/sorta Yukimura in 2. Sure they gave you other guys like Gordon and his team and Adell's siblings and Tink (lol who used Tink) but they all felt along for the ride enough that you could bench them without feeling too bad.

>Majorita, while a villain, was also a lot of fun.

I actually feel bad for her on the postgame, yeah she is a horrible person, everybody hates her with good reason, but being stuck with a bunch of people that doesnt kill her just because is too much of a trouble is has to be horrible, even if she does it just for no to die of her own curse, just imagine thinking all day that they could get tired of her and drop her away just to wait for the curse to do his thing; no that she tries to actually redeem herself, but still.

Zeroken honestly was OP as fuck for my campaign. He falls off in postgame, but his Overload is fantastic for casual playthrough.

>that yummy brown skin alt color

Why was this bunny deleted?

why are this bunny girl's thighs so fat?

Made for breeding like a bunny.

I've grown fond of her blue hair variation.

I got the game Friday and am only at episode 4 because I'm the kinda guy who spends a shitton of time doing side stuff, like the DLC and the Item World, but so far I'm really enjoying it. It even managed to make me like some of the characters as much as the cast of 1. Red Magnus is SUPER awesome.

I agree with this user. D5's main cast should have been Killia Seraphina Usalia bloodis and Marjorita. One of the problems from D3 onwards is cast bloat. They should focus on a small cast of heroes and have everyone else as side characters.

this game probably has the most planet/moon busting on any giving videogame.

also, how long until we see Disgaea6

Why is that prinny so FAT?