Danganronpa V3

>The ending was good!
>The ending was bad!

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I love Junko!

i reject the ending

I'm in a bit of financial trouble. If only someone could help me out~

I thought the game was lackluster before the ending. For supposedly being a soft reboot of the franchise, it didn't take anywhere near enough risks. Also lying was a fucking stupid overhyped mechanic, from a gameplay and story perspective.

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl

I hate Junko!

I guess I'll go stand in the corner with my neutral opinion on it.

You can't reject the truth

The ending was great, I unironically think the people who say the ending was bad will eventually say it was a good ending over time. Hell, there are already people saying they like the ending after hating it RIGHT NOW.

Why won't they give Danganronpa the Fate treatment? Add parallel universes spin-offs and gachapon mobile games

I don't know what the hell Danganronpa is but I keep seeing that bear everywhere and it's pretty cute

thanks for posting


Such despair that the Western release couldn't include the original ending song.

Have some more bear

You're welcome, user.
Go buy Danganronpa 1 2 and V3 so you can join us!

Please no, I'd whale for my favourites.

I was wondering why ending song was so bland.

You sound supah serious bruddah

NISA couldn't get the rights to the song, for whatever reason.

I love Himiko!

Put those guns away


>Shuichi, you need to find the truth no matter what

The fuck was his problem?

Everything is a seesaw

Please buy our merchandise

I love Chiaki!

>NISA couldn't get the rights
>they could for the other two
Were they just lazy

285 dollars in this far.

dumb nerd

/our girl/ Mukuro will be Danganronpa If protagonist in the reboot

I love Kirumi!

good shuichi
fight for the truth even if it's scary

He said he was going to believe in his friends no matter what, even if he was wrong. He stood by his word. Also, he was really pissed off at Oma. Can't blame him.

I wanna get into her small hole!


That explains a lot. I was actually expecting the credits to explode and Monokuma to come from nowhere screaming about how it's not over yet when that bland as fuck music started along with the decision to show the names of the characters under the cast section instead of the voice actors. Such a weird decision, especially when every game until now had the song intact, I hope they don't Yakuza us from now on and change the OP/ED for V4.

Gonta too much of a supreme gentleman to do it.

Is there a better character than KAITO MOMOTA? The Luminary of The Stars!

>support Kaede
>support Gonta
>reach out to Suichi and sway him away from depression
>after Hirumi is exposed he save everyone from DESPAIR and tell them not to discard their lives for her cause and to live for their dreams
>reach out for Maki and teach her to show emotions for the first time in her life
>take a bullet for Kochiki and becomes a murderer to not make Maki the blackened
>the only one who doesn't get killed by execcution and had to be directly killed by Mastermind who broke the rules and slowly killed the contestant with a virus

Why do all of the funny looking characters always die?

but what is it

Everyone, calm down. We have this.

Look at all those beautiful sprites. If the game receives the 3D treatment, we won't have any more of them and danganronpa threads would succumb.
We cannot let this happen.

most of the people who hate ending didn't understand it. There are people who think outside world of V3 is our world and Keebo's inner voice is the player


seesaw trick memes are also good

I don't know the story behind it. The only thing I can think of is there was some sort of friction or problem between NISA and Megumi Ogata, the singer.

>Shuichi, you need to find the truth no matter what
Kaede said it first

You're the first Kirumifag I see, how does it feel to love a character with less fans and art than the plainest girl ever?

who was the best monocub and why was it monodam?

>implying any of you nerds would believe Kokichi instead of Gonta if you were him

he's the only one with Space AIDS doesn't make any sense.

Please don't give them any ideas.
Captcha : TREE palla

>worked for Shuichi, Maki and Himiko
>they survive the killing game
>didn't work for Gonta
>he dies
What did Kaito mean by this?

I'd trust my boy Shuichi who has saved our asses time and time again.

Yeah. 3D models would be pretty great.

whats the best Danganronpa of the first 10?
Shin Danganronpa is the best in my opinion

Kaede taught Shuichi to find the truth, Kaito taught Shuichi to believe in his friends.

Don't forget to add Skyrim and Fallout 4 to your cart while you're at it, user.

The wildest ride.


>tfw to smart too pull off an unsolvable murder

Don't make fun of his appearance. He looks a lot like me.

A game about murder mysteries and memes.

Hey wanna hang out sometime Weedman 2.0?

>tfw no kirumommy gf

Best Waifu even through her English dub is annoying as hell

ace attorney + SAW

He pissed Monokuma after Kaede's trial and Monokuma said that he will never make out of here alive.

>Kaede taught Shuichi to find the truth
Also to believe in himself as a detective

b-but I love Kirumi too!

I agree. I loved how murder had to tame a demon to commit a murder.

It's like Phoenix Wright but more intense

>that stiff animation
>those lifeless eyes
I'll stick with my sprites thank you very much
Well, it's a game where you meet a bunch of new interesting people, and then you and them get forced into a game where the only way to escape is to kill someone and get away with it. So when a murder happens, you have to collect evidence and alibis from the others and participate in an Ace Attorney-like trial where you have to use said evidence to refute other people's statements and eventually find out whodunnit.
Go buy it, it's great

She actually has 2 VAs in the dub, for 1 and 2 at least. Her DR3 VA is certainly something though ha

They should have made a Bryce Papenbrook cover of the song.

>Shuichi who fell into Kokichi's ruse cruise

Manlet had the hardest life in DR.


oh wow what an original final trial!
both despair and hope sucks lol
so witty
totally not a fucking rehash of DR2


I wish they could have used this somewhere, rather than restricting it only to the bonus Mini OST. It's so catchy.

Who /dab/ganronpa here?

>fanartists putting Shuichi as friends with Kokichi
I don't really get this. Shuichi doesn't even interact much with Kokichi besides in Chapter 4

I want to get on Ouma's ruse cruise!


Crypt of the Necrodancer chapter 5 Danganronpa OST update with Hope Searching, the new Cross Sword, Scrum debate and as a boss music ONE! when?

Couldn't stand her in 1/2 with the overly American teenage girl personality

Yeah, I'm sure you would. Unless I'm mistaken, you were one of those who were drooling over the 3D Kyoko model for the VR game.

Yeah man, I'd actually trust Kaito and get killed haha you're so right, here, enjoy your (You) ;)

Both 2 and V3's endings are pretty similar when you think about it
>Cuz it's a game!

But I'm a Kirumifag too


wait a minute...................... You're right!

Kodaka's a hack

Cute boys belong together.

why didn't the trial room change its design this time? seeing the same shitty vitrals all the time was boring


Oh come on. Angie's not THAT plain.

>expecting fanart to stay true to canon
Also FTEs are a thing. I didn't hang out with anyone other than him until I got him maxed out.

Voice actors really had a lot of fun with this

Sometimes he looks like THIS!

Just because I want to see what she looks like as a 3D model does not mean I would prefer 3D models over 2D sprites. There's only so much you can do with 3D models, and the 2D sprites have a lot of character to them.
>inb4 2DPD

Beta GIrls! Everyone loves Beta girls! Get Beta girls!