Who are you gonna main in Dragon Ball FighterZ, and why is it Yamcha?

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Fuck Super Saiyans.


16 and 18&17 for sure. Not sure on the third, didn't like the feel of the others as much in the beta.

Yamchad is my constant main but i rotate on everyone except for buu since i i dont care or him.

Just a reminder to everyone.

so glad they fixed the scaling TenChadhan looks boss

almost as big as the damage


Dont forget guys Game Informer should be updating soon so expect something new. They usually post at 2 pm sharp, its 2:16.

I will try not to main anyone solely on my liking of the character, I really don't like Yamcha but he looks really fun, so most likely him as part of the team. Cell on the other hand, is one of my favorites but I really don't like how he looks.

I'll try Piccolo and Tien for sure. Gotenks is also on my radar, but it depends on how gimmicky they make him. Trunks is a possibility too, but I don't like his moveset so much, I wish they'd put more of his long haired version's moves.