3 weeks my fellow pc-fags

3 weeks my fellow pc-fags

until we find out its a mediocre game and that sony ponies only pretended it was amazing because it was "exclusive"?

>KT ports

Is Nioh an acceptable place to start for someone who hasn't played any Souls games? I never felt too drawn to Dark Souls, but the samurai shit looks neat enough to try.

Really? It's that soon already? Although
>KT port
I think I'll wait a few months. Hopefully they will smooth out some of the inevitable issues by then.

Was going to buy this on ps4 last week god thing they announced it when they did, is the pvp any good now that no one has to pay for online for nioh?

It's not. It's a hack and slash lootgrind. It's closer to Diablo than it is to the Souls games.

Oh. Sign me the fuck up then.

Nah, PvP's crap. It was only bolted on a few months after release because people kept hassling Team Ninja about it.

Dark Souls is kinda slow in comparison, you're always doing something in Nioh thanks to the stamina mechanics. Overall I wouldn't say its that hard to pick up and is an enjoyable game.

They probably genuinely believe it's amazing because their selection of games is so limited. I already played it because I own a PS4 and it really is quite mediocre and forgettable.

>going for military service the day before it releases
will i survive and get to play it ?

I believe in you user, stay safe for me please.

if I didn't buy it all this time, why do you think I'd suddenly want to buy it now

You guys better get started on the SFM as soon as possible. There's too many waifus in this game for you guys not to do anything about it.

t. PS4 user

Godspeed user.

Haven't played it but is the blacksmith girl a waifu tier?

She is. She's a massive QT.

Any idea about pricing? Being the complete edition of a game released this year I'm expecting full price, and they can suck a dick if that's the case

The port better be good. Pull another Nier Automata port and I'm pirating this shit instead.

KT always put their games up at full price.

>actually looking forward to handmedown console weeb garbage

>Implying you're not pirating it either way

whatever it is it's bound to be better than fucking darksouls

>good port

Not like there is any reason to go online with it anyways.

>~100 GB download

>koei tecmo on steam
oh boy. I can't wait to not buy this £50 game that never, ever drops in price.

Nier was a great port unless you're a poorfag though

>KT port
lets hope its one of those were the issue is only not real KB+M Support

you need to go online to get the transformations
though on PC you can just cheat like usual

Nigga every girl is waifu tier,even the monster ones

>i own a ps4
Of course the PCkuk cant even lie right...opinion discarted

>Nier was a great port
It was a pretty good port for a Japanese dev, but let's not get ridiculous here. They didn't even bother fixing the resolution.
At least From did that with DS1, even though they took their sweet time.
I mean MGR is a better port than Automata, and it was three years prior. Did P* forget how to port games on PC since then?

Dude, I had a lot more time to play games during my military service than I do now working on normal job. It's a cakewalk if you just want it to be.

Just go to medic training and spend all night long being on lookout for wounded and playing video games and sleep during days. Drivers have it quite easy too.

>Berserk is still £49.99

Who are they fucking kidding?

>Some random guy has to make a mod to fix the port since it's so fucking bad
>Mod is mandatory to play the game
>Game is never patched so to this day the mod is mandatory
>No patches in sight but they sure as fuck made sure to get that DLC out
Yeah. Great port.

GTA5 is still full priced and it came out 4 years ago
not to mention all the microtransaction shit

>Mod is mandatory to play the game
how is it mandatory

I see, you're one of "those" people

The mod just turns global illumination down and fixes res scaling the game worked decent beforehand on my 1070 but then i could do 4K 60fps so ehhh he also did some shit to pirates with is mod LOL

and i see you're one of those people

Resolution is trash without it. Game randomly crashes without it. It also adds more graphics options and even if you can't notice the difference between all of those settings, some rigs needed a specific set of settings to keep the game from randomly crashing.

You're both one of those "people".

>thinking """those"""" people are allowed

Remember when Dark souls was the worst por in the gaming history?
Remember how much was loved by Sup Forums?

is there a point to this post?

People is going mad because is going to be a bad port, when mods, fixes and comunity is in pc to make it playable and great

well he's not a PCkuk or a Sonykuk if he owns both is he retard

The modding community should be improving games instead of fixing them.

Sometimes an improvement its a fix that makes the game complete

They are different type of games, but sharing some similar mechanics. Both are action rpgs though

Obviously, a fix is an improvement but you know what I mean. I want to see a mod that lets you have an extra party member, tweaks the looting system, balances an ability, etc. Not a mod that finally lets me play at 1920x1080. What the fuck is that? I shouldn't need a mod for that.

>partial controller support
>only 2 graphics options, "action" and "cinematic"
I bet its going to be £50 too. Fuck KT, why do they constantly release shitty PC ports at such a high price. Might as well pick up the PS4 version used in the sales than go near the PC release

>The William the game is based off is English
>They make him Irish in the game
Why did the Japs have to potatowash him?

Sure, but in ds it was a thing

Hayashi said that they made him an Irishman because they liked the contrast that Celtic mythology had with traditional Japanese spirituality.