Just bought this game, can't play til weekend due to work though. Is it good?

Just bought this game, can't play til weekend due to work though. Is it good?

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One of the better tales game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. All the characters are likable and the combat is good in my opinion.

Why do you ask about it after buying the game?
Wouldn't it be logical to ask it before?

Great way to spoil your own experience, OP.

What are you, a fucking robot? He just wants to know what he's in for.

Eizen and Magilou are the best characters in the game
It's an achievement because everyone in the party is fucking good

why is this game so worshipped out of the series? i honestly preferred xillia and zestiria. swapping out equipment constantly to master it in berseria is really tedious and fighting enemies is just boring since you can only deal damage when you have 3 charges to go beast mode

This game made me miss ToV

Third or fourth worst tales game.

Are you a weeb that can handly a lot of anime faggotry? then you'll probably enjoy it. If not, you're in for a rough time. Between the main character being "Crawling in my skin" edgy or that fucking obnoxious mage, the anime faggotry is cracked up to 11.

Every single time she was around I couldn't stop thinking about this video

Main character is stupidly edgy didn't care for her at all

It's pretty good. Not as good as the Trails games, but still good.

I hope you don't enjoy map design

Do you like a terrible unfun combat system? If so you're in for a fantastic game.

Seriously why do the Tales of games suck?

Combat is braindead spammy shit. People only praise Berseria on here because they want to fuck Velvet

That and it's on the PC. Zestiria threads were nothing but posts shittting on it until the PC port.

wtf did I just watch....

jesus christ...

>they want to fuck Velvet

What a shit taste.

Get trails of cold steel much better than the shit tales of is now

We really need a steam version of vesperia

>skip the first 5 games in a story heavy series

OP here. I played some Tales games and I quite enjoyed them. The talking in between is a great way to flesh out the characters, although they were a bit too anime sometimes and seemed a bit forced.
The ones I played (Xilia 2, Graces f, Vesperia) were pretty good. I don't remember Vesperia that well, but I know I loved it. The PEGI 16 rating makes me think that this one has more of a darker/serious/not too anime story.
I guess that's why I bought the game. Cause I liked other games in the series.
Will I like this one?

>cold steel
>better than anything
Three games and still hasn't done what others did in two, but I guess high school is more important than plot.

Where the fuck is the new tales? Why haven't they announced anything yet?


Just let it go, man.

They have like 4 mobage keeping them going.

>but I guess high school is more important than plot.
ha ha yeah I remember when my high school sent me across the country on a train to fight an evil shadowy organization

She is pretty much Berseria's Clopin.

How can you like that Cold Steel trash? It's borderline harem shit in a high school setting. Nu-Tales might be a downgrade from the old days, but it's better than Nu-Kiseki. Berseria had one of the best casts ever.

Cold Steel are trails games through and through. The school setting is just a different coat of paint. Stop being a retard.



We got Berseria this year and you already want a new Tales?

inb4 20 (You)s

Older games did, at least somewhat.
Symphonia, despite literally everything else, had 3-4 good dungeons.

I'll say it, haven't finished Berseria yet, but so far Zestiria have better areas. All Berseria areas just feel dull and boring.

I reached Vester Tunnel or something and that place is terrible, worst than any area in Zestiria.

I think you should stop giving the Cold Steel games a free pass just because they're set in the same world as the Liberl and Crossbell games, those are great (at least the Sky ones, I haven't played Zero and Ao but they seem to be highly regarded) but sharing a setting and part of some huge, mysterious overarching story doesn't mean Cold Steel is on their level or deserve to be praised for their narrative quality by association.

Cold Steel games have so little substance backing them up. Random NPCs in Sky were more memorable and had more riveting character arcs than any of the main characters in Cold Steel, the series is just orbiting around a main character that is shallow as fuck. Even returning characters aren't always as well written and funny as in their previous appearances, like Olivier, and the story has a lot of issues with its themes, pacing and villains even disregarding the main characters and writing. The way Berseria enriched and tied Zestiria's world was much better compared to what Cold Steel did with Zemuria because of meaningful and frequent its overarching story ties to Zestiria ended up being.

Velvet is a filthy pedophile

>Is it good?

I'm not giving them a "free pass." I just have a completely different opinion on the games than you. Are the Cold Steel dialogue lines as wordy as the ones in Sky? No, of course not, but that doesn't mean they're lower quality. I never talked to NPCs in the first place so I don't care about that. As for Olivier, of course he's different. He's not a mysterious traveler in these games, he's the fucking prince of the country, of course he doesn't act like the same exact lecherous goofball that he was in the sky games. What a stupid complaint.

The pacing is no better or worse than the other games. Frankly, this post of yours reads like you decided to sit down and just think up any complaint you could possibly make about a game without even thinking about whether or not it's a valid complaint. The sky games were great, but it's not like they were on a completely different level compared to Cold Steel. The fact that you think literally EVERYTHING is worse in CS just means you're a braindead hater, it doesn't make you look like someone with reasonable arguments. As I said above, Cold Steel are trails games through and through. A new coat of paint doesn't change that.

>swapping out equipment constantly to master it in berseria is really tedious

Are you saying you prefer Zestiria equipment system?

Zestiria's equipment system is terrible.

Sure, I'm such a braindead hater that I imported III on release and am close to finishing it. No, the problem is that they're too wordy: There are so, so many words, but so little substance backing them up. Again, Sky accomplished more with random NPCs than Cold Steel does with its main characters. Factions literally have no depth, we ended up with an unconvincing war where the most interesting part were dealt off screen in a different region, the Alliance's leader turned out to be a stereotypical half mad villain and ended up ruining the Alliance's previous victories and all the potential strife related to the different social classes and ideologies left mostly unused. Rean is literally a Gary Stu: not only is he a self insert with a billion powers and secrets, but is also idolized by everyone, can create a deep bond with anyone they want and is treated unrealistically well by the game's story and by NPCs.

I have never actually met someone that fully understood how it worked

I own CS3 as well and am playing it so don't try to act like you know more about it than me. There actually aren't that many words in the cold steel games, in fact the lines are significantly less wordy. Obviously you have some problem with the noble faction, but the thing is that just because a story doesn't play out the way YOU want it to doesn't mean it's a bad story. Sometimes people act stupid and lose everything as a result, wow, who would've thought something like that could happen!?

Cold Steel isn't about the war. Cold Steel is about Class VII and the role they played in the war. They were never supposed to go to the other side of the country and fight in the real battles over there, all they wanted to do was get their school back so things could go back to some kind of normal. Obviously, that didn't happen the way they would've liked it to, which - again - Shocker, sometimes the best-laid plans don't work out perfectly.

It's almost as if you just don't like it when things don't go your way.

Best from the series.
Velvet is the best and I love her.

I not only want to fuck her but I also want to marry this virtual character.

It's has decent combat and story
It's got great characters that are very likable and will be the highlight of the game, the mc is a bit edgy but the more you play the less edgy she gets

Did you play Zestiria? Yes? Then Berseria is damn good as it fixed most of its mistakes. No? No other Tales game either? Then it's a mediocre JRPG with an infuriating story.

I find it hilarious that the Tales series is distancing itself more and more from the cooking thing but Cold Steel takes that niche away from them and runs with it.

PEGI 16 is literally only there because a child is killed on-screen

You don't have to spoiler tag the premise of the game.

Don't tell me what to do.

Daemon is bad.

Don't stick your dick in crazy.daemon.

This video is exactly what I needed today thanks

I don't care! I want Velvet to be happy!

>preferred Zesteria

Go away, Baba

Oh look, your typical Sup Forumsyard who uses buzzwords to review a game he's never played

I... uh... what?

Thank you, now I want to see more cringe convention videos.

Dude, you want to marry a DAEMON!

You want to live your life with a DAEMON!?

Gonna need sauce for scientific purposes, friend

This daemon is Velvet so yes.

Nothing said there was incorrect. Prove otherwise.

Daily reminder that Velvet isn't edgy.

Eizen is overrated.

its alright. not the best tales game but i liked it.

they both awful. i hate how you have to level up gears to get perks.

takes forever.

would phi not turn into dragon of he stick it in?

I liked it in Berseria, HATED it in Zestiria

giv velvete gf

can I play this without playing the previous games

Did you all enjoy Magilou's game?



What a slut

Yes, I enjoyed Velvet's game.

how long is the final dungeon? i've done all the side quest shit now and i want to finish this game up today so i can move on to shadow of war. and what the fuck was up with the absolutely abhorrent subtitles in the side quests? it's like they ran the audio through youtube's auto subtitles. are the side quest subtitles fucked up for the jap audio? i was playing with the dub so at least i knew what the subtitles were trying to say.

>are the side quest subtitles fucked up for the jap audio?

The subtitle should be the same for Japanese audio.

Its alright

Tales of Orfellia when?

Don't let the thread die so soon anons.

Here's a question? What do YOU think will be the next tales? A new one? A sequel to bersy/zesty?

>buy waifubait game
>for some reason think its going to have anything worthwhile other than waifus

Hopefully not a game that plays like Berseria or Zestria because both the dungeons where awfully boring and linear. The gameplay was decent in Berseria but Zestria was just a pain to go through that I didn't bother finishing it.
It's a shame because I thought Berseria would get the tales series back on track because thee characters were so good but it suffers some of the same problems as Zestria's.
So hopefully there would be a new tales game that's different but with better designed dungeons and better gameplay.

>He didn't play the game

They stopped giving a shit about dungeons way too many games ago to bother, just look at xillia or most of vesperia's.

They're just lazy and it's sad for us "tales fans"

Vesperia's wasn't that bad. Like the final dungeon was so much better compared to Berseria because there were many different settings going on in Vesperia's while in Berseria there were just two places you have to teleport back and forth.

You know, if they have stop making tales games, they could at least release previous tales titles on PC, that's not just Symphonia.


Sen III is easily the second best Kiseki game though. And I'm in chapter 4.