Why even buy this game at full price? It will be 7 bux in a few months like the shitty first game

Why even buy this game at full price? It will be 7 bux in a few months like the shitty first game.


People are gullible

I'm getting second hand because it has a black person. Probably won't even play it

I want a lotr game that's like dragons dogma so bad

Because of the hype people will buy it.

Do 520 people lie?

Might get the (((game of the year))) edition with all the dlc for free. Might.

>This sequel is announced
>I say the first game was fucking trash
>People disagree with me
>Find out which of my friends are subhumans with shit taste

At least one good thing came out of all this. Now I know whose opinions to immediately discard due to their shit taste in games.

id consider playing it if they pay me

>not automatically discarding everyones opinions but your own.
Beta sheep detected.

Exactly what I'm hoping for.

Many simply buy it out of boredom.

>There's going to be a point where the game is cheaper than the lootboxes in it
Gaming is fucked, yo.

>Why even buy this game at full price?
To make reddit mad because muh loot boxes.



>buying games

I thought the first one was fun
If this one flops I’ll probably pick it up when it goes on sale

Where's that crack, man

>baiting this hard

How much are the lootboxes anyway?

>First game wasn't that awful and actually pretty enjoyable.
>Wanted to see if this one will be better.
>it is trash

Wew hopefully I bought divinty 2 instead.

Yeah I'll be getting it in a year or two, depends on the DLC. If there is good DLC I'll wait on the GOTY edition.

I picked up a new graphics card recently this game came with it as a "gift" deal. It definitely isn't the kind of game I would spend money on for myself, but I figured I would try it out since it was free. I have only played for a few hours and I have already had this guy here kill me, get killed by me, cheat death, get killed by me again, and then finally return as mecha frieza. I am not sure how I feel about this system. Am I going to be fighting this guy for the rest of the game?

My only real problem with the game so far is the frequency with which I am getting ambushed. Just running to my objective a few hundred units away I often end up getting dragged into fights against upwards of 3 or 4 of these captain characters, it seems like every time I step into a new street I get 40 seconds of cutscenes while all of them introduce themselves one after another. Is this what the game is supposed to be?

I can't run it anyway, saving for an upgrade/new build has taken priority.

I probably wouldn't buy it if I could though, the microtransactions seem jewy and I could never get in to the first game. Though I kind of like the idea of it and i've been thinking of going back and giving it another go.

Some orcs do that. I killed one once, he came back with a slash on his face, I cut his head off and his head was stapled by the neck, I cut his head off again and now he's wearing some sort of bag on his head, he managed to escape
The orcs are probably the only interesting characters in the game. None of the humans matter

That happened to me in the beginning as well, dunno if it's some sort of bug to put so many captains together, but it stops happening after the first hour or two. If you get mobbed just give up and die or climb a house and gtfo

All those yes man with 3 hours playtime in steam reviews.

I would fucking LOVE that, user. Some Orc coming back each time I killed him, just a little more fucked up each time. Eventually he's all Pig-fearing Dib, comes at me in some Urichish Mech suit built of garbage and pieces of discarded armor and I just recruit him.

>You decapitated me, then immolated me, fed me to carragors, smashed me with a megatroll, cleaved me in two, & exploded my head with dark magic! Now I have returned to-


>Yes master...