undertale, again
Not going to meme. NieR:A, Cuphead and Horizon.
But judges are Nintendofags so BoTW will win.
>Undertale has been GOTY for the past 10 years
How do they keep getting away with it?
Solid 7/10 at fucking best, it doesn't hold a candle to Nier1, the only reason it hasn't faded into obscurity is because of 2B's ass
Overrated game whose only redeeming qualities are fanservice and OST. The gameplay itself is mediocre. It's better than AAA shit but that's not a high bar to hit.
Super Mario Odyssey, Breath of the Wild, Cuphead and Splatoon 2 are all contenders.
If you're going to blatantly shill for Sony, at least give it to Persona or Yakuza.
Persona is from 2016 and Yakuza is just a decent rehash.
Still very hard to call.
Cuphead was a good indie game.
BotW was a good nintendo game.
Nioh was a good PS4 game and will come to pc.
No idea what xbox had.
PC I dont know what was the best since there we so many.
Nioh or BOTW
>Nioh was a good PS4 game
A few weeks after release discussion of it stopped completely, and don't hit me with the fucking retarded notion that the DLC made it better because it had additional waifu.
Remember when people said this game would dethrone souls? It barely made a fucking splash. Not even PCtards are going to hold interest in it for long.
I like Horizon but ot can't be goty this year. It is remarkably cancerfree open world game but we got games like Nex Machina, Divinity:OS2 and P5 this year.
BoTW will probably get it
>t. Nintendo
Probably BotW because of the massive legions of people like pic related shilling relentlessly for it.
Breath of the Wild, Persona 5 or Divinity Original Sin 2.
Overall I'd give it to Breath of the Wild. Persona 5 kinda fell apart from mid-game to the end, and DOS 2 got really boring in some parts.
PUBG will get it, not that I agree with it.
Cuphead, NieR Automata and BotW so far.
Super Mario Odyssey will be another contender.
Super Mario Bros 2
Either Zelda or Bing Bing Yahoo
My guess is that Mario will once again get game of the year.
Total War Warhammer, Prey, Wolfenstein 2.
How can you forget based DANGANRONPA
Mass Effect Andromeda. I haven't played anything else new this year
That's disgusting.
Hellblade for me.
I agree with Horizon, it really is fantastic.
The common scum out on Saturday Night
Isn’t dancing the lambada kinda lame?
I don’t like flattering people, either.
I’m the gangster youth that’s gonna take over this town.
Surround myself with top-rate girls that look like Gokumi
in the VIP lounge of the disco.
Slap the flocking celebrities across the face with a wad of cash
Bein a dandy licking up those skintight clothes
On the night that the champagne rain falls
the world is like candy
with a sweet taste of honey
This hocus-pocus night is dripping with greed.
Mustn’t touch the fruit of the underworld.
Wild dreams covered in bubbles.
Bursting them I was able to see through this era.
Our party is just beginning.
No one can imitate our way of life,
dancing extravagantly.
I just don’t want any regrets.
I’ll open up my own path.
My answer is in this hand.
I will dance in the night sky like a dragon,
put my pride on the line, cry out, and go to the future.
Oh oh oh, it’s the peacocks’ party night.
Oh oh oh, their worthless Meiji image and
their Taisho contrasting Showa show.
Oh oh oh, it’s this screwed up era.
Oh oh oh, no feigned composure, ride on.
Every every every night, heave-ho!
Oh oh oh,
Every every every night, heave-ho!
Oh oh oh
>Hellblade for me.
Patrician taste.
The game is absolutely fantastic.
>watch trailer
>get to this part
Jesus fucking christ Disney at least try to make it feel like Star Wars
>another fucking cute comedic-relief character
JJ Abrams is a fuckin- wait hol up; Rian Johnson is a fucking hack.
BoTW will sweep all the GOTYs as to what should get it there are many contenders one of them even being BoTW.
>Weeabo taste
Tales of Berseria
>Toddler taste
Sonic Mania
Metroid SR
>Acceptable taste
Yakuza 0
>thinking directors have any power when working with disney
Disney only cares about money, and nobody fucks with the money
Fuck off Todd.
I liked botw the most playing on my PC so that
Divinity 2
Best indie
>hollow knight or steamworld dig 2
Best AAA
Best AA
>divinity original sin 2
Best sleeper
>nier or nioh
what!? he didn't nominate BotW!? sony shill!
there are too many things i abhor present in botw and to me it was a step down for the series in terms of design
It's going to be BotW just because it's a new Zelda.
At least you're self-aware about being a Sonybro.
Definitely cuphead. The game did literally everything right. Yeah i liked the run and gun levels, come at me.
>Bitching about mediocre gameplay
>BotW, Cuphead and splatoon 2
>posting a VN
Sen no Kiseki III
I'd consider Automata, BotW, Horizon, Hollow Knight, Cuphead and Yakuza 0
But the only ones that stand a chance are BotW if the publication goes for nintendo shilling or Horizon if they shill for sony
Persona 5 or Horizon Zero Dawn.
>shitting on Nier: Automata
>Splatoon 2
BotW, Nier: Automata, and Persona 5
Hollow Knight and Cuphead are also pretty good.
Persona 5
Wonderful 101 still game of the decade
We all know that Mario and Zelda are going to steamroll fucking everyone
Dragon's Dogma rerelease
Persona 5
Hollow Knight
Take your pick
Hollow Knight
Cuphead looks great but haven't played it yet
Why does this image make me so angry?
Warhammer 2 or Prey.
BotW or Nier:Tomato for me
I haven't played Persona 5 yet so maybe that too
Hilarious that you trash BotW then support Horizon. Try not to be so obvious.
Oh yeah... that happened
It's pure, unfiltered millenialism. A generation whose sole identity are the products they consume. Remove Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, The Last of Us, Twitch, Youtube, and Twitter from their lives and they are no one. A blank slate, devoid of everything that makes a human being a human being.
Prey, Cuphead, or Thumper.
I would say DOS2 probably deserves a spot but I haven't played it. Nier was so fucking bad I stopped playing after 3 hours, just like the original Nier, so I still don't understand why people would have it in their list outside of MUH ASS.
Warhammer 2 for me.
I've played almost 100 hours of Tekken 7 which is unheard of from me in my current vidya depression stage
Meg miku
Dont be so harsh with yourself
No one has gives a fuck about fighting games, this isn’t the 90’s.
t.beta blue-pulled numale millenial cuck
this baybee
>b-b-b-but nintendo
maybe the game is just good?
I'd beat you 100 games in a row
Cuphead. Is there any game released this year that is more of a game than Cuphead?
>No idea what xbox had.
Zelda, NieR, Persona.
Really liked Hollow Knight too.
Kill yourself ACfag
Cuphead without a doubt.
Official: Zelda
Average persons choice: PUBG overwhelmingly
Persona 5
Super mario brothers 2
Witcher 3
I actually really liked it too. I'd give the edge to BOTW definitely but Horizon was a really good game.
Hollow Knight
>someone genuinely fucking wrote this and thought they were intelligent for doing so
which intraindustrial circle jerk are we talking about?
Grandpa please go back to bed.
Trying to decide between Nier Automata, Persona 5, and Divinity Original Sin 2.
>people suddenly care about horizon
Pokémon ultra sun & ultra moon
yeah it always amazes me when someone comes down from their mountain to share their profound wisdom on how consumerism in a western capitalist society is a new thing and it's all ____'s fault.
Shills are still active. The marketing budget for that game was huge.
The most played game on Steam of course. Don't be salty sweetie. Cuphead is pretty okay, but not something I'd play agaon after I beat it. BOTW is just a voring open world game like all other boring open world games. Weeb shit I'm not even considering.
but only if you count the season pass stuff in
Persona 5 will never win a single western GOTY award, P5's defining legacy in western games journalism is "remember that homophobic scene?"
Nothing, but it will be Ultra Sun/Moon when that's out.
My current favourites are BoTW, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, A Hat In Time, Nier Automata and Divinity 2
Mario Odyssey will also likely be on the end of the year list. Honestly there's been so many great small budget games this year. Indies really have taken a step forward.
Tie between Breath of the wild and Persona 5 for me. Nioh and Nier Automata are pretty close up there as well however Persona 5 and BotW are masterpieces.
It isn't.
>BOTW is just a voring open world game
what an unfortunate typo
melo-dramatic waifu weebbait with clickthrough menus/underwhelming simplified combat
Glorified tech demo with a GOAT physics engine and some fun minigames thrown in
Haven't played so can't say.
it is
>tfw everyone forgot about Resident Evil 7.
It took me by complete surprise. It wasn't perfect but as far as franchise reboots go this was way better than it had any right to be.
Prey 4me
*preys 4 user*