How is this still so active? What went right?

How is this still so active? What went right?


Are you going to buy the inevitable mw2 remastered?

>what went right?
annoying FaZe wannabes with grenade launchers, RPGs, C4, claymores etc. on search & destroy

Most players now use IW4X as it's being updated often.

I mean, I'm the one being annoying by getting easy kills

Great, varied, colorful maps.
Guns are broken, but since they are all broken, it somehow keeps itself together.

>What went right?
Every cod since went wrong

There are new 12 years olds every year

BO1 was ok

Black Ops and MW3 were okay

I still play Modern warfare 1-3 fuck the haters it's fun shit.

>stopping power is in the same slot as cold blooded
>therefore you're giving up damage to camp

I thought blops 3 was fun

every cod after cod 2 went wrong

>le killstreaks killed dis game!!
How in the fuck was this ever an argument? Do shitters really not have a dedicated anti-air class if it bothers them this much?

>What is my argument?

What is that?

>grenade indicators
>low time to kill
>no recoil
>jam all over screen
>regenerative health
>exp and unlocks
>no lean
>awful maps
It's a game for zero skill shitters because any retard can do well in the game.

On PC you can lean.

Wanna know how I know you haven't played the game?

not in MW2

Grenade indicators supplement stereo sounds and such.

MW2's TTK is decent.

Recoil has potential, but a lot of the fun in this game is playing well, which is simple enough.

>screen effects
>regenerative health
>exp and unlocks
So what?

Rust is small. What's your actual critique?

>grenade indicators supplement stereo sounds and such.
They're there because of consoles typically using stereo TV setups. Paying attention to audio is a skill. It's as pathetic as showing them on the minimap when they fire.
>MW2's TTK is decent.
Way too low. Designed around the limitations of controllers not being able to sustain aim and makes it easy for anyone to play.
>Recoil has potential, but a lot of the fun in this game is playing well, which is simple enough.
Weapons take 1 magazine to master. There's nothing to learn or improve at. It's extremely shallow.
>screen effects
>regenerative health
Forces a single aggressive playstyle. There's no tac-nades, no chipping at enemies and repositioning. If you don't finish off an enemy its a waste of time.
More shallow casual garbage.
More shallow casual garbage.
>exp and unlocks
A treadmill that exists for no reason other than the mask the extremely shallow gameplay.

you were 12 when it was first released

Is it? Last I tried it there were hackers in almost every game on PC and modified lobbies on the 360.

>Stopping Power
>No Juggernaut
What were they thinking?

>How is this still so active?

>What went right?
Definitely not nukes.

>colorful maps

...what ? this game is the definition of brown and bloom

tfw ww2 beta was fun but no one will play it on pc

>boot up ps3 and play MW2 and get matches instantly

>boot up ps4 and try play tekken
>takes years for a match

Tthey should have been harder to get.

fuck, reinstalling for that campaign now

>muh consoles
Plenty of the pro scene (for these games) uses headphones/earbuds.

>Way too low
>What is evidence?

>to learn or improve at
Spawns, positioning, aiming..

>aggressive playstyle
Requiring health packs is giving away potentially free kills to finding somebody from behind (in games with that type of TTK).

>What is just letting them on their way?

Perks and streak rewards are depth/diversity on basic gameplay.

>exp and unlocks are a treadmill
So what?

>No mods
>No dedicated servers
>Horribly unbalanced
>Tons of glitches
>Shitty campaign
>More expensive than previous entries

MW2 was shit and killed CoD.
United Offensive was the best CoD

what is IW4X

Brainlets don't get the extra stuff they add to the game. When you're new, they're just a neat thing to go for, sort of like an achievement. Once you get better, they add a nice sort of minigame you play. You gotta get them faster than the other guys so you can match their fire power, but doing so means you have to play riskier than you might like, but the closer you get to them, the more careful you gotta be. To me streaks (and perks) ARE CoD. Without them its just a generic nu-shooter. That's why the new one is gonna be shit; the streaks are bad and there's very little perk customization.

>get matches instantly
but it's overrun by hackerz so what's the point

MW2 was a cluster fuck but it was a balanced one, every weapon is OP therefore nothing is OP

I play every now and then. I always get games almost instantly and you almost never run into hackers.

I legit played 2 matches and no hackers.

Its embarrassing a 10 year old game is more active than tekken

Bullshit. This was easily the most colorful CoD game ever made.

MW2 is one of my favourite games of all time

That's because most PC gamers have common sense

Tekken sucks that's why, a lot of people still play the Modern Warfare games even on PC. There are some hackers but you can still find matches without them.

Probably because it had hackers out the ass when it was only in beta.

>mfw the harrier takes out the chopper gunner

Dead shit that no one uses.

Are you kidding me? Most people migrated there.

Got a photo of the server browsers population?

It should have been situational at most. Instead of a killstreak it is some sort of built in mechanic that changes depending on the gametype. That game was always a race for people to get their nuke.

>That game was always a race for people to get their nuke.

But that was the fun part, the rush when you're like 1 kill away from a nuke

I remember reading somewhere that the only reason why the campaign is actually good is because of one guy in the dev team who was thrown out because he actually tried to make something good

I enjoyed it for the first year or so on PC until around 1/3 of the player base had buggered off to Black Ops.

>no zombies
It's shit

MW2 is actually more active than BO1 on PC and BO2 is only a little higher in playercount. Source is steamcharts.

>uses predator missile to take out the enemy chopper gunner/pavelow

any other team players out there?

>tfw never got a nuke

Zombies is pretty fun but its overrated. It has never made a CoD game.

>Plenty of the pro scene (for these games) uses headphones/earbuds.
Game wasn't designed for "pros", otherwise it wouldn't be one of the most casual games in existence.
>Spawns, positioning, aiming.
You improve aim in literally every fps ever. Usually there's some mechanic involved with the gun. Having a hitscan weapon with no recoil is extremely dull.
>Requiring health packs is giving away potentially free kills to finding somebody from behind
Dropping healthpacks or recovering health when you kill someone in TDM/DM or whatever is fine. But in S&D regenerative health is fucking retarded.
>What is just letting them on their way?
There is no other way to play. Regenerative health forces a single aggressive playstyle. Anything else is wrong.
>Perks and streak rewards are depth/diversity on basic gameplay
Nope, they about as retarded as ultimates in overwatch. None of them require any skill to use, they aren't interesting or rewarding in any way.
>So what?
Learn to read. The only reason it exists is because if everything was unlocked people would quit in a day because MW2 is shallow and uninteresting. There's no depth to it, it can be mastered within 5 minutes. It's a party game for chads .

Yeah, I'd rather not play a hitscan wack a mole campaign or pvp. Plus custom maps for WaW and BO3 are amazing. Tok bad no friends to play with.

Not AlterIWNet?
It sucks unlike OG.

I'm still waiting for the server browser image showing how many people actually use iw4x.

should i get this on steam? it's ten bucks. i only have CoD4:MW and W@W

I won't be home for another four or five hours. If the thread is still alive I'll post a picture. Download it yourself to see, it is free you know...

I've purchased black ops recently on the PC

I know it doesn't have a ton of players but I miss the IT AIN'T ME aesthetic

>the boat level where sympathy for the devil plays