Why do autists always pretend to be away/offline on steam

Why do autists always pretend to be away/offline on steam

maybe I want to play video games

maybe I dont want you to link me to your discord or that epic funny youtube video

>tfw I just remove the people I don't like instead of being a ghost for months/years
You guys should try that, it makes your life a lot better.

Why do autists like yourself care?
Do you intend to incessantly harass them for the nth fucking time because you don't have any real friends?

Look at them and laugh, they would rather pretend to like you and waste years of their lives than just being honest.
Imagine being this weak.

Because you fags are like Jehovah witnesses you gotta fucking hide to get away from them because they'll drag you down to their misery.

Go away. Freakin' go away, you creep.
So tired of this.

Just remove them online people don't mean much.

for the past 10 years I've seen Dana Snyder multiple times every year and know him on an email basis. You can now jerk me off.

>(friend) is now playing: Sleep (zzz)

>Go online because I want to talk to one person
>Get messages from 6 other people and get pinged in servers
>Stay invisible and talk to one person
>Am not bothered

Not exactly rocket science.

Bothered enough to become invisible and make this gay blogpost.

it's probably because you're a fag and add other fags
I have 30+ friends and maybe get a random message from one of them once a month. Honestly I don't know why I even bother.

Why do you add people if you never want to communicate with them?

i don't want anyone to see that I'm playing Lego Star Wars

>go online
>trap I met playing CSGO messages me "sent me a picture of your feet"
>I reply "no"
>later in the day I'm playing csgo casual with some friends
>trap secretly joins game and listens to me and my friends conversation
>starts talking out of nowhere and being lewd


>starts talking out of nowhere and being lewd

g-go on

>shame someone as an autist for not wanting to be social all the time
>wondering why they don't want to be social with you
If these concepts are too much for you to handle, you're the autists in this situation.

can't have one steam thread without fags

What more is there to say

I'm being cyber molested by a cute girl (male) that I added for ERP reasons

they're the ones who start them
fuck off faggot

I'm answering OP's question you donut.

Nah, I just join a lot of places. Usually I like talking a lot but some days I'm not feeling it as much and only want to talk to a close friend or two.

>Friend from work wants to play game with me
>He's actually pretty cool and I enjoy talking to him
>Sends me shit in game
>Not sure what to say
>Log off, plan on thanking him tomorrow, might act like I didn't even know the platform had a chatting system

What's wrong with me.

Hey Carl, why are you behind the couch?

sorry my dude, but i came here specifically to laugh at you


How pathetic are you to be this clingy over a fake-friend

All you fucks complaining about being messaged. I WISH just one fuck person would show an interest in me when I go online. I end up deleting the shitheads that either never respond or constantly make up excuses not to play. Surprise, surprise, my friends list is barren. But fuck, it's better than being disappointed by you autist who ignore people because it makes you feel like the cool kids form high school.


the one episode where carl literally did nothing wrong

Maybe you're an asshole and that's why nobody likes you.

>because it makes you feel like the cool kids form high school.
That's not the reason at all though. Some of us are socially disabled or just hate ourselves that much.

because theres this one guy who always messages me wanting to play PUBG or total war with me and the fact is sometimes i dont want to play those games but i don't wanna tell him that because what if he stops wanting to play with me altogether im bad at making friends online

>He isn't cool enough that people want his attention

This. No point in having friends on your friend's list if they don't respond or play games with you. It's a friend's list, not a talk once and never talk again list.

this is what everyone should do

>have no friends
>try to engage with randos and talk; gain gaming buddies
>have one good conversation, play one good game
>never hear from them again
>try to message them get no response or classic 'busy'
>say 'fuck friends' and go back to lone wolfing shit

What a load of shit. How does getting attention agitate this more?

Story of my life.

For me personally it triggers a shit ton of social anxiety I have, plus I've crashed like 95% of all my close relationships into flames due to my own faggotry. So now I just become distant to anyone that wants to be with me romantically or friendship wise. I can't even turn it off at this point.

"Hey man, thanks for always inviting me. I don't usually wanna play PUBG, but when I do I'll hit you up."

I cant speak for everyone but I hide more because I'm a social autist who's spooker being hit up playing vidya than I am a cool kid. I also doubt I somehow have it better than you.

Then don't fucking lead people on by adding them to your list and giving them a pity play the 5% of the time the stars align and your hormones ain't shit.

I removed most people. I just play offline games now. Im tired of playing in parties n shit

It's not that simple.

Sometimes I just want to play a game without having my friends calling me a fag for not wanting to play with them at that moment, that and I've been slowly turning into a socially inept fuck with low self esteem.

I am a grade a fucking douche to my online friends yet they still always want me on and join them. No fucking idea why either

>cool kids in hs
>not forming your own small group of good friends
Sucks to be a teen?

And I'm not but get ignored. Apparently autistic gamers like being cucked by chad gamers as much as they enjoy it in their porn.

I'm sure thinking your psyche is uniquely complex helps you sleep at night. I'm honestly jealous.

I stopped playing online with friends cause its either them calling you a fag or being way too competitive. Online gaming culture is shit too.

I never said that. Christ, you sure do come out swinging don't you?

>I'm honestly jealous
Not me, I'd rather be a sad recluse than some neglected cunt.

Quit being so fucking paranoid. If you want friends act with confidence. People are drawn to leaders confidence and know what they're doing and talking about.

How do I make friends Sup Forums?
I've been alone so long now.

I have friends, just none online and none interested in the shit I'm in. I've gotta fake being a normie to have fake normie friends. I'm probably just fishing in the wrong pond. Gamers have proven to be socially inept.

>it's not that simple
Being an emotional lonely princess must be nice.

Hell if I know. The steam friend threads meme probably wont work out, so try checking popular games that have dedicated sub communities.

Can you imagine being such a salty shitstain that you think the people in SFT are too alpha for you?

Oh yeah, because I'm sure some arm chair psychologist on Sup Forums knows much more about my mental state than I do. Hell, like I said it's probably better than not being able to communicate at all. Keep blaming everyone else for your own issues, fag.

Sometimes I don't want to talk with people but I still like you so deleting you would be crazy. Surely that is not hard to understand?


What kind of fucked up all or nothing mentality is that?

when a new multuplayer game comes out, establish yourself on that /vg/ thread

>Join /vg/ thread
>Sort out the shitters from the decent users
>Make friends
>Bide your time until inevitable drama collapse of that server
>Invite not shit people to new server

It's a winning formula. Bonus points if you do this multiple times.

>online friends
don't do this
The layer of impersonality that the internet provides makes these "friendships" inherently weak and fleeting, we are already strongly fighting against our nature by sitting on our asses all day in front of a monitor.

Online friendships are friendships what a sedentary lifestyle is to lifestyles, there's no healthy way of doing it.

>there's no healthy way of doing it.
This. Just go outside and make some friends, may seem tough at first but you'll get the hang of it. Humans literally were not built to communicate this way.

You must be obnoxious or are probably trying to hard to get people to like you.

Yep, online friends are pretty lame. Now substituting human interaction with talking in to a faceless voiceless cesspool, that is where its at.

>sign in
>HEY user LOL LOOK AT THIS NEW MLP/Rick and Morty/Reddit/imgur/tumblr/ifunny/random meme
>HEY user ARE YOU THERE?? :((
Maybe because people want some time to themselves away from your loud obnoxious autism and shitposting, did that ever occur to you? Is not answering the door or phone now also "weakness"?

Because I'd rather have fun playing a game than waste my precious time with some one-dimensional retard.

Anyone that would deride you for playing Lego Star Wars is not someone you should associate with.

The point is that you should just delete the person instead of pretending to be busy and wasting both his and your times.

Because they're self important and add friends only to act like it's a chore to talk to them.

>just delete the person
Maybe I enjoy playing with them or interacting with them though?
Maybe I just had a shit day at the office and I don't feel like dealing with the same old same old?

if you dont want that slut send her my way. Ill even give her money..

Then just tell them that instead of doing the equivalent of a cunt face and putting on headphones while pretending to not hear them.
Why aren't you being honest with your so-called friends? Could it be that you don't actually consider them friends and instead just wanted a 1000 friends badge?

Who are the people that complain about online friends hiding anyways? Are these the kinds of people that need to talk always or troll posts about traps that need to let it all out or what

>I'm obligated to bend over and present my asshole to my friends for everything in my personal life
>I'm obligated to give people I like a comprehensive rundown of why I may or may not feel like interacting with them right now
No, but whatever, I can tell someone you're clinging to obviously ignored you for a bit and now you're going to be on here crying endlessly.

Look up codependency and sort yourself out.

Steam friends aren't real friends.

because im masturbating in VR

>I've wasted the best years of my life here talking with people I'll never know
screaming into the abyss indeed

>having to explain all that to like the five people that message me daily

Or just understand that people don't want to hang out all the time, clinglord. CLINGLORD.

Nice strawman fäm, you could just say you aren't in the mood right now and such.
God, why am I tutoring autists on how to act like normal human beings? If you think a person is clingy then obviously the "friendship" isn't mutual and both of you would be better off if you just made that clearer by deleting him.

>Constantly have to turn new games on and off to change settings/make sure the game is running properly
>Sometimes like to turn a game on for a few minutes and then turn it off
>Don't want to bother people with constant notifications that I'm playing a game
>No one ever sends me messages when I am online anyway

So I just keep myself set to offline because it doesn't really matter anyway.

If you are so offended by this, it's kind of a given you are a clingy fuck.

Actually no, I'm the quiet guy that hates clingy people and deals with it by deleting them instead of living a lie.

No user, we're calling YOU clingy, because you're having an autistic shitfit about that time you were ignored.

The lonely nerd then. One way or the other you don't really understand friendship.

Please, do remain in your cave.

Clinginess is simply a symptom of an asymmetric friendship, I had my fair share of clingers both online and IRL when I was a kid but today I learned that everyone is better off by being sincere, it's a lot less painful.

I go offline when having a problem with a game where I have to repeatedly reopen it so I don't spam my friends with notifications

>Want to fap, watch something, read something
>Don't want to be disturbed
>Somehow this makes me autistic


Nigga clearly you were the clinger.

There's obviously a difference between going away once in a while but if you're "busy" more often that not then odds are you a pathetic fuck thinking steam friends is a collectible card game.

>it's hurtful when they don't pay attention to me

Dude you are clingy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck are you even listening to what you are saying?

Clearly you are retarded but that's a given since you're here defending the cancerous concept of pretending to be friends with people because you're too much of a passive pussy to anything "drastic".

Yeah if only that person would have told you what an annoying faggot you are instead of rightfully ignoring your ass, would have hurt your poor fee fees much less that way.

>playing game I enjoy
>friend messages me
>"hey come play BORING MAINSTREAM GAME #x with me"

About half of my friends have shit tastes and think I do too. If they really wanted to play a game with me, they'd message me on Skype or something.

It's autistic if you're signed into Steam 24/7.

Sign out. Better yet, don't add anyone.

Did I hit a nerve?
I don't mind if you angrily lash out at me since my advice clashes with your autistic worldview, but just consider it.

If your only argument is saying "no u" when I already made it clear that I'm not the clingy type then this discussion ends here since you're clearly a hysterical child that can't formulate decent arguments, but that's natural since you know I'm right and you're just blindly defending yourself with whatever random shit you thought up.

>>Don't want to bother people with constant notifications that I'm playing a game

Is there a way to turn it off so I don't see it?

Who hurt you?

>use chat service with online friends
>eventually they get obsessed with tortanic literally all they would talk about and play
>eventually just turn it off, showing up every so often to keep up appearances and blatantly lie to their face that I'll play yet never do
>they also have steam so I have to go offline there too
I'm a great friend! Thankfully they've recently seemed to have gotten bored and finally started to play other shit for once that I actually join and have fun with

>H-heh! Did I hit a nerve?

We are just pointing out the obvious, bro. Need to reevaluate your life.