Is this what an American gaming session looks like?

Is this what an American gaming session looks like?

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Holy shit, who are those tubs of lard? I obviously know Ryan, but who are the others?

>60% white
yeah pretty much



Why do americans always look so out of shape?

>when Mike is the most normal looking guy in the frame

or is he one of those people who hangs around fatties to make themselves look better

And once again I am reminded of the fact that the American SNES is a thing.

where's the one girl that doesn't get along with other girls and everyone is to chicken shit to fuck?


Looks like a fax machine.

And once again I am reminded an entire part of the world played games at 50hz.

Looks like Sup Forums was right again.

it made their games easier that's why they aren't in the Nintendo WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BABY

>60 % white
>75 % obese

That´s America alright.

Lol Newt. He's working on swamp zombies 2 with based Len.


>out of shape
>when you're close to being a perfect sphere

Why are gamers always morbidly obese, or rail thin? There's like never any middle ground. Except for the occasional guy with good genetics who gets to fuck all the girls at the game store. But I digress...

why are they all so fucking fat?

who are these pretend e-celebs that nobody cares about?

what is with the crt meme?
they emit a high pitch noise that not everyone can hear but i am unfortunately one of those people and being withing 20 meters of one drives me insane

US citizens being fat is not a meme.

A Nintendo gaming session, yes.

Im gonna go to my friends place to play fifa before internationals

Should I take pic of us and post it for my Sup Forumsriends

>South has the fattest people
The food is too good.

sorry fucked up the spoiler thingy

We're only fatter on average because of blacks and beaners. White obesity rates are perfectly in line with european countries (that is to say, still not great, but nowhere near as bad as the amerilard meme makes it out to be)

Black women, for example, have an obesity rate of 57%. Overweight ones probably make up like >90%

>being fat

How is this even possible? Eating food is a hassle. How much do they eat to get this big?

I'd bone the fatty on the couch, tbqh.

Where can I find a gamer girlfriend???

Black people and latinos are US citizens, just like white people. What shows still stands.

This is literally me and my friends every saturday night

thats what im wondering too


>when your dick is the longer than all the dicks in the room combined

>if we dont count these people then the statistics look good!
sweden is a heaven on earth with nothing but white people and not a single muslim either if you just ignore the muslims and the niggers

Holy fuck I thought I just had a shitty CRT. Do all of them really do that?


Johnny is a pretty cool guy desu

If you're only referring to their weight that's what every American session looks like.

Because they all eat toxic trash that isn't actually fit for human consumption.


how is eating the food a hassle? cooking i can see..

also, the convenience of fast food

the price of freedom.


>All these fat people in your own country
>Remain hungry skeleton mode for years
I'm eating every hour of the day how am I not at least chubby


Merry cuckmas

why no pac-man hairstyle in video games.

>We're only fatter on average because of blacks and beaners
muh niggers
>White obesity rates are perfectly in line with european countries
They really aren't.

What kind of unit of measurement is being used in this chart? I checked the NHANE site but it didn't indicate measurement.

I asked this because if BMI is being used the chart might as well be tossed into the trash.

Because BMI on average does not include bone and muscle density athletes in sports like college and national football would be considered overweight despite being more healthy than average.

Not saying Americans aren't obesse but you gotta be sure the units of measurement being utilized is good.