Do you exercise while playing video games?

Do you exercise while playing video games?

I exercise the demon which is hunger by consuming big macs whilst i game

i'm sure she'll be ripped in days doing that

Its how you get swole kankles

>do that
>no longer can fit my giant muscled legs under small desk

Does jerkin it count?

that's very unhealthy so no

never realized how hard it is to lift my feet like that

Don't do this. It cultivates anthrax spores.

Depends on how often you do it.

What about jerkin someone else?

Who is this semen demon?

same but I'm missing 30% of my right calf

guyz dont do dis it releases mustard gas!

Maybe if you weren't such a jerk to it it would still be around.

I do marital arts and work at a factory standing all day. I think I get enough exercise.

that's more healthy i guess so yes

Do you do your weddings in the factory?

I want a cute swole OL

No, I make sure to stretch daily though whenever I get off my computer and work requires me to run around and break into a sweat daily.

why have you always gotta take his side

I don't follow.

my bf gives me plenty of exercise between rounds


How do I get in touch with this girl for footjobs?

Yeah I do 10 chin ups or 10 push ups every x amount of turns in Civ for example. Cause why not.

t. "no fap" queer with prostate cancer

You should acknowledge the link between not jerking off and prostate cancer doesn't move in that direction.

Not jerking off doesn't cause prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer causes you to not jerk off.

your mom in 2D form

not jerking off apparently causes you to lose braincells too

Helps prevent DVT

I'm not who you were arguing with. I'm just pointing out the obvious. Cancer would make jerking off less pleasurable if when you jerk off you are wracked with agony.

>tfw passed a few years as a teen playing 12 hours a day seated on my pc
>few years later stopped playing vidya in order to get my life together
>finally everything is fine
>decide to buy a pc (sold my old one so I wouldn't get tempted)
>after 2 hours my ass hurts from seating for so long
>it's like my whole body refuses to be seated more than 2 hours

It's an abstract kind of feel, I just want to be able to play 10+ hours like I used to a few years ago.


>I'm not who you were arguing with.

Yes. I play either my 3ds or switch between sets in my home gym.

Currently on golf story and dragon quest vii.

It's true though.

You shouldn't be sitting down for 10 hours straight anyways

How the fuck office workers manage to say seated more than 2 hours?

Depends on your chair. My chair at home sucks so I can't sit too long without my butt or back hurting. But the one I have at work is really comfy and sometimes I forget how long I've been sitting.

they do it by getting spine problems and blood clots
or they get a standing desk

frequent bathroom trips, stretches and lots and lots of leg shaking

It's a foot job exercise

No. Why would I? When I play video games I play video games, and when I exercise I exercise

t. person who has never played civ

I have to after I tore my anterior cruciate ligament


>Not playing videogames that require you to use your head, hands and feet

Yes, I cannot sit still, if I do somehow stay still for a while I'll get irritated.