What would a microsoft super smash look like if it came out for the One X?
What would the roster be, seeing how its backwards compatible to OG xbox, so they could pull IPs and exclusives from 4 generations to actually populate the game
>they put the Silent protagonist from SMT: Nine in there
Is this microsoft? No one likes SMT Nine. If you managed to get a deal with Atlus, do Jack Bros.
James Ortiz
Oh, also Banjo and Kazooie.
Blake Turner
Croc and Ray-Man.
But actually I want a game where incarnations of David Bowie are pitted against Madonna costumes. I'd main Jared for his dance magic, owl related abilities.
Matthew Gutierrez
well you got everything from Rare, you have Gears, you have joke characters like Clippy and the the Windows-tan girls not to mention Halo, Forza, Age of Empires and Rise of Nation, Crimson Skies, etc.
You can even have stages from Microsoft Pinball or trophies from Motorcross Madness.
William Bailey
Steve from Minecraft
Noah Rodriguez
yeah that too, there's lot's of stuff to work with MS has been around forever, there could be a Solitaire stage hazard/stage
Charles Murphy
A car from Forza
Lincoln Cooper
Sega characters from JSRF, Gun Valkyrie and Panzer Dragoon Orta.
Blinx the Time Sweeper Alan FUCKING Wake Voodoo Vince A Gears of War rep A Battletoad Killer Extinct Rep Banjo and Kazooie Sneak King Beat from JSRF Cuphead
Adrian Rodriguez
> Sony Smash Bros has Trophy, Square, Triangle and Ecks just to pad the roster
Christopher Russell
Someone needs to make an edit since the Microsoft one is hilariously better than the Sony one.
William Diaz
Battletoads Conker Banjo and Kazooie Fulgore Sabreman Minecraft Steve Crackdown agent Horstachio Master Chief Marcus Fenix Mo Blinx Imphyy Joanna Dark Splosion Man Jake Armitage Esper Marlow Briggs Ori Edison Trent
It's already better and more diverse than Sony Smash, why do sony fans even bother existing at this point, can't wait for Xbox One X to trample the PS4 this holiday season.
Benjamin Harris
Exclusive for Japan
Nathan Gutierrez
>All animals Wow, it's fucking nothing
Sebastian Hughes
>xboneonex trampling the switch and ps4 With no games
Isaac Martin
Sony made a smash game and it had a shit roster
Asher Wilson
You could probably include a TheBehemoth character like a Hominid or Hatty, maybe the Castle Crashers knights as a series of colorswaps like Robin
Bentley Bennett
Honestly, first party wise I think Microsoft would have a better roster than Sony if they were to make their own Smash game.
Lucas Smith
Master Chief Ryu Hyabusa (Ninja Gaiden from OG Xbox) for the weeabos to eat it up Someone from Gears Someone from Sunset Overdrive Cuphead A few from from Killer Instinct All the RARE characters Xbox Avatars because we gotta fuck it up some way Fable
Gavin Scott
But user aren't most of those dead IP's???
Carson Barnes
Alan wake is just a crazy dude with a flashlight....
Kevin Howard
Microsoft is cancer they don't deserve a Smash clone.
Ryder Brooks
Ness is in SSB4 even though Earthbound is long dead.
Luis Roberts
Also ice climbers, Pitt, Game&Watch, Rob, Duck Hunt duo, Dr. Mario...
Alexander Hall
Chief Arbiter Locke (unfortunately) Blinx Voodoo Vince Jack Joyce (Quantum Break) Banjo-Kazooie Conker Joule Adams (ReCore) Agent (Crackdown) Esper (Phantom Dust) Hero of Oakvale Fulgore Rash And most importantly, Marlow Briggs
Also if they could get From Software to join in, guest characters can include Michael Wilson and the nip from Otogi.
Sebastian Ward
Does microsoft own MechWarrior? I know they published the past games. Imagine a stage based around the Mechs from this franchise,
Juan Wright
So are a lot of the Sorny ones, dead and fucking buried.
Just the PS4, Switch isn't any real competition.
Nicholas Green
Yes they do, and the own Shadowrun.
Chase Garcia
You forgot Fable and Gears of War
Colton Foster
A Gears rep would be dubious because while Sony has shown that you can get characters like Big Daddy jumping around, it could end up being silly looking for any of the fridge-sized COGs. Also the Hero of Oakvale is Fable 1, dingus.
Dominic Kelly
The main characters from Gears aren't that big, Samus is taller than Marcus Fenix, and Ganondorf is even taller with a comparable frame, just not the oversized arms.
Hunter Garcia
Just have it all be Rare IPs
Daniel Jenkins
>you will never see an 86 trueno down spike anime girls in an officially licensed microsoft game while clippy watches
Charles Hall
the thing sony failed to realize is that the roster also needs to appeal to nostalgia its not just a marketing vessel, to get people interested you need to give them characters they recognize so if someone grew up on the xbox, what characters are they gonna know, what are the games that everyone had
halo fable splinter cell kotor maybe
and then from the 360
gears of war call of duty dead rising maybe saints row? mass effect???
do they really have a shot at building a decent roster with that limited a selection i mean theyre almost all shooters, why not just do that, make super smash guns
Aiden Hughes
You forget that the earlier designs for most of the COGs were more lumpy/bulky. Animation-wise it would be harder to actually get them running and jumping around in an arena type game, while larger characters like the ones you mentioned are either more proportionate or have the weight offset by floaty jump animations. If you wanted one to be agile, you would either have to go for the inferior Gears 3 or Gears 4 designs, which aren't as iconic.
Levi Robinson
Add in: A Fusion Frenzy character Tinker Stubbs the Zombie Dancing Moria Lucky Free Ski Yeti
And Stages based on Aegis Wing Hexic HD Stage Game Room
Finally Menu music from the Xbox Demo Discs and OG Xbox UI
and I'm sold
David Williams
You know damn well Dr. Mario doesn't count since it's still just Mario.