After BoTW, what do you want in the next Zelda title? Do you want the usual inventory system back? Dungeons? Overworld?
After BoTW, what do you want in the next Zelda title? Do you want the usual inventory system back? Dungeons? Overworld?
Girl Link
I want them to drop everything botw, except the runes as tools you get in real dungeons. I hope they just return to regular zelda.
This desu
BoTW was fun but I want a regular Zelda experience again
This and not a choose your gender option, just one story where link is a girl. He'd probably be a cute awkward tomboy.
Different weapon types are good. Breaking weapons are no good.
Obviously the new engine has to stay, the physics and chemistry implantation is what gave it so much charm and lasting appeal. I think the big thing now is balancing the very open field world with more traditional dungeons, that still use the systems the new engine excels in. All the ideas for good dungeon design could be found spread out in shrines, but it never really felt substantial. It felt like eating a chip every 10 minutes throughout a day as opposed to eating a solid hearty meal.
I loved all the enemies, but in my opinion too many were missing and there were way too many skeletons.
Also girl link is dumb to me because I'm gay and link is cute
Playing as Zelda or shiek would be interesting though
Another open world game would be fine, but with actual dungeons this time.
Make it a new Toon Link game, in New Hyrule.
A handcrafted adventure with a linear story and actual dungeons with decent puzzles and interesting visual design. No giant empty field where you "make your own fun"
Go fuck yourself, I'm here for the adventure, not to tape balloons to logs.
>ITT people who want a regular zelda experience again.
>The same people who will be triggered that the next game will look like every other Zelda titles.
>there are 100,000 people on Sup Forums at any given moment but if I see two conflicting opinions, they must have come from the same person!
Non-retarded cooking.
multiplat so it can play and look nicer. none of the games i have for switch really look that nice
>3 sets of dungeons, 3 dungeons for one set. Complete one set to unlock the next.
>world that slowly opens up to you metroidvania style the more key items and abilities you gain; climbing is nerfed significantly for at least the first half or 3/4 of the game
>no openworld, huge interconnected areas with extremely varying environments instead (perhaps a mix of xenoblade and dark souls)
one regular Zelda experience, coming right up
futuristic cyberpunk fantasy legend of zelda
now link need to save zelda in space
This guy gets it.
I think they would fuck it up by making her too moe or whatever.
If she were incorporated, she should be more like Sheik or pre-zero suit Samus. Pretty much a straight up Rule 63 of regular Link, a stoic warrior who isn't overly feminine.
What the fuck no. SS faggots are delusional. BOTW is closer to zelda than this shit was. BOTW didn't completely and utterly abandon one key aspect of the series: An overworld. It had both indoor puzzlan areas and an overworld, unlike SS
Yes we know you're a samefaggot
Go play Skyward Sword if you want that shit retard.
Botw open world formula and mechanics, but with new creative uses for the physics engine and more of a focus on classic style dungeons. (More unique gear would be cool as well).
The next zelda should be in space with whole planets being dungeons. And Ganon is actually a race of aliens that found the triforce of power and have been corrupted by it after using it as a power source. The master sword should be like a lazer sword and zelda would be a green hottie
BOTW with more dungeons and a new setting and more runes
The perfect game
We already got that
more of her butt
but still having a big overworld filled with interesting secrets, cities and stuff todo. i mean like not tp size. bigger but not botw big.
if you can create a linear game which feels unlinear and open that would be great. options in between. storywise and gameplaywise
>not links cute tummy
shit taste desu
Regular style Zelda but with the climbing and physics engine from BotW. Solve the problem of "but they could go anywhere" by making some dungeons require items that you get from story events or other dungeons. Solve that problem in the overworld with strong enemies. If you're good you can sequence break, or you can just do the dungeons in the intended order and get a nice easy Zelda game.
Basically mix OoT, BotW and ALBW.
shit wrong pic
thats the good stuff, thanks.
As long as Toonshit stays gone I imagine the franchise will be fine. Toonshit is such a cancer.
I want actual dungeons back but perhaps hybridized with the feel and scale of places like Hyrule Castle or Eventide Island. I want towns with actually fun sidequests. I want combat that actually builds upon Twilight Princess' swordplay instead of abandoning its progress with for gimmicky shit like flurry rushes. I want actual fucking enemy and reward variety if we're gonna have a world this large. I want a narrative that doesn't feel like it was thrown in as an afterthought. And I want caves. No seriously, shrines are cool but caves are the shit. And I want to kick an old man's door down and have him make me pay for it because holy shit, Zelda 1 actually had repercussions for your actions from time to time.
I want a lot that Breath of the Wild wasn't.
Just follow this structure
>the first dungeon contains an item that all future dungeons puzzles and combat can be based around
>the next 3 dungeons can be done in any order, each having an item to collect that the dungeons combat and puzzles are mostly based around
>the next dungeon uses all the items you've got from dungeons so far and gives you an item used in all future dungeons
>the next 5 dungeons can be done in any order, they use all previously gotten items and one item you find inside
>the final dungeon uses all items in the hardest and most creative ways in puzzles and combat
The overworld should mostly be accessible from the beginning with maybe a few spots and of course dungeon entrances. Caves\Shrines can be found all over the place, just a more traditional Zelda but with an open world full of secrets and a more non linear approach to dungeons.
Oracle of ages/seasons successor on handheld. Linking system included and possibly with 3 games this time
You think modern Capcom could crank out another Oracles?
Sadly no. Nintendo could still do it though
I just finished my run with minimal climbing and gliding, and the world feels so much better that way. I also found myself using runes pretty rarely as well, so I think these can be hidden outside tutorial area next time. Plain and simple, don't give Link anything but a pair of pants from the very beginning.
You basically described majoras mask.
So, Samus.
T. contrarian faggots that parrot the "lel SS is a bad gaem" meme
I want Breath of the Wild with more substantial side content.
I bought that shit at launch it wasn't good. Was to fucking easy at least in BoTW I fell off a cliff a good few times and was messed up badly when I tried to fight a lynel for the first time
SS wasn't great but as a dungeonfag I'll take it over BotW or WW.
They're all gonna be open world player/item skin-fests from now on, so I would rather they don't get made at all.
I still don't get the complaint on "no overworld" with SS of all things. Like, have you played ANY of the 3D zelda games? The fuck was the importance of Hyrule Field in OoT/TP or Termina Field in MM? WW was the closest to it mattering, and even then the ocean was barren as all fuck with only islands mattering.
I don't want it to be bland, open world meme with degrading meaningless mmo trash items and weapons and atrocious find 700 deku dicks fetch quests, if you catch my drift
Keep BotW's engine, add the traditional stuff.
Make Wind Waker with that engine.
>Thousands of islands to find
>Fishing for hundreds of aquatic life and fighting sea monsters on the ocean
>Larger islands have dungeons to find with smaller societies lingering
And have cel-shaded Link come back in the fray. I really want another game with BotW's engine, I don't want them to throw it away and make a new title in five-seven years.
WW only has the illusion of mattering - it's about as much content as OoT but divided up and stretched out across a blue expanse of meaninglessness. I mean sure, the SENSE of adventure is there, but the pacing of it all takes an unnecessary hit. It's an aesthetic thing that makes actually playing the game worse, or it would anyways if it didn't somehow turn out to be the least awful part of that game.
I hope the next title is a top down 2D for Switch. They need to alternate between the 2D and 3D games
And none of that item renting cancer from LBW. Its fine for the 2D ones to be linear
Good. Your opinion is meaningless.
2D Zelda is dead senpai. Get ready for open world bullshit from now on.
The last proper 2D Zelda came out in 2013, and the last one at all in 2015. I'd hold on just a little longer before calling it dead.
I don't even consider that a Zelda title, let alone acknowledge it. When you can't improve on a game people consider to be one of Zelda's lower points for whatever reason, that's a sign you dropped the ball. There was nothing wrong with not having a game for 2015 rather than shitting out a half-assed title to tide the fans over.
>4 huge hylian alive cities, the capital and 5 other big cities of diffrent races
>Romancable npcs of both genders
>Magic system, with 8 magic shools (4 are learned in the hylian cities, 4 other are learned in other parts of the world)
>Ships and isles
>Improved armor customization
>Weapons with bigger durability, upgrades and fixing them when they break
>Guilds and other joinable fractions
>Other characters playable during main story like Zelda, Ganondorf, Impa etc. They're also playable in challenges you unlock after finishing main story
>Zelda isn't the main love interest
>Complex multi-layered story, including politics, ganondorf's backstory, supporting character arcs and a civil war
>Link is customizable: you can dye his hair, you can have various piercing and you can even tan in the sun
>You can build your own house, customize it and have pets/children
>There are combat styles for each weapon, they change your combos and how they play, some unical weapons have their own combat style(s)
>Impa is young, and she's zelda's bodyguard, there's also a hint at their forbidden romance
>Ganondorf has a sibling who's the current gerudo king, he also has a mysterious master which took care of him and trained him to conquer hyrule
>On one of the islands is home of the human clans, they're less advanced than hylians, have shamans and believe in ancient spirits. They're part of one the major questlines
>The world is round so if you swim to the west you're gonna end up on the east part of the map
>Flying and underwater mounts
>You can build your own city/stronghold/temple/mage tower and fill it with npcs, kinda like fallout 4
Never going to happen btw
I'm not sure if you read my post in full but you'll find that I didn't acknowledge Triforce Heroes as a proper Zelda. It is, however, in the 2D style.
>you can have various piercing
>not wanting gerudo link with golden navel piercing
Fair enough.
I admit I was excited about it until I saw there were only three Links and then realized why it was coming out so soon. After beating Zelda U, I'm on the borderline of not buying another Nintendo console after their fuckup with the Wii U, but a new title improving on BotW's flaws can easily make me purchase a Switch.
2d with 60 fps like albw
Dungeons were a cancer and you all know it.
Puzzles in short bursts to break up the exploration, spatial insight in short concentrated dungeons without filler, big exploration dungeons like Hyrule Castle. That's all we need.
A good dungeon with a nice theme/aesthetic beats those awful shrines any day. I bet you're one of those kids who got stuck in the Water Temple.
Dungeons are good, well designed levels. That's all I ask out of a Zelda. The overworld exploration can be whatever the fuck it wants to be as long as I get fun dungeons.
I would like to see a more developed and built up Hyrule.
Less shrines, more dungeons
You know for a world billed essentially as a post apocalyptic landscape, Breath of the Wild Hyrule is actually pretty pleasant as long as you stay away from Castle Town.
>my opinion is right and you are all wrong
you're so far up your own ass you're looking at the back of your teeth. We "all know" that the stupid thing you think is objectively correct? The rest of your argument is meaningless because you started it in such a tremendously stupid way. Don't post anymore.
It's a new age of Zelda shitposting. Breath of the Wild was a mistake.
More quests like the Tarrytown quest line. I love town building quests like that.
You sound upset. How does it feel that even #1 puzzlefag Aonuma has left you out in the cold?
2D: A sequel to A Link Between Worlds that has its own unique setting.
3D: A sequel to Breath of the Wild that builds on its mechanics/physics but is actually a Zelda game.
Now we're getting somewhere.
I would unironically enjoy an entire game where the goal is to rebuild Hyrule one settlement and town at a time, with each one providing certain resources to the castle that let you rebuild castle town bit by bit.
Bonus points if this lets you customize the final appearance of every settlement and town based on what kind of materials you give them to build stuff with.
And obviously it would have real dungeons and meaningful items.
Left handed Link.
A less regimented game though not openworld.
Some depth to Sword combat combined with item usage (That the game can also assume you have access to) that is complimented by difficulty that makes you want to use that depth as opposed to just being able to ignore it because it's inconvenient or because you get punished so little for just using your basic sword move.
Dungeons set up so that they can teach the player things that the game will later be able to assume the player knows so that it can effectively build on that foundation and become more complex, challenging and interesting as the game progresses.
Dungeons that aren't just room after room of isolated and linear puzzles.
Ditch the puzzles, use BotW Hyrule Castle as a blueprint for making dungeons.
A dual story game like SA2 with one story be Link, the other being Linkle.
I think it was Aijima or whats his name that said he does want Linkle in a real Zelda game.
>I found you, faker!
I just hope they're not gonna start making muh traditional zelda trash like SS again because of a few autistic nostalgia fags.
It was almost as subversive as BotW, just in the complete opposite direction.
They basically need to pull a Majora's Mask. Reuse the same engine, graphics and a hell of a lot of assets but make a completely new game out of it.
One with a much smaller world, a more engaging story and actual fucking dungeons (even if there are only a few)
The basic problem with BOTW is that they spent so much time on the world and physics engine (which are both top-tier) that they didn't have enough time to make the rest of the game actually good. The shrines are a huge wasted potential and they've basically admitted that next to no effort was put into them.
There's also not nearly enough enemies, so maybe the new game could bring back some old enemies and add in some great new ones.
Reusing the engine and stuff could also mean we wouldn't have to wait another 17 years for the next game in the series. It seems like the obvious thing to do. New major game 2020 if possible.
Linkle game WHEN?
God I fucking hate you waifufags.
I'm 100% behind this. I don't really like BotW but there's no denying there's potential in the work they have put into it so far. They don't need to start from scratch, they just need to make what they have more fleshed out than it currently is.
Not being able to swim underwater in BOTW made me sad. I miss the Iron Boots.
I want a traditional Zelda game with a complete overhaul of
Think like timeshift stones were awesome because they did something that hadn't been done before. If they could make a whole game full of unique settings like that, it would be fantastic.
remember people saying that Ganon would tutor Link in BoTW because they thought Calamity Ganon was Demise's curse after leaving Ganon's body? Something like that
I want key items back, but I don't want the typical bow, bombs, and boomerang. Think of something creative to take their place instead.
I was thinking about how BOTW, while fun, has no depth.
And then you realise that there are no real caves or swimming underwater, and it becomes obvious that it literally has no depth.
But hey, you can climb that mountain and then paraglide off of it!
Playable zelda that defeats enemies by seducing them and draining the life energy from their dicks.
One specially tricky battle will be against twinroba because you have to convince them to have lesbian sex with you
This was the big red flag for me. It's also why I want a game with a massive underground complex or as I mentioned earlier, a Wind Waker title done in that same engine.
I want a combo pack of the remakes of TP and WW for the switch, i love those games and missed on them because I skipped the Wii U.
The logical step after BOTW is a functional dual hookshot that works like Spiderman but can only hook to surfaces and not the moon, and make it work off steam like in Steamworld Dig so you don't spam it for regular movement.
Also just add Dungeons to the overworld, physics and world are good as they are, maybe add more enemies types from the series.