You can only press one button
You can only press one button
Black, hoping that Sony and Nintendo go along with them.
Purple or watch the industry go to mobile only games
Blue button easy
The occasional lootbox BS i can deal with, i really dont want games censored anymore
stop censoring games.
The artists behind a game knew what they wanted to make and made it, but because western people cant handle sex, everything needs to be toned down.
blue is the only correct choice here
they are all awful but the best choice is removing the worst one
Gray removes the worst one though. Pressing gray literally makes those other things go away and it baffles me to think people could choose anything different.
I push no buttons because everything happens for a reason.
The only button that would fix videogames would be a "upgrade all of humanity at once" button
blue and everything else crumbles
degeneracy is based on broken pillars
restore them and you restore faith in self
Gray button if the reason of their end is all the bad stuff they did, so basically almost influence of all above buttons. So people won't make the same mistake.
because they're stupid
you get rid of grey, you get rid of half the problems there easily
megapublishers are cancer
Every single one of those other issues is caused by triple AAA++ companies
With the exception of the green button this is actually a really hard choice. Any one of these would improve video games immensely.
Only really care about Red and Purple. People crying about SJW and journalist even though the cure is literally close your fucking eyes.
censorship will go away if we remove a couple big names
>remove EA, Activision, and Ubisoft
>other companies grow to fill the casual-market power vacuum
>nothing changes
other people will take their position
Blue, I can basically ignore the other shit.
Gray, and when new ones pop up keep pressing gray to refresh.
If i cant keep doing that then blue, if devs stop sucking everyones cocks and actually make some inspired brave choices we can get some cool creative new things.
Blue all the way, it is the root of all evil in video gaming today. SJWs want to destroy virtual titty. We need virtual titty
look you fucking idiots, if we remove a few big publishers what the fuck do you think will happen to the 3 biggest publishers below them?
this button does fucking nothing
Red. People who choose blue don't really care about the gaming industry just their identity politics
enjoy your full priced $60 game full of microtransactions, removing red is useless unless you can remove purple with it
If you don't pick grey you're an idiot
While political correctness is annoying, I can stomach it if the game itself is good. However Red is the true reason why games are cancer
Purple, motherfucker.
Loot Boxes are the death of modern games. Everything else, I can deal with, even if they're shitty - The gambling model that is prevalent in so many of these games should be made fucking illegal.
either blue or purple, but I know glorious nippon will still give me anime tiddy games so I'll press purple to eradicate lootbox/microtransaction scum
Don't buy micro-transactions then. Micro-transactions and loot boxes are not bad per se, just ripe for abuse. Red is already abuse
>picks blue button
>has to buy a $60 game that has half of its content cut out and turned into 15 DLCs $9.99 each
between blue and purple
probably blue
Like says, removing red without purple does LITERALLY nothing. It will literally just shift the evil.
Pushing blue however also blows up orange, or rather, makes Orange obsolete because all of the negativity around it vanishes. Blue is just a no-risk high-reward button with no downsides.
nah, you just don't fully understand what it means for gaming, if there are no sjw and p.c.
Grey. EA being the worst game company in America is not fully understood, even on Sup Forums.
>Being retards and wasting your choice on blue.
The only right choices are Red, Orange and Purple.
Why isn't DLC grouped with lootboxes and microtransactions? It's pretty much the same thing.
Does it remove malpractices in gaming or you do just want a safe space?
torn between red, blue and purple
granted purple is just devs abusing the shit out desperate fuckers with money to spend it's entirely optional and had that big of a problem if it's mainly cosmetics and doesn't affect gameplay
blue is a pain in the ass and i'd wish SJWs would stop touching vidya just so they have a soapbox to play victim on
red can fuck off though, talk about having your cake and being able to eat it too if you pair it with lootboxes/microtranscations
Gray. These companies are heavily influencing their money grabbing tactics to video game devs, like the lootboxes.
What changes?
What does it mean? More anime tits? Big fucking woop.
Red/Purple: Games are better.
Blue/Silver: Everything about games are better.
Black, hoping that Microsoft goes along with them.
gray and purple
You can get season passes and a game super cheap including season pass on sale
But microtransactions ruins the balance of the game and ask for infinite amount of money forever
I like how Nintendo already pressed the Green button
Red and purple literally fixes all the major problems that videogames have had to deal with for years.
Western games with interesting stories and likable characters can return for the first time in in years.
Streaming is a very new phenomenon, and isn't a problem as big as any of the problems around it. It makes more sense to flip your reasoning around; Remove Lootboxes to kill streamers.
if you don't press green you're a dumb cunt
Does purple get rid of paid modding? If so, definitely pushing purple.
If its only one than i have to go with blue.
But i would love to destroy the streamers scam.
Streamers aren't even that bad. They exist as a symbol of self control. It is perfectly reasonable, expected, and easy to completely ignore their existence. Literally any other button there fixes a more pervasive, readily immediate problem.
This fucking guy right here.
>Blue button. Green text woo
Let’s be serious now. Press that button and you’re not just gonna be deleting SJW from the left. The right has a hand in a good chunk of video games. You’ll lose your precious red pilled games because they do indeed pander to another side of the spectrum
There’s triggered little snowflakes on both sides.
hello stream viewer please kill yourself
pressing silver won't do much as it will probably cause a shift in 3 other companies to take their place that maintain the same practices
blue it is, as said removing blue also removes orange as a result due to the overlaps between SJW culture and video game journalism
But seriously. I'm going to be blunt, we have a few good stories, if you're willing to look past their respective fandoms.
Blue cuz it's the only one that actively works to force a hindrance on gaming. The rest are natural consequences of free markets and by definition cannot be unethical.
Let's go over this:
Red: The only games that do this are shitty anyway.
Blue: Videogames are made by humans, their biases will always make their way into games.
Yellow: The only games that take advantage of Early Access buyers are shitty games anyway and would be shit if they didn't use early access.
Lime: Let's Players are the same thing, and not all streamers are bad, only the 10,000+ viewer ones that normies first see are bad for the same reason most of poplar media is boring.
Goldenrod: All journalism is ultimately made out of articles written by individuals, it's not like each article is a collaborative effort of a hundred people
Purple: The only games hampered by these problems are shitty games anyway
Light Black: We live in capitalism, if a place in the market exists it will be filled without regulation
Here's my button:
Rainbow: You find your niche of games that you'll always love.
So orange blue or green...
Boy tough choice.
I don't think western games have ever had those, user.
Smash that fucking Blue button, it'll carry over to Orange.
What if I told you that I was both of those people you quoted?
But you raise a good point, blowing up blue also makes silver a moot point, as most of the reason silver is bad is blown up with it.
So, Blue/Red. Final answer. I hate it when I think I bought a full game for 60 dollars, then they show that they cut content to sell it as an expansion later.
Red/purple and blue/orange should be merged.
>not all streamers are bad
As soon as some corporation decides to go after them, all streamers will die anyway.
Red or blue is The only sane choice. Everything else you could ignore.
i can't believe anyone still thinks that SJWs are a bigger threat to gaming than greedy publishers and micro transaction shit
SJWs only have the power they have because the main producers of video games are giant corporations who have to keep a safe public image anyway
From most to least cancerous
purple > red > blue > gray > orange > green > yellow
Picking purple or red is a fine choice, but anything else is not worth it.
>remove all political bullshit Yes even Sup Forums anmd Sup Forums and just people stop whining about games
blue, million times out of a million I would pick blue, that shit literally is the cancer killing video games
Grey changes nothing. Other companies will fill the void.
Yellow and red
Gray is like a better version of blue or purple so that.
Blue and Orange
seriously watch the older videos of SovietWomble
this niggers clan is pure gold
he's shit now, tho
Much like Blue also removing Orange, removing Sup Forums also removes what makes Sup Forums bad.
Blowing up SJW influence across the internet will single handedly improve quality of life everywhere. I'm going to admit a fallacy in my argument and say that at this point, I've found the players more infuriating than the games bad, and fixing the players is a more direct path to improving my enjoyment of videogames as a medium.
I don't care what possible combination of events will ensue from any other respective button, but it's absolutely paramount that blue gets pushed.
I feel like removing SJWs influence will really diminish Early access titles, killing them completely after some time. No more microtransactions (which implies a large part of DLC btw) is still the better choice.
That garbage isn't a game though.
Grey is the only morally correct answer.
>You can only press one button
Oh yeah? Who's going to stop me?
Red, Blue and Purple are the only ones that will really improve anything. The rest aren't a big deal.
I'll go with purple. Microtransactions ruined GTA.
Also, isn't getting rid of Orange essentially getting rid of Blue?