Is this any good ???

is this any good ???
better than the first ???
how is the multiplayer ???
worth playing completionist route ???

it is good
better than the first by far
multiplayer is very interesting and fun
>playing ubisoft games completionist


ive heard some unconvincing things about the game like it sold poorly, the reception wasnt that great and that the game was forgotten pretty fast so that worried me, i tought it wasnt anything special but since i liked the first one ive decided to to ask it here, btw i did 100% in the first one, its not as bad as AC

pretty good.
by a country mile.
actually pretty interesting (I love cops n robbers/ snekking around real people)
ubisoft game so no, fucking duh.

well i even forgot that WD2 had a sequel

the on foot stealth/combat is worse in favor of drones
multiplayer is the same but now includes coop
uhh I guess

what do u mean by a country mile ?? i thought the first one was 4/5 i really liked it, so can u clarify why the second one is better than the first for me ??? cuz im going to buy it soon

and again thanks for all the responses

what do you like about WD1?

It's decent
dunno idc about multiplayer on these kinds of games
fuck no, most of the side content is absolute repetitive trash made in ubisoft, focus on the main story, and you'll get some really fun 15-18h

well almost everything especially the side stuff like city minigames, smartphone apps, digital trips and the QR Code/Investigation missions, the gunplay and the gadgets you could use were amazing too and i liked hacking too ive seen that hacking gets more complex in 2 i didnt like the 2 weapon limit and that theres only 2 types of grenade-like weapons and no more lure but im interested in using drones so, i didnt care much about the story at all i care about the actual gameplay in the game and feeling an alive world which was done well in WD1

this game is better than the first in every way
the world/level design is much better, story isnt nearly as stupid because it doesnt even take itself seriously, stealth/drone/non-lethal gameplay is a lot better, hacking stuff is more common and improved, etc.
if you liked the first then you will love the second because it does everything better

There are a TON of problems with this game. Probably most notably is them hiding tons of briefcases and other collectables on top of buildings you have no way to get to without hacking a scissor lift and riding to the top. If you can't locate one, too bad. Basically anything that requires you to climb stuff is awful in this game. The rest of it is all right, but god help you if you want to collect everything.

well the first one has maybe one of the worst protags in video game history, and while I know some people get all fussy about this guy and his cast being a bunch of hipster youths or whatever they're waaaaay better than WD1's shit cast and retarded mannequin protagonist. The gameplay in 1 is also really just like your standard open world ubisoft game. Everything just felt like an assembly line open world game with "press square and sometimes something not usefull will happen". The sequel flushes out a lot of the hacking and other mechanics to make it feel like it's own game. Basically this game is what I feel ubi was trying to sell me with the first one, only this ones real.

By a country mile he means it's significantly better than the first game

its just the same game with a few small improvements and you play as a nigger, wait till it's cheaper

oh yeah finding ways to climb up building was EXTREMELY SHOEHORNED IN like fuck why i coudlnt take them with my quadcopter ???? and all the parkour was scripted shit ive spent minutes trying to find a way to climb a simple fucking way, all that methodical approach to get a simple item infuriated me, FUCK YOU UBISOFT YOU SUCK AT GAMINGCREATIONTHING

Are you underage because you type like a fucking child

worst protags ever ??? no way he was just a merciless, cold-hearted killer thats all hes no different than your usual mute fps protag, for most part hes fine, WD2 had problems in tone that i couldnt ignore, all that character was presenting themselves as white knight sjw saviors and peacemakers but if u take the aggressive route you could murder a freaking guard with you assault rifle, a simple innocent guard that was doing its job and had a family, the problem with the tone here is ridiculous, its the fault of ubi's stupid ''play your way'' approach of gamemaking, they could just pick the karma system from WD1 and improve it so if u kill someone ''innocent'' or harm civillians u get penalized but no fuck that they dont think at all when making games, everything is

>!!!1 ..(..

this game probably has the best graphics of all time.

its such a shame these types of open world games force you to play as a set character and don't allow you to create your own character.

op here

i wanted to know what about 2 was better than the first one cuz i thought WD1 was 4/5 and if its better than 1 its probably 5/5

also use your mouth of war next time

Yes it's very good
Much better than the first
Multiplayer is fine for coop but pvp is a mess
Sure if you like collectathons

forgot pic

>tfw no mod to make the main character white/latino/japanese
I hate when games push me away by the race of the main character

>no one here mentioned how the physics, driving and driving physics got worse in 2 when they were pretty chity in the first one ??

OK maybe now I see where your at, I legitimately hate both of these games as third person shooters and have no point of reference for either when the game is played like that. So when your just looking at gameplay and actually put some focus on that side of the gameplay I could see where you're coming from.

Am I in bizzarro Sup Forums right now?

>edgy its wot iam lux etme

I couldn't tell you, OP.

I have it sitting on Uplay, waiting to start. Except the shitty fucking launcher doesn't fucking work, so you can't play the game

Just pirate it so it'll run better than the official game

looks blurry

woah woah woah, what game did you play. The u-play rewards car in WD1 was LITERALLY the only one that was even drivable. The second one's nothing to write home about but it's serviceable, which is more than I can say for the first one.

captured from playing youtube video

thanks for being respectable and civilized and i want to correct something is said before when i said grenade weapons i didnt meant grenades launchers or such i meant the secondary items you could carry like focus boost, ied, frag grenade, proximity ied, lure, jam comms, insta-blackout, communication disruption and such and having also the abillity to craft them using items on your inventory all that were more conceptually speaking better to me i think WD2 certainly improved a lot of area when compared to the first one but it also removed tons of things present in the first one, why they didnt bring digital trips back ??? it would fit so well with the tone of the game like one maze-runner like digital trip where everything was rainbowy and colored and marcus was running at 100km/h jumping obstacle and such ?? just a idea i had WD2 was just TOO FOCUSED and SIMPLE having more secondary things would have helped it out, like for example putting more apps to buy on appstore like cellphone or augmented reality games like the coin collector or low poly alien invasion to buy and play but no, they all forgot about that and made a simpler game ill give it a 3/5 while i give 4/5 to the first 1 well at least WD2 finished the story without cliffhangers and such we dont need a WD3 at all

no a mute FPS protag is a self insert, this guy is a character that lacks any actual fucking character. He lacks any defining characteristics any none of his motivations make sense.

And what your were talking about with marcus is called ludonarrative dissonance and boy are you right about that. WD1 had that a bit too but WD2 has a terminal case of it. I really didn't it feel it as bad as I could of because I wasn't using guns in these games (I think these games are absolute shit when played like a normal shooter) but yea I imagine that shit is jarring as fuck if your mowing down security guards and running over civilians.

no one cares about the game anymore, so only ppl who bought it and enjoyed are here

I didn't really like the AR stuff but yea the digital trips would've made a lot more sense to be in this game.

>is this any good ???
better than the first ???

but the first was absolutely disgracefully atrocious


it's more GTAV 2.0 then WDs
ok if you like UBISOFT OPEN WORLD games

extremely yes
dunno, pirated it
fuck no

i think it would be a better game
if they removed the player's guns entirely and focused on using your 'hacking' abilities to set traps, by far the most fun way to do missions was by drones while sitting outside the building with a laptop

that would actually be original, so they couldn't do that, it's a GTA clone after all

I wanted to play as the Sombra qt

Holy shit, you are a fucking child.
How can someone this blatantly underage not have been reported and mocked out of this board?

Yeah it's a shame that it's ubisoft making it and they can't stray too far from the guns and cars formula. I think it's been pointed out before in this thread that the ostensibly 'good' protagonists who spend 90% of the game goofing around are still murderers.
You do for like, two minuites in the final mission, all she does is run across a roof, it's dumb.

finally someone with taste.

Sup Forums is a blue board. There is nothing wrong with being underage here.

I picked it up recently for $20 since i'm admittedly a sucker for the AAA stealth-em-up games (although i'm never gonna pay full price for one).

It's ok I guess? Idk, it's not really doing anything for me. I can't stand the characters. Admittedly, kinda liked WD1 more even if there was no reason to use any gun beyond your first silenced pistol.

Yes there is but I'm not going to hound anyone about it because WD2 is unfairly hated here due to 'sjw propaganda' when the game itself is pretty fun and the sjw shit isn't as obnoxious as Ubisoft's dipshit marketing team made everyone think.
You can pet dogs, you can call the police on a random person, then call a gang to attack the police, you can do this while dancing on top of a van, you can then make that van run people over or drive of a cliff, still dancing, you can go pet a dog afterwards. You can do almost every mission without ever entering the restricted areas using a combination of drones, security cameras and calling cops/gangs on targets, along with turning their own security robots against them. Pedestrians have long, detailed conversations with each other and have 4 different emotional states that alter their behavior.
I like this game and I wish it starred a cast of white supremacist ukranians so we could discuss it here.

nice idea, jsut remove the ''agressor'' build and force people just to play with trickster or stungun/stealth takedown approach would fit much better with the tone of the gayme

whaterver man, fuck

>Sup Forums hates sjws

lol since fucking when

You do make good points.
But having it both a black MC AND a frisco hipster trash made it impossible to defend.
Everyone still loves CJ.

>Sup Forums is a blue board. There is nothing wrong with being underage here.
Are you fucking retarded?
Global Rule #2, you dense cunt. Global means it applies to all boards. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Being a blue board just means NSFW content is not allowed. You still have to be 18 or older to come here.

haven't tried
completionist is more frustrating than satisfying tbqh

Ironic considering that there's a frisco analogue in San Andreas too.

What the FUCK is this this nu-male posting all over Sup Forums?

Exactly, I barely found a use for guns and the shooting mechanics weren't particularly good anyway. I think aggressor was the last thing i put points into.
Ideally they could ditch the skill tree altogether and just let you play the game as a hacker-wizard right from the start.

that would be cool but those upgrade and skill trees are a modern game's things they cant just be removed like that and bam

Tell me you're kidding.

The gunplay was fucking crap. There was no sense of momentum or physics to the shooting. Shoot someone in the foot, and they still keel over and die like they got shot in the gut.

OP samefagging aside, I thought it was good and better than the first one. I like San Fran, missions are actually lets you play it with different playstyles, and the side contents are decent. The shooting and driving is still kinda ass. The plot and the main character was boring as fuck but that's how all the writing in modern ubisoft games.

I rate it bretty good/10

Same with the guns, but i can at least fantasize.

ofc im samefagging im instered to discuss if the game is any good and such before i dive fully into it, whats your problem ?

My problem is that you type like an underage nigger on instagram

yeah yeah, whatever you say dude

>spend years modding GTAV to perfection
>customizing everything from ped behavior, vehicle handling to blood and gore and especially gunz
>playing vanilla ubishit feels like Fischer Price toddler shit
fuck them for not allowing mods

Boiz I could only play it on medium low settings. Even then, the granted were dropping out badly. I tried all sorts of resolutions but anything g under 900 makes the game Look so blocky. I guess my fx4300 and gtx1050 2gb 8gb ram isn't cutting it. I was gutted as the game looks so good on YouTube