Leave negative review on weeb game

>leave negative review on weeb game
>In 2 hours get 36 downvotes and 4 comments
Why are weebs so salty 'people'?

Other urls found in this thread:


>download weeb game
>wtf its a weeb game

If you can't figure out why people dislike your "review" then I'd suggest you to consult your doctor if you have autism.

its because anime and anime-esque stuff is all they got. They're also massively retarded because all the blood goes to their penis, which means their brains tend to have a severe lack of oxygenated blood.

>hates weebs
>download weeb game to write a shitty review to trigger weebs
why are anti-weebs so autistic?

Are you eight?

>weeb game
if only you fucking knew

t. triggered weebs

Damn nigga play something other than dota 2

Why it is psychological horror?


You can find out for yourself, game is free and explaining it removes some of the appeal.
the format and presentation of the game is a ruse, around halfway through one of the girls dies and the game becomes a lot darker with everyone going crazy. There are no happy routes, the game's interface starts to fuck with you, and its an overall spooky time.


Is it worth buying in your opinion? I only have a Laptop at the moment and I'm looking for some nice VN to pass the weekend.

Fuck me, the game is free. Nice.

Can you read

congrats you doxxed my 4th dota smurf account
>so buttblasted he actually doxxed me xd

Are you 12 years old?

I thought it was neat and I don't even play VNs. I found out about it, tried it out as a bit of a joke, but got invested. You've got nothing to lose. Just pay attention to the warnings.

W-what warnings user?

>take a steamy dump in the Dark Souls 2 aisle (before SotFS)
>post valid criticism against the game
>people downvote because they don't like what they read
Still the worst game in the series.

761 hours on DOTA shit and you're saying there's more? How big of a faggot are you?

>dota player
you're no longer allowed to post negatively about weebs as you're now on the level of inbred peruvians and drunken russian retards


fuck off

I've got 7500 hours in dota which isnt much. Pros have 10k+.

>Psycological Horror

I really thought someone dug up a random review and posted it here for (You)s. Now I see that we're among underaged company.


Weebs are jaded and salty because they're very sad and lonely, many of them have mental problems etc.

the warnings

That is an abnormally fast response time for review ratings. Would explain why there are so many weebshit games with 90%+ ratings, they attack anyone who disagrees with them. Weebs can dish it, but they can't take it.

So its basically that flash game, but in visual novel format.

There's a difference between leaving a well thought-out and decent constructed review and just shitting on a game without giving any reasons.

Weebs don't like it when you criticize Japanese game's

People who buy VNs on stream aren't weebs they're ironic weebs.

imagine spending the time it took to make a shitpost on steam, crop a screenshot of it, and post it on Sup Forums

it's very lovecraftian

The game is literally free and still overwhelmingly positive.

so 30 seconds?

>7.5k in a MOBA
You're just as pathetic as the weebs, fuck off

>make bait
>be surprised when people who aren't used to baits respond to it

There is nothing wrong with playing the best game of this decade for 7k hours. And most of that time is from when my pc couldn't handle any other modern game anyway.

stop posting here reddit

so Cthulu is in this?

Nigga don't pretend like the "epic tweest" suddenly stops this from being weebshit.


>There are no happy routes

Maybe if you're a fucking plebian who didn't get every CG

the entire point of the game is that it looks like a generic weeb VN, otherwise it wouldn't really work

It's free

>playing dota after 7.00

>700+ hours
>smurf account

I'm pretty sure that qualifies you as being way more pathetic than a weeb

Reminds me of my witcher 3 review. Had 4 germans sperging out in the comments and 1 of them was trying to change my mind by telling me to read the read the books and that i bust be gay or a woman since i didn't like it.

>walk into someone's house
>pull down pants
>shit on the floor

>a fanbase comprised of entitled brats who spend all their money on junk food and toys with boobs gets salty when you redpill them
Who knew?

OP is most likely a subhuman South American.