Why aren't you playing your Nintendo Switch user?

Why aren't you playing your Nintendo Switch user?

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I like Splatoon 2 but im a sucker for grindfest so I’m playing Destiny 2 atm

I’ll get on for the Splatfest I guess

i did play splatoon just now
till i got pissed why it is a shit game and stopped
>muh you got splated loser
yes because this is a shit game with shit progamming and uttershit ping rate
im lv 50 btw
this game is just the last piece of shit

Because my fucking town is burning down and I don't have wifi where I am I can get on.

Because I'm sitting here arguing with other faggots like me on Sup Forums.

there's nothing to play

I am

The fuck are you playing?

don't want to play anything while waiting for odyssey so reading vagabond and rewatching cromartie high school while i wait

I scratched the screen is not a game

Why does saving take so damn long in Stardew Valley

Because some of us has ones of those pesky things called Jobs, you know those things that let you afford vidya.

I'm going to guess it's just a bad port, because outside of the switch controls in the first loading screen it still mentions "right clicking" and other PC controls in the dialog.

I play it mainly everyday. I only have zelda at the moment but its great.

This is an amazing system and makes up for the Wii U failure. This should have been their version 1 of this type of console.

I don't like Nintendo IP's but I'm glad to know you guys are having fun with it

Wal-Mart greeter isn't really a job

Because college consumes a lot of time

Hmm interesting... you just assumed I have some low tier job, well sure if that let you sleep at night let's say I'm a "Wal-Mart greeter".


>Spent the last five years working in data entry for an office who documented medical forms
>Had my own cube, files, etc whole nine yards
>One day almost every hospital hits us at once with "hey we're gonna start processing our own documents now k?"
>After about three months on unemployment I'm now a butcher
>All while going to college in the morning because it made me realize I need to buffer myself in case something like that happens again

Not him but it's amazing where life takes you sometimes.

now everyone can assume you have autism with that kinda reply

I've literally done nothing else this weekend other than play Stardew Valley Switch. I've just finished year one.

Because I'm catching up on Kamen Rider Build and Kyuranger at the moment.

Hey I remember you from another thread, how do you like being a butcher?

Yes I'm a Wal-Mart greeter with autism.

Am I missing something else? please feel free to add more details.

How many Heroes have you slain?

nah that's about it my guy

It pays the bills. I've learned a whole hell of a lot about meat, I can tell you that much. I've also learned to appreciate bone in over boneless, because you get sweet flavoring from the bone marrow. Really though, I eat my steaks rare, so the bone in is worthless on those, but when pork roasts go on sale and I wanna make some BBQ pork sandwiches you bet your ass I'm getting those bone in pork shoulders.

A strip steak is just a boneless T-bone. Don't fall for ridiculous T-bone prices.

I have joked around with uppity customers that it's not exactly a good idea to chimp out on the guy covered in blood and holding a knife, that's close enough.


I'm busy replaying xenoblade on my 3ds in anticipation of xenoblade 2


No games.

I make more, too. I went from $11/hr to $15. I'm unionized too so I'm basically untouchable, I can't be written up without the union approving it. They've tried to write me up twice in the year I've been here and the union shot down both of them.

One was just a couple days ago, this time of year management gets a bonus if they schedule under a certain amount of hours for the year so they're really hard on when you clock out - they've been writing up if you clock out seven minutes late. I clocked out at like 10:08 one night so they wrote me up, union was like "no way fag Indiana law says only fifteen minutes over is late, suck a dick" so into the trash it went.

The absolute best part is union protects you from shitty customers. If some asswipe starts REEEEEing because they want free shit, I can walk away with absolutely no reprocussions because motherfucker, I don't deserve to be treated like that just because you're mad you came in a day late for a sale.

playing cuphead before i go back to fail at puyo some more

No games.

Don't own one, don't want one. Shit has no games I want to play.

Because I just moved house a month ago and my ISP STILL hasn't fucking hooked me up
NBN my ass

I just want to play my children's paint game
I've been playing a couple of games here and thither on mobile data, surprisingly not very data hungry game. 12 MB a game or so, sometimes 20 in ranked.

What's the word on Virtual Console?
I heard mention once that the Switch might be getting gamecube games?

Doing hardmode runs in Binding of Isaac

Because it's not replacing the 3DS.





I have zero reasons to get one.

Because I'm at work, and I don't get downtime to just bring the thing with me to play it

Butcherbro here. I fucking feel you, man.
>Sometimes you don't have a choice but to clock out and work off the clock if you wanna make sure shit is cleaned up and done
>Don't get to take both of my 15s most nights because of how chaotic shit is
>Managers constantly up your ass about how the shelves are empty when demand is so high people are literally snatching shit out of your hands and off your racks as you're bringing them out

Like take this week, our big sale is on chuck roasts at 2.77 a pound, normally priced at like 12.99 a pound. You're seeing shit go from $25-30 down to $6-8, and you somehow don't understand that there's gonna be some fucking demand and you can't get away with this skeleton crew shit?

I will never understand the absolutely unrealistic expectations retail managers have and go to bed every night thanking whatever deity is listening the union covers my ass for basically every tantrum they wanna throw.

Why are joycons 80 fucking dollars? I want the red ones but Jesus Christ, there's no way in hell im paying 80 bucks. ((They)) really went all out

Man I really want to like stardew but it makes me intensely uncomfortable to play it. Not sure why

Got bored with Splatoon 2 and there's nothing else to play currently.

damn nigga i've been playing way more than i should be and im only at middle of summer

no games

do you feel the same about all harvest moon-likes

you need an extra set? pay the bloody money, you need only the color just buy a 5$ chink replacement

Aren't you the same falseflagging fag who tried to pull this gullible act last time?

Serves California right for all the degeneracy.
San andreas earthquake soon.

a public bathroom? really user?

Mario kart is very addictive

idk, maybe your gay now too?

>Like take this week, our big sale is on chuck roasts at 2.77 a pound, normally priced at like 12.99 a pound. You're seeing shit go from $25-30 down to $6-8
I used to be a restaurant manager and I have to ask, just what kind of shitty animals are you guys selling that you can profit off that?
I don't want to be rude but it sounds like selling with no mark-up at all.

>It's another "someone has absolutely absurd expectations for a fucking kroger" episode

No but seriously we get USDA Choice Angus 99% of the time, but for sales like that we get just non-Angus USDA Choice.

Make of that what you will, because I certainly don't know. Meat is meat, and I'm sure once I have "the real shit" I'll change my mind, but for now I'm happy.

Never played HM but I remember feeling this way after a while with animal crossing ds, but that was over a decade ago. Thought I'd give this a tru

Are the chink replacements reliable?

I'm such a fag for red

Because I'm not a child.

i been playing recently metal slug x but mustly when i go to the bathroom, the rest of the time im playong a hat in time/cuphead on my PC, i guess ill come back to my switch when im done with both games

But I just played ARMS with friends

I don't know are you the same fag that's trying to convince me to buy a downgrade to the 3DS?

How is the Switch a downgrade to the 3DS?

you are a man child tho

3DS has games
Switch doesn't
That's a downgrade

i def only read the weirdest shitposting either on Sup Forums or facebook

It's not about high expectations, but here in Europe we have tight regulations about meat and you won't find a chicken breast going for less than €3-4/kilogram if you're a restaurant, and that's assuming you buy stuff that is yet to be cleaned by your own cooks and that you will make into a dish you sell for €12(160 grams of actual meat in it) for a very minumum mark-up, so being able to sell a pound of meat directly cut from a beast for $5 after factoring in the wages, expenses etc.etc. is sketchy, I'm not saying it's not good or not edible it's just...weird.

do you even what a downgrade is? BTW list me the games 3DS had on its first 7 months

>paid online
>no backward compatibility
>no virtual console
>no games
>higer price
>2-hour battery
>one screen
Honestly, if you bought a Switch expecting it to be the 3DS's replacement you're a fucking idiot.

>one screen
Okay you're trolling. No one could seriously see that as a downside.

I'm so proud of you user.

Will you be my bf

Same. I know midterm week is important and all that jazz, but you think a campus with 5,100 students could provide a better internet service that can host a match of 8people.
...the switch is starting to get dust because Salmon Run and Puyo Puyo isn't that interesting as itself.

Cause I'm shitting

Yeah, mother fucker it is. On 3DS you can look at the map in the game while still playing it, on Switch you have to switch to a separate map screen, that's a fucking downgrade, man.

>paid online
not yet, will cost 20" annually when it launches, i'm not approving it thou, thanks microsoft for that, but again its just 20$, are you some kind of turbo poorfag?
>no backward compatibility
>no virtual console
not yet
>no games
>higer price
its a new console you retard, did you forget 3DS was 250$ at launch?
>2-hour battery
3DS had like 3 hours battery on the old stock model, Switch battery life depends heavily the settings you choose to play with and the games
>one screen
how is this a bad thing? are you implying having an absolute garbage 240p secondary screen wasting hardware power and battery is a good thing to have?

It's not shitposting, faggot. See

It's just a sale, man. It's kind of like when Japan does their HOLY SHIT THIS CARTON OF EGGS IS 50C WHILE SUPPLIES LAST COME GET IT MOTHERFUCKER

The real sketchy shit comes in when stuff is expired, but if it still looks/smells good we'll season it up and throw it out as a "manager's special"

>implying anyone with a functioning brain needs to be told the manager's special has something wrong with it

ah yes, you are

You realize they could literally put the map on the screen as most games do? Are you mentally handicapped?

Is this adam

Yes it is, you know you don't believe a damn word you say

3DS was a mistake, now we have retards saying the dual screen gimmick is a good thing to keep implementing

Sucking dick can only go so far, Switchfag.

I believe every word I say because for the most part I'm always right, maybe you should look at Sup Forumss past track record for being right, doesn't really look good when you faggots lie all the time.

Are you, like I said the Switch is a downgrade even to the pile of shit that was the Wii U.

You gonna keep going with this, m8?

I'm playing Stardew Valley. Good shit.

No games and too expensive

>I believe every word I say because for the most part I'm always right
No you don't

I bought Splatoon 2 on release day, played for maybe an hour, realised my internet is generally shit and is considerably worse through a wireless router. Stopped playing.

It's a shame, even with the absolutely fucking ridiculous lag I was pulling a positive K/D.

>Sucking dick can only go so far, Switchfag.
nice argument, take my last (you)

Might get back into some disgaea 5 postgame after I beat cuphead. Not entirely sure.
It's the only game I play on it anymore. BoTW was a mistake. They should leave the open world rpg games to third party devs. If it had the size and scope of xenoblade chronicles and if half the regions weren't empty as fuck, I'd consider playing BoTW more. After getting the master sword and the house, I raided the castle and completely lost interest after realizing how fucking easy it is to get inside.

Yeah, because Metroid Samus Returns bombed in sales and we're never getting another 2D Metroid, right? OH WAIT!

How about, you take yours (you) annoying little shit.

The United States subsidizes meat pretty hard. I can go to the local store and get Eye of Round (albeit not a tender cut but very lean) for about $4-5/lb. That’s for steak/beef.
Chicken is dirt cheap. I can get like 8 chicken breasts for about $5 ($2-3/lb)
Pork tenderloin is about $3-4/lb

Amazes me that people here are fat honestly. Vegetables are even cheaper. I can eat healthy for every meal for a week for about $25

Debating whether or not to buy Oxenfree

Waiting on my mario edition switch to come in

>Yeah, because Metroid Samus Returns bombed in sales and we're never getting another 2D Metroid, right? OH WAIT!
Nigga that still doesn't prove you're not faking

It proves a lot, Sup Forums said the Switch would fail, it did well, Sup Forums says the Xbox One X will fail, looks like they're about to be wrong again, Sup Forums said Metroid Samus Returns would fail because of pirates, I told them pirates won't even put a dent on SR's sales look who was right? They said Doom would be a COD cash grab, turned out they were wrong again. I'm tired of dealing with Sup Forums's bullshit of being wrong, all the time.

>It proves a lot, Sup Forums said the Switch would fail, it did wel
Well what do you know, i was right something was being faked :^)

Alright no moe (You)s

Just saw splatoon 2 update today with some fixes I've been waiting on. Will play today for first time in a few weeks.

Not if you ate it first.