Why was this game not delayed if it was unfinished? Why did Nintendo release it so early?

Why was this game not delayed if it was unfinished? Why did Nintendo release it so early?

they wanted it to release at the same time as the first pirates of the caribbean film

>gamecube sales trash due to shitty mini discs and lack of cd/dvd reading

Because nintendo wanted you and an entire generation of gamers to have bad memories associated with a zelda and mario game.

wait what?
how was it unfinished?

ITT: Sup Forums hates good games. Oh well, maybe things will be different tomorrow.

funny considering miyamoto was the one who coined that phrase about a a delayed game being eventually good, but a rushed game being forever bad

>never noticed how they just give you the 3rd pearl, the fire and ice arrows, the power bracelet, and the iron boots

>good games

Nice bait, here's your (You).

sunshine is garbage. wind waker is good. twilight princess is garbage

It probably wasn't his decision though.
If anything, it was Iwata's fault since he was the executive producer.

Here's another (You), along with a smug animu girl.

"something something rushed game bad forever, delayed game eventually good" - miyamoto san

>Wind Waker released March 24, 2003
>First Pirates of the Caribbean film released July 9, 2003

Miyamoto was also producer.

Ever wonder why dungeons are evenly paced until the last quarter or third of the game where you hunt around for Triforce pieces?

that would prove OP's point further

Honestly? Aonuma is a faggot. Wind Waker needed at least another year and Aonuma's missteps as a director hindered the series for the next decade

>if TWW had been delayed TP wouldn't even have existed and the exclusive Zelda for the Wii wouldn't have taken 5 years in the console's lifetime to be released.

That would have been the best timeline because TP is honestly the worst.

TP is far better than WW and SS you faggot.

So? They give you the light medallion in ocarina of time. Saria just gives you the fairy ocarina. Pretty dumb to have people giving you items be some kind of indicator that the game is unfinished, as though that can't happen.

It's not unless you're a blind faggot. TP will always be the worst.

People got butthurt when OoT was delayed.


There's an interview where Aonuma admits WW game was rushed.