Thank you, Davide

thank you, Davide

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Where's the DLC, Davide?

The Eternal Nu-male.

How does this even happen? This is the most basic bitch, shallow, slow-paced "tactics RPG" ever. You don't even have to read to beat this piss easy, shallow game.

Someone explain to me why this worst-tactics-game-ever gets an 85 and Sonic Mania gets an 86.

a dew days ago
>Let's say that we are keep working hard to surprise the players. We cannot announce anything yet, but the DLCs are coming out pretty soon and it will contain a lot of love and surprises. Also, the first DLC to come out will contains a lot of challenges that will keep you busy for a while.

>There's a DLC that will be detailed very soon and it will challenge you for a long time. But we are also creating another one, with an interesting story that I hope will surprise you all.

He fulfilled his dream of working on his childhood hero's franchise and did it successfully too, there's nothing nu-male about that.

Game is pretty good

it's fun

its one of the worst tactics games ever made and if it didnt have a mario skin no one would care about it.

>baiters are getting THIS desperate

hilarious, really. every person who played the game, as opposed to you, knows that it's a coplete opposite of what you said

go out of your basement and do somethign useful in your life. you're wasting it here, shitposting. very sad