Games will very soon make more money from lootboxes than sales

>Games will very soon make more money from lootboxes than sales
>Game development will be centered around microtransactions, gameplay will be put in the backseat, farming whales for basically free money will be seen as much more important

It's funny how just a few years ago there was a push for "games as art", but now the games industry is literally a casino with zero creative pretense.
Those walking simulators don't seem that bad now.

Just stay out of a large portion of AAA gaming user. This year has been amazing for games even with that shit

>wahhhh muh optional cosmetics box are ruining gaming

God you people get mad at small things

this literally only affects bad games so who cares

That's just the beginning, there's no running away now and companies will ALWAYS go for the more profitable route.

You're part of the cancer, kys nu/v/.

The new garbage LOTR game requires 50 hours of grinding to get the real ending. Get a new excuse shill.

As long as these lootboxes contain cosmetics only I'm unironically fine with this.

Companies will, yeah, but indies have been pretty good this year.
Inb4 >indies, but hollow knight was the shit.

Grinding isnt a new thing are you retarded?

Indies will never pick it up, and that's where I'll stay safe

Forcing the player to grind in an action game or spend money to reduce the tedious bullshit is absolutely ridiculous.

>Cuphead releases at the exact same time AAA games start to become P2W casinos.

Remember not to deal with the devil

>will be
That's how valve has operated for several years.

the game was in development for 7 years
chad tried to warn us
chad tried
he failed

Its a action RPG

wow fantastic argument
you fucking got him
great one

To be fair TF2 had loot boxes added years after it released so it wasn't a design focus, same with Dota 2 since it was just a port of the old gameplay.

Grinding is common in RPGs kid, quit crying

Grinding for 50 fucking hours while the game pesters you to spend money isn't common you shill fuck.

>dota2 had the cosmetics since beta
>Portal 2 had cosmetics for two-player multiplayer on release

What the fuck is a lootbox?

The grind is there to make you buy boxes you retard, it isn't a natural part of the game and was added there just for the microtransactions.
The devs literally made a problem to sell the solution.

Of course you already know this and you're just a paid shill.

Blame the disgusting Blizzdrones.
Or PCfats as a whole.

well, you see user
a lootbox is a box that has loot in it
the gaming market is now using this as a way to gain a lot more money
for example:

Except you don't need to gring 50 hours to beat the game, only to get the real ending. And getting real ending takes more effort than normal ending

game development will be centered around whatever the game developer wants it to be.

becoming a game developer is your only solution.

Then the real ending might as well cost money because nobody in their right mind would play such a shallow game for 50 fucking hours. Could that be their plan? No way, I'm sure those gambling boxes were added just to enhance the experience and not at all cheat people out of their money.

>i have no clue how business works here are my thoughts

>Games that have profitable monetization but are otherwise shit don't perform as well as games that are both good and greedy
>Lootboxes are simple enough that they'll work out peak whale-hooking soon
>All development goes back to actually making good vidya, with the shitty monetization on top.

Interesting thing is i recently had much MUCH more fun playing Indy games like hollow knight edith finch and a hat in time than any aaa game. So i think i stopped caring.. People crying around about asscreed.. as if any sane person would buy asscreed anyway, same with star wars fat fuck the game v2.. who cares?
Who plays this literal shit even?
The most basic babies first shooter gunplay you can even think of, "BU BU its star wars" with the fat fuck comic nerd virgin license and light sabers, fuck star wars basic hero journey shit! Destiny the same babies first gunplay and literal grinding the same shit for hours in the same time you could play 3 excellent indy games that shit all over the aaa competition like hollow knight and experience something actual FUN, borderline perfect instead of grinding the same shit. Fuck aaa games its no surprise to me that the only games that i wouldn't even touch have that loot crate shit now as literal single player and multiplayer progression.
Idiots that buy these shiny turds with turd gameplay deserve nothing but a turd you fucking turds.

Most people don't care for "real" ending retard, most people dont even play half way though most games

So its OK when its exploiting people who actually enjoy the game. Fantastic.

>quit crying

Why do normalfags say this? They go absolutely berserk when someone even has a slight grievance with something. If these people had their way we would still be hunter gatherers picking berries.

Thanks, Capitalism!

These WB shills have to be the worst shills I've seen in a good while.

If they enjoy the game then they have no problem playing for 50 hours retard

Bf2 progression is locked into loot boxes so I suggest you know what we're talking about instead of opening your mouth and something like a retard

Nobody enjoys grinding for 50 hours, ever. That's why they put it in the game and ask you to pay to avoid wasting your time. Its a scam, no matter how you try and spin it.

Cuphead is a shit game though children's game fps it's a fucking cup for mc....

>Nobody enjoys grinding for 50 hours, ever.

I play monster hunter so i do

>b-but it's fine if F2P games do it
>b-but it's fine if it's only about cosmetics
>b-but it's fine if at least 25% are cosmetics
>b-but it's fine if a can complete my singleplayer game without loot boxes
>b-but it's fine because poor AAA developers deserve it
Pic Related

The game isn't Monster Hunter, its a shallow generic bamham combat game that is absolutely braindead. I'm sure if anybody is insane enough to actually grind for 50 hours to see the true ending they will have actually lost brain cells in the process.

>i'm bad at games
You can beat it without grinding or loot crates. Shut the fuck up already

Citation needed.

Fucking this. Don't fall for the meme.

Wanna know how I know you're underage?

>but now the games industry is literally a casino with zero creative pretense.

I hear Polygon is hiring. Kotaku too.

Iam just worried that whatever country bans lootboxes, gets blocked out of the games. This is just another MSM attack on "gamers" because they don't consume normie things like their shitty tv shows.

looks like a cuphead boss

Lol this dude wants a citation because how bad he is at video games.

It's already been like that for a couple years you dolt.

No I want a citation that its possible since every review says it isn't.

>expecting better graphics
>greater immersion
>same price for a full game since the 90's
>yet it's wrong for a company to cover up the cost through optional transactions that are targetting normies and don't cheat you out of a full game

inb4 hurr durr dey rich mane....

>Lol this dude wants a citation because how bad he is at video games.
this might actually be the dumbest thing i've read all day
bear in mind, i was in /trash/ before and not even they could say something this fucking stupid

>games will soon be free/very cheap because loot boxes and cosmetic bullshit that you don't have to buy are where the real money is at

Why should I be mad?

Oh fuck you and your broken scale. I'm too fucking tired to explain to you how stupid you are, hopefully other anons will do.
It just occurred to me that you may be baiting, in which case go fuck you all the same.

>gaming journos can't beat it therefore it's impossible
You're taking me for a ride, right?

well you get nothing but pure gameplay now

aren't you happy now? this is what you wanted

Theres a ton of good old games I haven't played yet, so I'll stick to those instead. Gonna save alot of money.

The future sucks.

Well lets see, they've played the game and you haven't. Unless you did play it early?

Have you ever played a "free" mobile game?
Candy Crush for example starts off fairly easy then it gets absolutely BRUTAL unless you buy limited-use powerups or are willing to stay stuck in a level for weeks until you get really lucky with the combos.
That's the kind of thing you will be getting soon.

>Optional cosmetics
The new Star Wars Battlefront puts weapons and abilities in the boxes, where rarer weapons are stronger. In other words, the more boxes you open, the more powerful your character is.
Tell me how this is "optional cosmetics".

maybe people should stop fucking buying them?
face it, as long as there are retards there will be shitty practices

how's bethesda's paid mods doing by the way

Clash Royale is the only app game that you could've worked up through without buying anything and it doesn't get stupid difficult. They just removed the free chests that could give anyone any rarity, including legendary, I'm guessing to make things less even and more purchase-prone

im gonna embrace the indie shitters with open arms

It's almost as if they have more people to sell games to than in 90s

Who are all these shills that keep defending loot boxed in every one of these threads for the past week?
I genuingly want to know how much WB are paying you.

but most people put more than 50 hours in an average rpg
that play time is peanuts user

That's 50 hours of just mindless grinding after you've beaten the game just to get the real ending.

wah grinding

They have no choice but to expand their market and cater to normies

Neetbux just won't do these days

so you can beat the game without it? that's not p2w then
and if there's a possibility to 100% the game without paying, isn't that better than DLC and amiibos (who lock content behind a paywall)


This is already the state of gaming.

you cry about it, yet you keep buying those games and buying the loot boxes because you're a retard with no self-control

Those games aren't aimed at basement dwelling wizards though.

Those games are designed to liberate your typical Joe, his wife, and his wife's son of their currency

>so you can beat the game without it? that's not p2w then
Yes it is.

>its just horse armor guys wtf you dont't have to buy it
look at where we are now.
imagine what will be in 10 years from now.

Blame mobile cancer. It was only a matter of time until an AAA dev realized how big of suckers your average consumer is.

Imagine if people were given the choice, they could just not buy these products that the developers just want to sell them but no one wants...

And? You're still not forced to buy these games.

But it's not 3D!!!

In the west. At least Japan keeps its gambling contained to mobile shit for the most part.

Japan keeps most of its gaming market contained to mobile shit. Not like I care about Gaka waga togou 9: Scantily clad girl kills bad guys with a chainsaw HD edition.

>an artform is ruined by an absolute cancer
>"but you don't have to BUY these paintings!"

It's not about that. It's about potential projects that could have been good being gutted and usually ruined for a quick buck.

It hurts me that the shills have attacked this statement so feverishly.

I think it's about time for the government to step in and do something about this anti-consumer bullshit.

We're already dealing with lootboxes with non-cosmetic content.
He's already won, user. Your reaction just cements how out of the loop you are. You're saying "as long as it remains what it isn't anymore."

Well wahwah

Here's the (You) sir, piping hot! That'll be three fiddy, plus tip!

But it doesn't mean any of his strawmen will be true


People accuse me of doing shit I don't do all the time.

I've never bought DLC.

Did you just type a bunch of random words?

The fuck is this sort of attitude? Do you not care about the state of your hobby? Are you a retard?

>No bank will give you investment money
>Publishers do everything to fuck you over by license sitting

Good luck

Pic sorta related

>No game where you can make money by exploiting whales
why even live

I wanted to give my opinion, but seeing how much shilling there is and so many retarded deffending the fake grinding I prefer just to leave. This site is shit.

>he realizes
run, and never come back, it's too late for us now