Why aren't there any games about the Yugoslav Wars

Why aren't there any games about the Yugoslav Wars

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No really, I'm bored. Tell me what's so special about it.

this who cares about a bunch of russains desu

Could work as a new Rising Storm installment

It'd be boring. Something like GTA 4 is a better idea.

Too politically ambiguous and not old enough of a conflict to make a Michael Bay style game out of it.

What kind of game would it be?

Kinda like Rising Storm 2 but obviously more urban, perhaps with a few forest maps.

No one cares about it at all whatsoever.

Pick your faction


Except PTSD sociopaths that served in the war.

Like I said.

No one.

Who'd win in a fight?


It doesn't hold any propaganda value to heebs so nobody will publish it

Because Rapelay already exist. And instead of ugly slav women it has cute japs.



Because people can't agree on who the bad guys were. And don't act smart, you don't know any better


Americans, of course.

Yugoslav war is pure kino


t. buttmad serv

Arma 2 is close enough

there are good war movies if you want to watch...

because you cant insert womyn and nigs into it since some yougo countries are muslim. that would be islamophobic and shiet.

Because it's a complicated mess of a war where everyone ended up looking retarded

Best song

And these two

Slavs have some weird aesthetics, they are not brainded soldiers like mudslimes but they are not also trained very well, shame not a single game was made yet.


when did this turn into exYu music thread?

The Serbians obviously, time to kill some mudslimes.

Falcon 4.0 Allied Force has a Serb bombing theater as well as Best Korea

Best Song Coming through


Everyone agrees who the bad guys were. Guess who doesn't agree: that's right, the bad guys.

Croat here

Serbs are Muslim were the bad guys, Croats and Bosnians were the victims, but we won.

How come Serbs have much better facial hair than Croats?
You see Uncle Draža, he has a thick manly beard which he probably trimmed every morning, and then you see Ante, who probably couldn't grow a 5'o clock shadow in a month, even if he tried.

How's 5th grade?

>How come Serbs have much better facial hair than Croats?
By belonging to the right faith.

Ante is a literal chad

I'm yet to hear explanations how Mudslimes were bad guys, since everybody praises them, but only in yugowars. Or kosovo.

I was talking about another Ante
who the girl?

Someone make Virgin Ante vs Chad Draža

Tko se brije pravoslavac nije
Servi btfo ahahah

>I'm yet to hear explanations how Mudslimes were bad guys

tldr: Muslims in Bosnia started doing what they are doing today in Germany and Sweden, they even started killing natives and beheading them

so Milosevic said enough and started the genocide

jebem vam majku svaki dan :DD


his wife

Why don't we ever let Slovenes hang out with the rest of us?

Najljepša domaća pjesma iako ne razumijem pola tih dalmatinskih riječi youtube.com/watch?v=lAnp7oA20n8

>no Tactics Ogre
Plebs. There's also an ARMA mod

I'm muslim, so naturally I'd go with the Bosnians and Kosovars. Fuck Serbia.


fuck off degenerate goatfucker

>mudslime degenerates hating on Serbia
colour me surprised. the US was a mistake.

Keep it vidya

This. I want to remove kebabs.

>I'm Muslim
what is your opinion on the Syrian civil war?

no u

>not wanting to play on Dante Must Die tier difficulty


>be a turbonigger
>act like a turbonigger for no reason
>everyone calls you a turbonigger for it
>USA BTFO's you
>bitch about it for the next 20 years
S*rbs, everyone.

You know, I've been to a Mosque once, and I don't understand why you take your shoes off, I've been so embarrassed because I've had uneven socks. I've got nothing against your religion, actually I'm reading through Qur'an right now, but doesn't it get smelly when hundreds of people without their shoes hang around in one building?


Vidim, ti si imal teško djetinjstvo slušajući radijo sa svojim starcima.

no because youre supposed to wash your feet and hands everytime you enter a mosque


Sovo Jovo

Honestly? It's a big clusterfuck (far more complex than the yugo wars) and there isn't a single side I'd really throw my hat in with. The Iranian/Assad bloc seems to be the least of all the evils though, from what I can see.

>doesn't it get smelly when hundreds of people without their shoes hang around in one building?
Nah. You're supposed to be clean when going to the masjid anyway, and you have to rinse your feet during ablutions to pray.

>its a "the balkans think anybody gives a shit about them" episode

I would literally rather live in central africa than in Serbia. I would rather interract with south american slumdogs than a serbian.

Disgusting cockroaches of Europe, y'all make eastern europe look good. I hope every last one of you gets cucked by syrians.

>politically ambiguous
Only from an american perspective(not even shitposting).

remove yourself.


Yeah, I know, but do you really think everyone does it?

Tell what you want about slav men but slav women are one of the prettiest.

I'm interested, how do you think an average city in the Balkans looks like?

Fuck the UN

Često je radio upaljen a i brat je sviro dosta gitaru dok sam odrasto pa sam se naslušo svega. Bar sad znam tekst od svega kad je neko slavlje

It's fard (obligatory) and invalidates the prayers if not performed, so they ought to.

we only care about wars that humans were involved in

all the pieces fit together

>I would literally rather live in central africa than in Serbia. I would rather interract with south american slumdogs than a serbian.
No you fuckin wouldn't t. ex Johannesburg resident
You have no idea how good it is in EU

>choose your nation
>choose Serbs
>start winnig the war
>out of no where NATO bombs me into stone age
>You lost, but you can continue your legacy with DLC and lootboxes

Well Serbia isn't EU, but with pay of at least 500 EUR, you could live reasonably well.

typical EU pansy, desu he'd probably love it in africa getting culturally enriched 24/7. The whole hating on serbians meme is used as an excuse to air his fantasies.

It's ok to kill muslims in middle east, but not on balkans...

Here's THE quintessential documentary for anyone interested in the war, featuring interviews from leaders and soldiers of all the sides. Bit long, but you can find it split into different sections on yt as well.

>tfw I had to go to Kosovo during the war while being conscripted in the army
It’s good that wars don’t happen anymore in Europe because the shit that was going on there was horrible.

Koji radio?

Uglavnom Narodni, rjeđe Antena

The best

Can confirm.
Bosnia doesn't have much in terms of "real" muslims anymore. It's just poverty stricken slavs that drink all day and say merhaba while hiding drinks whenever a priest walks by. Unless the priest is drinking with them, which is more common than you would think. For the most part, they keep their problems to themselves.

Serbia is still the same shithole it's been back then and Europe has to deal with it because Serbia is "exporting" their criminals. The smart ones quickly realize how much easier it is to steal in Germany, Austria and such.

Croatia is just boring and irrelevant.


>Croatia is just boring and irrelevant.
Croat here, can confirm.

Antena je doslovno najgori radio.

Guy from Bosnia shittin on others.
The irony.

Wargame Red Dragon has a Yugoslav faction

I'm a Croat too user, how else would I know?
Ironically, that makes it the perfect place for dedicated gamers and shitposters. Feels good man.

Opening that can of worms would probably cause another war balk slavs are mental.

If you don't annually visit Tito's childhood home, you can't call yourself a true Yugoslav.

Because it doesn't feature Amerilards shooting the shit out of Towelheads, Commies or Nazi's.

this war of mine is basically about that