How the fuck am I suppose to beat this guy? I'm doing like 2 FUCKING damage and he kills me in like 3 hits. This is fucking bullshit.
How the fuck am I suppose to beat this guy? I'm doing like 2 FUCKING damage and he kills me in like 3 hits...
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But, it is the first or second time that you fight with him?
wtf I fucking blocked dude
Lock-on, run to his left your right side since most of his hits are done with the right hand. Try to hit him only in the back, and roll back when he starts to animate an atack.
Also, did you pick the weapons in the door to the left?
What I'm suppose to run to the door? The game never told me that. They just gave me this sword hilt that does like no damage. Literally artificial difficulty.
i don't remember him being so blue
>the game must told me always what to do
You must be a millenial. Games back then didn't use to handhold you all the way to the end, they gave you challenges that you had to overpass using your brain and logic.
If you can't pass Asylum Demon, just give up, and become one of the casuals crying that they can't beat him at megacritic. You know, those that people who finished the game always laugh about? Just go and become one of then, you filthy noob.
If you took the bait any harder you would be a literal fish.
>You must be a millenial
Are you telling me you're not? Were you born before 1982?
Of course he was.
He's probably some underage Sup Forumsnigger that's just projecting his insecurities.
Who the fuck uses the word noob? He's clearly underage.
Millenials are born in 2000 and beyond, faggot.
Is this the real bait?
>floor is intact
>Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
Do you have some special snowflake definition that just so happens to exclude (You)?
Try not being retarded for five seconds
And you drones say Dark Souls doesn't hold your hand.
you fool, you fell for his counter bait
Can't tell if bait. If not, there were marks on the tutorials on the ground telling you what to do
But then I'd have to stop worshipping Dark Souls as the most hardcore game ever made. For five seconds.
that's generation Z right now, retard, millennials are early 80s, I think the age range is like 23-36 for that generation, with 22 and lower being gen z
y u hef to be mad
Come on your bait is just cringy now
Yeah I think OP was just a decoy...
>being this retarded
This is bait right? RIGHT?
It's a trap by the developers you are supposed to pick black firebombs as you starting gift. you have to make a new character if you miss too many throws or die everytime.