Why don't you own a Switch
Why don't you own a Switch
I dont like kiddy shit.
So mature
Waiting for a model 2 to fix the issues of the original
I do.
l i t t l e m o n e y
wow only 300 bucks for a system with 1 game
what a steal!
I just copped one last weekend now that all the little issues have been fixed.
*tips amiibo*
I havent bought anything from nintendo since 1993.
I'm jobless
*Tips defora*
>Pokebarneyfag so desperate to prove Nintendo is failing he drives around to regionsl Wal Marts to take pictures of Switch units being in stock in stores as some sort of proof rhat not being complete sold out somehow means it's selling like shit and no one wants one
Imagine being this pathetic
Waiting for a bundle with the pro controller and MP4.
this honestly.
Waiting till it has a few more games.
i need that money for alcohol and food
>tfw minimal pay
I spent all my money on hookers and cocaine.
I bought mine last week. I've seen a steady supply at Walmart come & go for the past 2-3 weeks. Target had 8 in stock when I was there a few days ago. At least one of the Gamestop stores of the two in town have had them in stock. They have been easily found online at msrp for the past month.
>Kid gets to play a game for mature people and he is incredibly happy he gets to
I don't see what this is an argument for or against.
Because it's a gimmick with no interesting exclusives.
There really wasnt much reason to buy consoles after the ps3 generation.
No games.
Why are you at Walmart every single day?
No gaems
I'd only get it if it got a handheld-only release and Metroid 5
I probably won't use it much. I also already have Zelda on Wii U. It's nice to have there and having it handheld would mean I play it more but I just got a PS4 last fall and while I've used it a bit this year lately as I've gotten busier this fall, I tend to just play my vita or 3ds when I even have time for games. Might get a switch when its a little cheaper or the mood strikes me. It'll probably be the last console I get too. I have enough game stuff as it is
I don't have one because I want a slightly bigger switch with a bigger battery and don't want it to bend in the dock.
>a game for mature people
I'm not going to pay for online when it goes into effect, and it would be a waste to only play it for the few months leading up to that.
>Off-brand shoe0nhead
I can't afford it
Wanting it bigger and with a larger battery are fair reasons, but the bending is a meme.
Imagine getting so worked up over the laziest trolling imaginable that you make this image.
It still has no games that interest me.
me too
Gonna get one soon but it and the games are fucking expensive, first two games I'll be getting for it will be botw and mario oddysey
I'm waiting for them to announce the newest version of it first.
last console i bought was a PS1 now fuck off bot
>Target logo in picture.
>laziest trolling
>Posts the same image almost 450 times
because of BOTW dual release and the fact that it was designed specifically for the Wii U but shoehorned onto the switch
along with the fact that there are barely any games on the switch right now and the only one I want to play is Mario Odyssey
This is most of Sup Forums quite honestly
>Because it's a gimmick with no interesting exclusives.
Preorder mine Jan 12 and got it launch day.
March 03 2017 was a memorable time.
I do.
it's not a meme. The dock comes bent out of the box. I own one and noticed it as soon as I took it out of the box.
I do. have been trying to sell it forever
No gaems.
I'm poor
>he got the pastel red and blue one
showing off a Switch like a new watch doesn't work well especially with those colors.
The only Switch I'd want is the Mario Odyssey bundle with red Joy-Cons. But aside from that game, there is no other game I want that they've announced already.
I'm okay with all that too. It gives me a chance to chop down my immense backlog of games, not to mention, finish up the Wii U/3DS games I still have.
Did he hurt your feelings leaf?
>I don't like kid shit
>Plays video games
>getting interested in Mario
>want to play some Switch stuff while I wait to get back into using it
>scan the eshop for something that looks fun
>not one game catches my eye
Seriously where are the fucking games? I ended up getting Metal Slug 3, and I've played that a million times before.
SMTV isn't out yet.
It's the only thing to do in his podunk town
I don't want an underpowered tablet with no games.
And it still has more games than the PS4
No one mentioned the PS4.
Better have +200 real games than a mario xxl psp
Why are kiddies so desperate to try and undermine the Switch? Do they feel threatened?
Not willing to pay above retail price and they're still unavailable everywhere. I'll just wait till the next Nintendo console comes out to buy a switch.
once they fix all the bad things
Pretty much this for me, also waiting for it to have a bigger and better library.
>mfw the bundles don't even come with physical copies of their games despite it being more viable to use a cartridge with the Switch
Because I have enough crap I don't play and I'm trying to trim the fat of my physical game stuff as it is. I've had a Wii U since 2013 and have 4 games for it so unless more catches my eye, I may skip. However, I do really wanna play Odyssey.
Not that waiting for the model 2 isn't a bad idea if you have no urge to play any of the Switch games already out, but what issues do you have with the model 1?
he did
>target logo
>tfw just bought a wii u less than 2 years ago
Yeah tell me when they stop abandoning their systems less than 5 years in a gen
What game was he playing?
Uncharted 4
Nothing on it I want to really play honestly.
The Wii U was out for 4.5 years when the Switch came out. On the low end, but basically inline with the rest of their consoles.
>NES October 18, 1985
>SNES August 23, 1991 (5 years, 10 months)
>N64 September 29, 1996 (5 years, 1 month)
>GC November 18, 2001 (5 years, 2 months)
>Wii November 19, 2006 (5 years)
>Wii U November 18, 2012 (6 years)
>Switch March 3, 2017 (4 years, 5 months)
You can see the "better" selling consoles got longer lives, while the "worse" ones got shorter.
No games, buying first generation hardware is stupid, and I'll forever boycott Nintendo for censoring Fatal Frame 5.
Oh please, Nintendo fags have been doing this for like 4 years with the PS4. Also using the same bullshit argument you responded to.
>multiplats don't count as games
>paid reviews
B)Waiting for model 2/Pokemon. Whatever comes first.
>censoring Fatal Frame 5.
That's not even the worse thing, making it digitally was
Cause I'm trying to build back my funds after being jobless for half a year.
but i do
Can't justify the expense at the moment
Haven't won one yet
Really hoping I win this contest
For clarity sake, that was NOA's decision. Nintendo of AMERICA. NOA seems to be getting better but NOA as opposed to the other ones (NOJapan, NOEurope ect.) Tends to pull the most BS because censorship for our family friendly company. Thankfully after seeing a swastika in the direct when they announced Wolfenstein 2 for the console, I've regained a little hope.
Because I have a PC.
>no argument
>le reaction.jpg
Average corporate shill
1. No base models anywhere in my city.
2. Paying full price for a digital download bundle is fucking retarded.
3. It would cost roughly $1000 after taxes to have a "proper" experience (i.e. with at least 3 games and a Pro controller).
In case you were wondering where that number came from:
$300 Switch base model
$400 55" TV
$70 Switch Pro Controller
$180 3 Switch games (Odyssey, BotW, MK8D)
you're not fooling me
No interesting games. Horrible screen resolution/size. Doesn't know if it wants to be a proper home console or a mobile handheld. Just all around not interested at all.
yeah well look we all know thats a half assed shitpost but it made me realize something
you literally don't need to buy a tv to play a switch, nintnedo actually made a legitimate counter to this type of shitpost, thats actually pretty funny
poor, 500$ in latam
I sold mine after being 'done' with BotW. I fell for the meme and thought it was going to be a masterpiece. Ended up being babbies first open world with Ubisoft towers and 2 minute 'dungeons' all over the place.
I really tried to like it but looking for new games gave me depression. There is literally nothing wortwhile.
>address issues with the high barriers to entry
>must be shitposting
It's on the house.
Don't have money or a job
Cause I like games with violence swearing and female asses and Nintendont do that. You'll understand when your balls drop my boy and no Zeldas yoga pants ass is preteen stiffie material