Female Protagonist Sale Going On Now For PC Games


Humble Bundle has kicked off its latest weekly sale, this one discounting games with female protagonists. Discounts are as good as 80 percent off, and some of the titles marked down include Bayonetta ($15), Rise of the Tomb Raider ($24), Tacoma ($16), Life Is Strange ($5), Alien: Isolation ($8), and Her Story ($1.50).

Other games marked down in the Female Protagonists Sale include SteamWorld Heist ($5), Haydee ($7.50), and Gone Home ($3).

>female protagonist sale
>pick games like Haydee and Bayonetta

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How can she be female if shes a robot?

>tfw Sup Forums is literally too casual for Haydee

If your dick says she's female, then she's female.

>tfw got all the cheevos for Haydee
honestly not something to be proud of

Yeah but you wouldn't believe the amount of people on Sup Forums who were complaining Haydee was too hard.

>"wtf limited saves fuck this game."

>tfw learned the basics of 3D modeling with blender just so I could splice together various Haydee model mods and tweak the proportions to my liking
Also not very proud of that.

Bayonetta is unironically female power fantasy
the game is not that fappable

People have done worse things in the name of their dick user.

Bayonetta was never meant to fappable.