battlestation head
Battlestation head
Been there, family. Resting against a wall to game is rough but it works, especially on a hot day.
I'm not a Grill just a one of them Gays
It kinda sucks, but is right. these threads either die quickly or just get deleted here now.
hope you enjoy your battlestations set up like a catalog display for, rather than a comfy gaming space though.
>putting your laptop on your bed with no solid surface between them
r8 please. Thanks.
Turbo weeb/10
your words cannot bruise my ego, for I discarded my dignity eons ago
>unironically listening to k-pop outside the Korean restaurant
I'll try pictures
it's tidy. to me it lacks identity in color and furniture used. But you got a nice functional setup.
are those crack pipes?
What PC case is that? looks nice. also don't spill your big boy drink in it, okay?
>not using carbon fiber Genji or Sentai Geni
Get a load of this fag
That's a very interesting CRT you got there amigo. I didn't even know LG made CRTs.
LG Netee. managed to pick it up for just 2 dollaridoos.
my manga collection is very old (1992)
thank you my friend, i think the same.
NZXT H640.
They also make the same style in a more reasonable size.
>multiple joycon pairs and accessories
Woah, what a game changer. That just shows you are even more autistic.
>spends money on shit like figmas, a Switch, mechanical keyboards and streamer microphones but uses a clunky ass old 720p TV as a PC monitor
Nice priorities bro
If you don't have Steamgear Mash or Gundam Side Story you're nothing but a faggot.
well... I'm impressed by your loyalty, at least
Nice, but only one monitor?
I just started playing it on PC. I recently got back home from a a work transfer. I've been playing it on my PS4 whilst over in japan.
>Wahoo babing 1up 1up
>MAGA hat
I bet you're a hoot at parties.
I like it. the only other thing I listen to is hair metal and glam rock
sup Finnbro
Just replaced my mousepad with a newer higher friction cloth pad (the new ones from Logitech are even better than PureTalent or Steelseries QCK+ now)
6 Switch controllers, why? Collector or social fucking butterfly? What games even let you play more than 4 players at once?
Nice tho.
9/10 Decent amount of space
Are those webcams on top of your speakers?
Also what speakers are those? I need a decent pair for my PC.
Those are the detectors for Rift
The figma was a gift from my uncle. Mechanical Keyboard and Mouse came together for only 50 bucks, i'd rather have a mouse and keyboard than none. Streamer microphone was bought dirt cheap less than half the retail price. 720p monitor is used because I'm waiting for a friend to sell his monitor to me. If you're interested, I bought my computer off another friend for 300 usd and 20 nuggets. Switched the PSU and fan. I've been lucky so far.
I'm taking my time, it gives me something to look forward to each month or so.
Oh ok cool. Still curious about those speakers and who makes that desk.
I think I'd just throw the keyboard away
There is no recovery from this
nice try, but no dice. here's how it looked before I moved house
Thanks. Yeah the desk is the business sized one from Autonomous, the 2nd gen one.
Sensors are for Oculus Rift. I have a third one to the far left of the desk along another wall too.
The speakers are Kanto YU5 & I have the Kanto SUB8 Subwoofer paired with it.
The speakers are running from RCA out on my Jotunheim (Shiit) which also is running balanced out to my HD800s headphones.
I also quite like the chair Autonomous makes. I got one to replace my aging Steelcase Think chair.
I'm not the person that posted.
What a coincidence, I was also looking at buying some Kanto speakers though I was going to get the YU2s when they go back on massdrop. Hows the Subwoofer? I already have a DAC so I'm covered with that.
What if I told you that you are living in my last apartment? I'll give you a hint, second floor and number 14.
I meant as in hard disc space but hell yeah, SC Think family
>What a coincidence, I was also looking at buying some Kanto speakers though I was going to get the YU2s when they go back on massdrop. Hows the Subwoofer? I already have a DAC so I'm covered with that.I
I really like the Kanto. There are some slightly better sounding speakers (powered and unpowered) at higher volumes (for filling a big room, not a computer desk) at the same or cheaper prices.
But for desktop monitors I think Kanto sounds great. They also are some of the sexiest cabinets out there. Kanto's YU lines are all powered, so you just need RCA DAC, no amp required.
The SUB8 is wonderful. I have eardrum damage on one side so I can't hear low-end on that side, but it sufficiently rumbles and thumps hard. Often I find myself propping my feet up on it while I game (it is extremely sturdy) so I can get more feedback.
>I meant as in hard disc space but hell yeah, SC Think family
Ah yeah I work remote from home so I need a lot of space. This machine also hosts the media server for my house. One 2TB drive is just for movies/TV/cartoons/music. The 3TB is for archived work, 1TB SSD for some daily games and compiling space.
Can you post the background user?
progress since last year
>media server
That's what I want to do in the future. Use my desktop as a semi-server. I just ordered some power converter cables and if they work, I can use the last two sata slots I have on my 3TB+5TB drives I couldn't use. Though my case doesn't have any room for more drives.
Is that the snes mini? why does the controller look so shitty?
why do you only have 8gb of ram?
>That's what I want to do in the future. Use my desktop as a semi-server. I just ordered some power converter cables and if they work, I can use the last two sata slots I have on my 3TB+5TB drives I couldn't use. Though my case doesn't have any room for more drives.
It is great. I recently converted my collection to H.265 thanks to the 1080Ti supporting that encoding. Reduced the size to 1/3rd the space while maintaining the same quality. It is truly witchcraft, just requires horsepower to encode and decode.
Have a media remote (WiFi) that I can toggle "low power mode" which disables boost clock, sets BLK to stock, turns off USB ports, and throttles the 1080Ti down to almost nothing.
Makes it more economical to run it 24/7 that way.
I use Plex to manage the server. Some clients in my rooms use Plex and some use Kodi though to connect.
>listening to trot music
Are you Korean, user?
nope. I just like her voice. I'm slightly chinese though.
Thanks for the info, user, you're a pretty cool person. Would hang with.
He's fine. I only have 6gb.... when there's a worthwhile game that needs more, I'll upgrade then.
If you say so, I have some spare ddr3 ram that I bought like an idiot so I was considering giving it to him if he was willing.
i like mine comfy
try the sweet potato kitkats
>That Zyuoh mech
Why keep the sticker on the monitor, just why
bought the pc from a friend. So far I only changed the PSU and the cpu fan (it was stock...) as they were most important. Still saving up money for monitor and will get another 8gb ram in time.
I never really thought about it. Parents gave me their old TV and I just set it up. But now that you mentioned it, I'll be removing it lol.
I need to invest in some mood lighting. my room is too bright with the lights on, and pitch black with them off.
it must be nice living in nip land. got any stories of it being shitty to live there to bring me back down to cold reality?
Need to take a new photo.
Fucking nice floors man
do you play standing up?
Pro setup, Meth is good for gaming.
>not squatting on your desk
Wassup my Anons
It's everywhere!
I'll roll in the chair for the next photo..
It's just a shitty ikea markus.
mirin that smartphone wallpaper
I think I’ve got that table somewhere, 25aud from Officeworks, would buy again.
Pimpin purple
Yes, the controller its exacly like the original one.
10/10 right here folks
Why is Speccy such a mung? Does it show 4gb on all 1080s?
Here you go F@M
Sorry to hear that you're circumcised
I think yes. I remember the same glitch with my R9 390.
Fucking nice, good to see someone who gives a shit about sound for once.
Wait. I've seen different angles of that room. Is this part of a set?
thank you my dude
do you happen to have the background wallpaper?
Post a better look of your book shelves.
I want to see what kind of books and manga you read
>this is what the 'dream' looks like
I cannot find the Space one but heres Carvana at 16:9
yeah lighting is very important. Especially if you live somewhere in the world were you don't get enough sunshine.
i meant the background image on the phone
best one here honestly
Background image? But I posted it?