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MS is pears. Sold everywhere, but no one is ever craving fucking pears


I can see this
brunch of grapes is something for everyone


Name a better fruit.

I dare you.

What fruit is Nintendo? A banana?

This is actually a decent commentary on how low quality internet tier lists are.


>mid tier
kys my dude

what the fuck is wrong with your taste?

tomatoes are the best fucking thing that comes out of this fucking rock, pleb.

Dragon fruit's flavor is too sutble and is lost when you eat in any other form other than its natural one. Its shit

what the fuck man

please don't post gore

>this is what tastebudlets actually believe

>green apple above red delicious
Do a short jump off a tall cliff. Please and thank you.


>insides look like intestines
>after cleaning one, hands are all "bloody"
>alien mouth on one end
>super good for blood circulation
Is pomegranate the most metal fruit?

>Dragon fruit that high
Literally just eating a tastes water balloon

>Stawberries that fucking low along with watermelon
Holy shit improve your shit tatses

I always thought melon tasted way better than watermelon

The absolute madman

But that's one of the only things he got right

Fuyu Persimmons a best
Hachiya Persimmons a shit

>Pears and Strawberries are low tier
>Pomegranates are god tier
Such shit taste

Elder god tier

Tasteless white filth? I bet you like McNuggets faggot.

>God Tier

literally just shittier version of an apple

pic related is the underrated as fuck

Where is honeydew melon? It's the thinking man's melon. I 100% agree with cantaloupe being shit tier though. NO one fucking likes cantaloupe.

>lemon at subhuman

ohh look at mr sugartooth right there, how cute is he?

>liking red delicious apples
what the absolute fuck


>not eating cantaloupe and honeydew together as god intended

tag your gore/pomegranates, asswipe


All of you are pansies.

The fucking outline of the dip canister in his pocket where his jeans are wearing out around it is the most Texan thing in that picture.

>tfw there's a point where pomegranates stop tasting good and start tasting like nail polish

whatever to say, you fucking underage.

>dissing limes

How do you know what nail polish tastes like?

The scent of nail polish is pretty strong enough to make you taste it.

Oh, God. I came here to post this.

I don't even know what are these two "god tier" fruits next to pinneaple.

That's the thing. I love honeydew but I fucking hate cantaloupe. I'm not even sure why cantaloupe is even a fruit, it has no real taste. Watermelon tastes like "watermelon", honeydew tastes like "honeydew melon"" but cantaloupe tastes like "melon". Just fucking melon. It tastes like a fucking melon and that's it. Where's everything else? What's the point of a bland melon? Even red apples have a distinct taste and has it's own identity but cantaloupe's taste is just so basic and generic that nothing comes to mind. It's like I'm playing Super Mario Brothers 2. Yeah, it's a "Mario" but it's got nothing that makes it good. Super Mario Brothers 1 is the most popular and the one you think of when you hear "Mario" like watermelon is with the word "melon" and red is with the word "apple". Honeydew melon may not be the most popular melon, it's got a unique taste and quality that sets it apart from the others, just like Super Mario Brothers 3. For reference, yellow apples would be the equivalant of cantaloupes and Super Mario Brothers 2 but I'd much rather eat a yellow apple than either of the other two.


Never a more perfect time for this gif then now
Also plantains that low? Neck yourself famalam

There's no point in comparing Sony and Microsoft. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

>all this shit taste
>No based papaya on the list

You got me user


Smell != taste

>eating plantains

Ok niggeroni.

>the entire God Tier that high
>Peaches that high
>Mangos that low
>Strawberries that low
>Grapes that low
>the entire Subhuman Tier that low
You could honestly flip the entire list on its head and probably get something better

>god tier made out of three meme fruits

Excuse you I'm a spicattoni tyvm

That's a good way to get bitten

Dude, put salt on a cantaloupe. Salt brings out the flavor of a fresh cantaloupe.

oranges are clearly better then apples. they produce nicer juice and theyre refreshing. eating an apple is a disgusting experience. its like eating a raw potato and the skin is horrible. plus apple sauce is shit and ruins everything you put it on

>not eating plantain chips

Let's see your other fruits do that, faggaroni.

I'd kill for a store near me to sell a seeded watermelon. Everyone only sells seedless anymore

Brush your teeth, senpai. Then you won't have to break your teeth whenever you bite into an apple.

If they didn't rot my teeth and have tons of sugar I would eat a caramel apple every day. Fuck off.

>blackberries aren't even present

Elder God Tier established

Don't mind me, just being the best apple variety.
Honeycrisp can eat a dick

They look like shit. I bet they're sour too.

I kind of what to stick my dick into a pink lady if you catch my drift

These and Gala apples are baller.

I love me some frozen green pepper slices

Don't you fucking talk shit about raspberries and tomatoes you little faggot

>not gravensteins


>he doesn't eat pineapple until he has acid burns in his mouth

>Grow a red apple
>Call it a pink apple
Why is this allowed?

>fuck pork

Whoever made this knows nothing of Texas

there's over 200 varieties of apples if ya put red in the name it's just sounds too obvious.

Juicy, watery pears are delicious, though.

*clears beercans away from mic* Not enough fat people for you, buckaroo?

>Dragonfruit and Pineapple that high
That has to be the worst god tier I've ever seen in any list

Not enough fat people, not enough hot blonde sluts, not enough mexicans, not enough guns

Also not a singular heavy duty truck

>Juicy AND watery at the same time
You literally can't use these two words in the same sentence when talking about a fruit unless you're trying to tell me that you only eat your pears after dipping them in water. Are you an ESL or something?

>Pomegranates and dragonfruit anywhere but in subhuman tier
one is disgustingly overly sweet and the other tastes like nothing

>my favorite fruit isn't on here

yeah the fact they put chilis and tomatoes on is egregious in it's own right but then they go so far as to put something like dragon fruit on there but then don't list other snowflake fruits like passion or star fruit. While completely omitting the patrician fruits quince and figs

I'll take everything in subhuman tier and make a godlike salsa with it.

pomegranate and dragonfruit (pitaya)