What're you playing, Sup Forums, on this lonely Monday night? Is it [/spoiler]fun?[/spoiler]

what're you playing, Sup Forums, on this lonely Monday night? Is it [/spoiler]fun?[/spoiler]
pic related.

if I were playing anything I wouldn't be here doing... whatever I'm doing

dammit Sup Forums why can't you be more fun?

just finished two quests in Morrowind. Played a bit of Fallout 4 earlier... bought to put some time in on fallout 1 soon.

I just picked this up on sale. finished the childhood's end(ing) and am hesitant to platinum it because I know I'm going to miss it.

I'm currently sitting in the last form of SMT Apocalypse's final boss, with everyone in my party dead aside from one demon. (Lakshmi, if you care.)
That last demon has no MP and 125HP
I am not having fun.

Playing the new jurassic park game, it's pretty good, it's actually called total war warhammer 2 though for some reason

I finished the first Zone of the Enders.
Contemplating on whether to play the sequel or continue Project Nimbus. Only issue is that I'm buying a new PS4 tomorrow and planning to continue my play through of Yakuza 0.

And yes, if you're interested in Project Nimbus.
It's out of Early Access and basically finished.

Picked up Persona 5 after putting it aside for a bit. The third palace is fucking boring as well as mementos so far. Does the latter improve at all?

The first three dungeons are kind of lame.
The later half of the game gets more interesting but you're going to be repeating the same stuff in those palaces. Have you played any previous Persona games before?

Yeah I've finished both 3 and 4. I mean, the palaces are much better than tartarus or any of the dungeons from 4 but that's not really saying much. Visually they all look nice, but mechanically they haven't done much for me. Though, I'll stick with it if it gets better a few more in. Is mementos really going to be tartarus 2.0? I thought they'd just ease you in in the beginning and maybe open up some interesting things, but so far, doesn't seem like it.

Nothing. All I've got access to is a phone, and it's torture.

Played Siren: Blood Curse and Paper Mario today. I'm gonna continue to play Pokemon Yellow and try to finish Sakura Dungeon.

I hope I'm not the only one playing a horror game this month since Halloween is just around the corner

I'm playing this fairly old game that sometimes gets mentioned on Sup Forums. It's called Final Fantasy VII. Its fun to me even with how it's aged. Those who played it when it came out, what was the impact this game had back then? I didn't know anything about VII except buster swords and big breasted Tifa until that weird remake trailer at E3. How in the hell is this remake going to work? The original is pertty good but it's goofy a lot of times with the story and dialogue, and the remake looks like it's trying to be gritty and dark. Also what are some top tier materia combos, guys?

user how is Siren? I saw it on ps2 classics on the ps4 and been curious.

I'm playing the 3rd game on PS3. The first game is like Fatal Frame. But instead of using a camera you have to hide and beat the dead to death. They won't permanently die either they just pass out for a short time. A great horror game from the minds of silent hill.

You can play in any order you like. But I preferred you play the 3rd game after the first.

Also, the puzzles and avoiding the shibito are really complicated on some ways. You have to think outside of the box on most of the puzzles.

I just started Cuphead. I'm not usually into side scrolling shooters but I liked the artstyle and so far I'm having fun.

Blood curse is the one I think is on there. What is Fatal Frame though? What's the premise of Siren anyway?

You can get Siren 1 on Ps3 or PS4 (trophy support). Siren Blood Curse is episodic and tells a story about different characters from there perspectives on how they try to escape from this demonic cult. In a hidden village in Japan, there was a strange cult that turns the residents into bloodlust psychopaths. They are also immortal in a way.

Fatal Frame 1,2 & 3 are on PS3. The others are on the Wii and WiiU.

I'm emulating MegaMan Zero Collection on Android, controls are a bit on the bad side due touch screen but I'm liking it lots. Any good DS game recommendations? Any must have?

Playing the game of applying to jobs. Played cuphead earlier stuck at king dice for now

Especially for Android emulation I would suggest Professor Layton series and Ace Attorney series

there's a bunch of good FF games for DS that play pretty well on an emulator

I think i'll play through VII once im done with FFX
i'm looking forward to it