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The Evil Within 2
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Was I right?
Kidman is CUTE
Its sad but i was watching this on twitch and it looks godawful. It looks very "modern game." Wide open aimless areas, crafting, tasteless tutorials etc. Didnt see any psychological type horror going on. No one looked like they were having fun playing it. I hope im wrong and it gets better but i doubt it. Ive been around long enough to see what generic AAA game loks like.
Did you enjoy the first game?
The last of us2.0
I miss leon
Yeah thats why im disappointed. I doubt any fan of the first game would like it. It would probably be easier for you to see for yourself then for me to articulate exactly whats wrong with it
B-but I want to play the game as unspoiled as possible. I'm making an effort not to look gameplay footage up.
>have copy and collectors guide ordered
I’m ready
Why would you want Joseph to go to hell with you again? That suicidal dude has had it bad enough already.
Yep and I’m gonna go ghost from here until I beat the game.
honest question but how unoriginal do you have to be, to make your zombie walk exactly like the monster from the last of us?
There's the plot.
Your better off actually watching videos instead of spending 60 dollars just because your stubborn.
When they announced this game I was pretty hyped until they started releasing gameplay videos or the whole " THE FIRST 50 MINUTES OF TEW2". If they have to release 50 fucking minutes of footage to make me buy the game, something is probably wrong with it.
yeah man i loved the first game, something seems very generic and not good about it, kind of like when dead rising 1&2 changed to 3&4, I hope its not like that
They completely changed the main character, wtf they were think? they want the last of us crowd so bad..
>what is pirating
>avoiding spoilers for a game you'll pirate
fuck sakes what kind of nerd are you
It's an horror game. It's gonna end in a big fight with a monster with a seemingly happy ending until WAIT A SECOND, POSSIBLE OPEN ENDED SCARY ENDING? SEQUEL?
I just don't believe you and your reasoning for disliking it is very flawed (you yourself admitted you can't articulate it)
If i preorder, and decide to get a refund and buy it in a year when the game + dlc is 20 bucks, will i still keep the pre order bonus? Because after seeing the gameplay... i might just wait.
Looking forward to it, but I don't want to get spoiled so I haven't watched a single trailer since the announcement.
Sup Forums will call it shit, just like they did with the first game (which I liked), so I don't really care much for discussing the second game here.
Whatever man, I'm not here to convince you. Go get the game and remember me once you realized you got duped into buying another flawed ' horror ' game.
>Your better off actually watching videos instead of spending 60 dollars
Holy fuck, children today.
i loved TEW so much, bought the artbook a while after release. can't say i'll be buying this one though.
fuck denuvo
>another flawed ' horror ' game.
All games are flawed, buying flawed games is perfectly fine, you sperging out because it isn't "scary" when you watch it o a twitch stream and it doesn't control like ass makes you post even less irrelevant.
The best part is that you're convinced that your shallow opinion is some kind of fact.
No no, safe your effort typing a reply because I won't read it. Just here letting you know.
I meant it in a way like, research your fucking shit before you spent your wageslave bucks on a game you nigger
>inb4 but I'll pirate and still dont want spoilers
you must be a fucking nerd to do this
They were marketing the wrong parts, this game overall seems better than what i expected.
What exact problems are there with TEW2?
It seems like a more polished version of the first game so needing to extensively dig into the sequal is dumb.
>you must be a fucking nerd to do this
Wow, now I'm offended. Actually wanting to judge a product for yourself by playing it? What kind of a person would even think to do such an unspeakable act!?
I fucking hate commentary in horror game videos. Any other game type I don't give a shit, but horror games are supposed to build an atmosphere and if you don't shut your fucking mouth I can't be absorbed by it and consider getting the game for myself, because your fucking voice is ruining the atmosphere.
stop being autistic he only says few words every 10 mintues
He says the most cliche bullshit like every other normie does when they watch a horror movie.
"Oh fuck, don't go in there."
"I have a bad feeling about this."
Just shut the fuck up and let us watch you play. I don't give a shit about your commentary, I want to see if they fixed the gameplay.
SHN Survival Horror Network is a great No Commentary channel on Youtube.
Will TEW2 have enemy with gun in later chapter like first game ?
I've seen jewtube streams about it and looks mediocre as shit, open world segments KILL all that small amount of horror and atmopshere.
I liked the first game because you had several options to tackle enemies. For example, you can kill the first boss (chainsaw dude in the barn), by using traps in the level and not waste a single bullet. It seems like TEW2 will expand on that. That's what I'm mostly interested in.
middle east cash money here.
I am 7 hours in AMA.
Is all the shitposting lies? What did they improve on? Any flaws you're seeing?
Does it have Denuvo?
Did you buy it on console? How's the performance?
Dude, why do you suck your own cock so much? You post this shit on the last thread.
Loved the first game, I'll greentext it if you don't mind:
>Responsive controls. Seb moves much better then the first game. No clunkiness No blackbars.
>Open-world feels great to explore since it's just an open environment and not really an "open world". A lot of linear sections later.
>Better UI and more cleaner look.
>Better and more Weapons.
>Upgrade system is dense and actually makes you feel OP, so go for Survival and don't pussy out.
>Kino visual moments where the camera shifts to POV.
>So Enemies only show up (I think) at side quest ala Chalice Dungeon in Bloodborne.
Cons (Big and small YMMV) :
>Story is meh so far, even though they promised a better story I hope it picks up.
>Less enemy variety, but I guess they are more memorable? No The Keeper-tier so far.
>Sidequest are not real SQ but more hints of things to explore.
>I preferred the first games art-style.
>No Joseph so far :( and Kidman only shows up for the first chapter (You can talk to her by walkie-talkie when examining pics).
I am taking my time and the game tells me I am 34% into the main story so here's hoping it pulls through. I like this a lot and If I hate to rate it right now it would 7.5/10, but it's not fair since I didn't even beat the camera guy yet.
PS4 OG - No dips so far.
It was never hinted so I dunno.
Please tell me if you've seen ruvik around, user.
Thanks, user. Is stephan a huge faggot?
That all sounds okay to me, the cons aren't a problem at all except for less enemy variety.
How's the shotgun? Can you blast multiple enemies with it? Do bigger enemies flinch against more powerful weapons?
I'm guessing it's 30fps cap? As long as there no significant slowdowns, that's fine with me.
No sure why he won't kill me since he laughs every time I take cover. What the fuck does he need me alive for?
It's like 2 days away habibi. Don't ruin it for yourself.
Is Evil Within 2 actually advertised as a 3rd person shooter this time rather than a stealth horror game?
That was the biggest turn off from the first game. Couldn’t even finish if.
Maybe he's working for Mobius this whole time, and it's all just a test. What a fag.
And I don't have the cash to preorder it, so I'll be getting it on a sale.
Please let there not be a akumu mode.
Have to agree with these guys. I enjoyed the first game for the most part, minus the fucking awful last chapters. But after watching gameplay of TEW2 I just feel like it's lost everything I enjoyed about the first one, primarily the horror, but also the oppressive, claustrophobic environments. I can't say I care for the more open levels at all, and it seems far more action orientated than horror now.
>Watch some fag streaming on twitch
>he's clearly overreacting on jumpscares
so lame
my body is ready
I bet you fags would list RE4 among survival horrors while shitting on TEW for being "too actiony"
point 4 is because all those people were connected to the wi-fi stem too, everything else in your post is pretty obvious except for the last part thats retarded
THIS, they fucked up and listened to casuals
>7 hours in and haven't killed the first big bad
You just know there's a third one they haven't shown yet, whether it's Mobius' leader, Ruvik or Myra.
Once you beat it, no spoilers are wanted of course, but I want to know if any other modes are unlocked besides Akumu.
This game has no season pass (yet) and I'm wondering if it's just a campaign like the last game.
Update to 387.92 WHQL driver for The Evil Within 2
if the safeboxes arent back this is garbage
Well they are, footage of Taitana and the safe boxes are out.
>more awkward mini cutscenes for everything where you slide into the exact spot your actor needs to be in for this movie to work
>the lead actor mumbles directions to himself more often in case you, the viewer, are unable to figure out what to do next within ten seconds
how does mikami keep making the same mistakes with a spiritual successor that capcom makes with the franchise he's best known for
I didn't even know it got a sequel. Huh you learn something new everyday.
I just dont understand how you can make resident evil 4 and learn absolute nothing from it?
Not reading but no you're probably not right.
I'll buy this game if they put the fucking camera back and don't do the annoying zoom thing when aiming.
Did you watch anything sidequest related? What impression did it make? I tried to play the game spoiler free but read somewhere that there are sidequests and tought that i spoiled a big part of the game that could be fun if its done right but if not would destroy the game for me.