It's up:

It's up:

>western noses
That's a day 1 pirate

>Joakim Sandberg
yeah alright Schlomo

>Sup Forums hates Noitu Love 2 now
What the FUCK happened?

noitu love is bad and you should feel bad.


ikr Noitu Love 2 is WAY better!

cool, a new metroidvania. This is a pretty good time to be a metroidvania fan.

go shill your shitty game somewhere else OP

Why does the game not feature Byzantine riots?

Wow afterI all these years it's fi ally out

Time to pirate

>no nudity tag

this took fucking forever to finish like owlboy length.

>10 hour metroidvania
So has everyone officially run out of ideas?

Well that's out of nowhere. How many years ago was the demo?

Too long ago

>10 nut-twisting hours of Metroidvania-style platform adventure
This better be the best fap I've had in forever.

>all the underages and newfags in this thread

about fucking time.

My girlfriend was born after Noitu Love, it was pretty weird trying to explain to her a game has been being made longer than she was alive

Enjoy being forgotten in 1 month just like Owlboy.

Wow, it's been years since I looked at this. What was the story with the dev?

>indie side scroller
o boy

Must be at least 18 to post newfag

I think i remember caring about this

Like 7 years ago.

>shitty japs can't do noses


I thought this was an abandoned project/demo back then, their still developing this game, jesus christ way to fucking long.

Rude, love knows no legal bounds

Time keeps on slipping.

What does that have to do with being at least 18 to post? Are you in love with Sup Forums or something?

I'M WITH YOU user!


Japanese realize noses are objectively ugly, so they'd rather not draw them at all

>tfw still remember reading about the iconoclast demo on some magazine years ago
Feels kinda surreal


>reading videogame magazines
That IS surreal



>tumblr noses
Such a shame...


Tumblr images

I am getting a SJW vibe from this.


>only SJWs post images to Tumblr


So whom did this guy cross so now we have all those bots shitting thread up?

I'd rather play as this one.

It's all just shitposting from newfags.

Hasn't this been up for a while? I barely know anything about the game, but I wishlisted it so that I wouldn't forget to look into it later.

Probably, only found out that there's finally a Steam page for it yesterday.

You do know it's a huge hub for SJW's and you still have not countered the (((Sandberg))).

Tumblr nose is when there's excessive coloring different from the normal skin tone on the nose. Just drawing a nose is not tumblr nose.

>dev literally admits game is only 10 hours long

>Available: 2017
Fuck. These last few months of the year are too much for me. I have trouble keeping up.

Would you rather have 200 hours of collecting pig asses(half of which spent autowalking) on a open world game, rather than 10 hours of action?

What the fuck is this? Starbound?

a good way to tell is if neogaf likes it, its very likely sjwshit

>Sandberg is a Scandinavian and Dutch surname, meaning "Sand Mountain".

You do know it's a basic blogging site and anyone can post anything there and if you're finding content you find objectionable it's because you are actively searching for it.

God damn it you made me think it was out.

More than enough for a metroidvania.

That's the Sup Forums definition

Real tumblr nose accentuated noses

Fuck. Now I regret entering this thread.
10 hours is more than fine by me. The last game I finished took me about the same too. And I ws still more than happy with it.
Had I known it was 10~ hours before playing it however then that would have detracted from my enjoyment.

The mystery of how much of the game is left disappears with the average play time being spoiled ahead of time. Yes it's no doubt disappointing when the game is indeed too short. But if it isn't, then going in not knowing is much more enjoyable.

Yeah, no

When i was a kid every game was easily 100+/hours long
10 hours for a videogane is unacceptabkr

Dude. Fuckoff. That is a very typical sounding name of germanic/norse origin.

Just don't keep track on how long you've played.

>When i was a kid every game was easily 100+/hours long
That's because you were a dumb kid and bad at video games. Unless you played nothing but RPGs, you might find a lot of those games you spent so much time in to be a lot shorter now. As long as you're not a games journalist.

Holy shit it's actually coming out? It's not vaporware?


Content complete, currently fixing bugs and general polish.

>measuring a games quality by it's length
why do kids keep doing this?

How much? How much? How much? How much?
I swear if they pull an Owlboy...

>This thread
Jesus fucking christ the newfag feels strong in this one.
I can't believe it's finally coming out, it's been AGES. Definitely looking forward to it

Page has been up for ages, I wishlisted it in May. I'll believe in the 2017 date when I'm playing it, like Death's Gambit.


Looks like literal garbage


Cuphead took me 8 hours with good bosses and good graphics. This is going to be less than 10 hours because it's going to be easier than pissing sitting down. Garbage game.

>female protagonist

Jesus Christ, and I thought this was a NEVER EVER.
This is great, took some long ass time.

Fuck you OP you made think it just came out or something, had this shit wishlisted since April


I'm waiting for the Vita version instead.

>itt fucking nufags everywhere
>v is infested now
>Imagine hating on konjak
Fuck this place

Welcome to nu-Sup Forums.

>That's the Sup Forums definition
Well you ARE on Sup Forums, my niggerbrained friend.

>It's up:

You dumb slow retard it was "up" for the last 2/3 months...

Try 6/7 months

What metroid games take longer than 10 hours to complete? Are you a retard or something?

yea you would feel that after spending 7 god damn years.
hopefully its worth it in the end.
it isn't