Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Age 13 is the minimum age when one can create a steam account— potentially not even old enough to understand their algebra homework—yet Steam is forcing the homosexual agenda on them

here you are forcing the retard agenda on innocent Sup Forumsirgins

No one's forcing you to buy games

Regardless, homosexual themes are being presented to minors


The only two characters fags liked were the blonde and the fat ginger

Lefties can push racemixing all they want, but proof is in the pudding - not even degenerate faggots want to fuck non-whites


Your right steam should ban that shit.

He should be doing what every other 13 yearold is doing. Killing hookers stealing cars, and creating mass shootings in GTA 5.


I'm 99% sure the target audience for this was fat tumblrinas with daddy issues. The occasional fag will play it, but it's not a homo game.

Murder is normal and natural

Homosexuality destroy society

Most homo games are targeted at fat tumblrinas with daddy issues. Real homos just fuck other homos.

I'm no fan of the agenda but if we're gonna talk about video games showing 13 year old naughty things then we've got a whole mess on our hands
Not steam's fault they're having a sale and these guys wanted in

>being this insecure that gay people exist
I think OP might be a fag

If a 13 year old kid is buying a gay dating sim, I think they know what they're doing. Either they'd be perfectly okay with gay characters or not at all.

>dream daddy
You mean the game every kid has already seen their twenty favorite youtubers play?

>open steam
>game auto downloads
>game starts
>can't close it
>have to play it, or never use this pc again

Well, they're dads so...

It's the bisexual agenda.

why is there such a racially diverse collection of gay single dads on the same street?

Let the faggots have ONE game
That's why you're still a virgin. because you think everything has to be about you

maybe they adopt their kids?

>potentially not even old enough to understand their algebra homework
What? You should already know basic algebra in elementary school.

It's a secret conspiracy organized by a demon who wants to fuck all the dads.

Nigga im 28 and still dont understand algebra