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So are we getting the final TF2 comic today?


H-aha... T-tonight's the night...

If this anniversary day fucking passes and Valve says/does absolutely nothing, we know something is very very wrong. I'm not gonna expect a game, but SOME sort of thing is going to happen today.

They HAVE to acknowledge the 10th anniversary of 3 of some of their most popular titles. I don't care that it's not going to be a game, but there's no company in the world that would simply ignore the anniversary of not just one, BUT 3, of their flagships.

waiting for that fucking pyro update

>still holding on
why? its just yet another greedy corporation, grow the fuck up

>it's been a year and a half for a single fucking content update

>still giving a shit about valve
stop, this isnt good for you.


>One blog post for a birthday present
>Steam page isn't even changed
Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected. Time to go home people.

>The Orange Box 2
>Contains Half Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Team Fortress 3, Portal 3

>valve reflects
>robin walker

didn't he leave around the time that tf2 started to die

Nah. Valve don't give a shit about anniversaries. But the update still might drop soon because dota/csgo/tf2 teams have a habit of dropping big updates at the same time and CSGO's dev team said they would release the dust2 remake soon.

Seeing these threads popping out, getting 50 replies and then getting pruned for inactivity really makes me realize nobody really cares about Valve anymore and maybe it would be about time for me to move along as well.

I hate their new art style. They fucking butchered inferno

I always liked more colorful maps desu.

I'd kill for an updated official version of 2Fort that takes in consideration the newest balances and avoids eternal stalemates.

Join the rest of us friend

The times were good, I enjoyed every moment of it. Even became a Kritzkast server admin for shits, giggles, lo-fis, and to meet everyone. 100+ friends playing TF2 right now soon dwindled, and despite not removing a single person, there's 0-3 people playing at any given time


Yes, user. It's time to let go.
I'll hold your hand.

Half Life 2 50% off for the next 24 hours.

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything.

So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
in my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
everything, everything
that matters to me,
matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now all the guilt is mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
we can't forget love and pride
because of that, its killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down


*Untradable coupon for 10%

Uninstalling rn

>Crafted a badge
>Got an untradable coupon for 20% off bloody boobs
>mfw it deleted itself from my item showcase


>writer leaves
>comic never gets finished

>yfw they release the blueball box today

if 7, HL3 never ever and pyro update is delayed til next year

so why was it the ORANGE box?

why not the valve box or the dicknigger box?

I could be wrong, but because Half-Life often had an orange-focused palette?

Pinkerton says they have the final script so whatever is going on is something other than Valve hemorrhaging writers.

Supposedly he finished the story just before leaving.

Lambda symbol is orange you nucking figger

because ORANGE you happy you bought it ;)

Because Valve knows orange is the best color

It's dead, people. Time to move on


is tf2 /ourgame/?


I don't think I've ever heard people discuss this, but did people like Portal 2?

It was.

>still giving a shit about anything other than Steam shekels

>So TF2's core gameplay seems to be fairly resilient in the face of all the horrible things we've done to it
>he knows the game is fuck but he wont do a thing

Now that is sad as fuck

yeah, Portal 2 is fucking great. My absolute least favorite contrarian meme on Sup Forums is to prefer Portal 1 to 2

That was sarcasm, you dork.

Fuck artifact, fuck dota.

>dev days was cancelled this year
>they were supposed to announce cheap headsets and AAA games

Reinstalling TF2. Just because Valve won't do anything doesn't mean I can't.

>artifact killed tf2
artifact's not even out yet and the revisionism has already started?

Valve can eat a dick desu, they're worthless as a game developer nowadays

>computer is ded, reduced to a laptop
>not enough space to install tf2 and run it in 8 bit mode
just fuck my shit up

every second spent on artifact has been a second not spent on a real game

I was able to move on once Laidlaw posted EP3's story.

Iirc it's a mechanical term or something, like a phrase

Orange is color of HL's lambda symbol, HEV-suit and HUD elements in general.
Orange is one of two portals made by portal gun. Orange is also prevailing color once you get out of test courses.
Orange is one of prevailing colors in TF2, although this is a bit shaky.

Actually, Black Box was also announced around that time. If I recall correctly, Black Box was console version and Orange Box was PC version.

I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel.

didn't he just say that he should be finished it before his contract was up?

You're thinking of a black box (a recorder on a plane), which doesn't really have much to do with any of them IIRC.
Amusingly enough, black boxes are usually red/orange.

That truly was the final nail in the coffin, I lost hope well before that but that moment was us pretty much finding the missing corpse of the Half Life series.

Black Box was just Episode 2, Portal and TF2. Orange Box was the entire HL2 series, Portal and TF2.

>Portal didn’t fit any existing model of a successful game for us to know how it was going to really turn out. There wasn’t much of a history of first person puzzle games, let alone ones that combined a new gameplay mechanic with comedy

>any existing model of a successful game

There you go folks, the decaying state of video games, straight from the horse's mouth.

>which doesn't really have much to do with any of them
Actually black box was going to be a version of the orange box without hl2 and ep1 (so just the 3 new games) but they canned the idea shortly before it came out.

I expect nothing from Valve anymore but monetization-focused shitty new games and shitty monetization of existing games.

We're going to get a blog post, a "we're working on things", and that's it

If you think anything else is going to happen, literally anything more than that, you are absolutely delusional

Why the change? Too redundant?

On the bright side, if they never release the pyro update their retarded ambassador nerf will never go through. Good news for gunspies, bad news for me, since I bought a nametag for the gun and was going to call it X-com when the patch went live

oh shit

I don't even expect a blog post at this point.
Halloween is around the corner and they didn't say a thing about Scream Fortress either.

They didn't want to give anyone a discount, and they sold the Orange Box cheap as fuck in the first place.

>retarded ambassador nerf
If you like to headshot, play Sniper, cunt.

>anti-adblock blocking my access

fuck it, not worth it

>not using umatrix
>no disabling scripts
git gud fucknuckle


>what could be a good nerf to this strong weapon?
>how about increasing the rng so that aiming at the head won't hit anything?
There were better ways of handling it.

>updated localization files

Let go and begin again

They made one for the birthday of TFC, that's the only reason I think they'll throw one out

Move on to what?

>B...battlefield 1 is kind of fun

>tfw not enjoyed an fps game for the best part of 8 years

I mentioned BF1 because I sat down and enjoyed it for the first time after having it since launch. I haven't played a multiplayer shooter by myself and had fun for hours on end since 2013 when I got really into Red Orchestra 2

Move Over, Valve.

Siege was fun to learn and discover with a friend
Not anywhere close to the golden ages of TF2, but it was damn fun and still is despite Ubisoft

Titanfall but it's fucking dead and on origin
Overmeme is just a bad version of TF2 with the lootcrate garbage
Doom fucking killed itself on launch
Quake might have potential but it's fucking Bethesda
Destiny no fucking comment

I just might quit fps games altogether and work on that backlog.

>TF2 with the lootcrate garbage
So, tf2?

Unlike overwatch at one point TF2 was actually fun

I dont think TF2 Glorifies Crates as much a Overwatch does.
Blizzard makes those pass a full fledged content updates, For Valve its just a little side-update. We barely even get those anymore.

TF2 is actually free to play.

TF2 was fun until the class updates

>that streamlined gameplay
>that artstyle

after the updates everything went autistic and shit.

He never implied otherwise, that wasn't the point I guess.

I mean, they added key-less crates not long ago.
Tf2 is great but let's not hide the fact it was the pioneer of games with cosmetic microtransactions, even before going f2p.

>tfw had the orange box for my xbox but didnt have xbox live
>just played in the tf2 maps alone

im not ready

You never played during the free weekends? That's what I used to do.

my old piece of shit xbox didnt even have wifi, and the router was all the way across the house

>you will never pootispencer for the first time again
>you will never have another "holy shit" frag
>you will never get to hear new banter between the mercs
>you will never experience watching your first gmod
>you will never see another meet the sfm
Man... Its just not fair. Valve was my childhood, and to see it turn into something so hollow and evil.. It just isnt right.