Would making most games in the future start non human characters be the ultimate fuck you to all people who try to...

Would making most games in the future start non human characters be the ultimate fuck you to all people who try to bring politics in to games.
Like no humans would be playable in these games.
It would be worlds like Solatrobo or Zootopia.
Hell there is no reason why you cant make a FPS game like cod and just replace all the characters whit animal men like from starfox.
And still have blood and violence in it.
And while its true that making the player character some kind of alien would maybe turn away a few people its a fact that most people like animals.
And no the fact furries exist isn't a valid argument because every fan base has cancer parts.
And most normies dont even know what furry is.
Hell Zootopia is an example of how much people acualy like animal characters.
Or do you think progressives would still figure out how to bring politics in to it.

Furries would ruin it
>Hell Zootopia is an example of how much people acualy like animal characters.


>Patches as an animal
>Hes not a fucking hyena
How do you manage to fuck that up?

>Or do you think progressives would still figure out how to bring politics in to it.
Probably. They managed to do it with food and math and all other shit.

If you think there wasn't any political bullshit involved by progressives regarding Zootopia, you're wrong.

>no humans means you can't portray real world issues
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

fucking animals only found in Africa represented different than animals found in mainland Europe is obviously political

The work of one who consorts with beasts.

OP, even if it is a planet or world with animals only, there would still be politics or some kind of feudal or caste system in place. You can't escape politics my man. No world can have everyone as equals, not even a fictional one or else it would make for bad fiction.

Doesn't work. When that movie "Avatar" came out with the blue alien people, they caught flak from people saying they were too similar to niggers and/or native Americans. People that want to be offended and hate stuff will always find a reason to do so. If you made a game filled with frog-people, someone would inevitably write an article about how your didn't include enough women, or how there's not enough gay frogs in it, or how the whole thing is some kind of allegory for a political view they don't like.

>gay frogs
You know the shrimp are commiting suicide right?

They'd just complain that there aren't enough animal people "culturally coded" as black or whatever, it would become about representing racial minorities through modes of speech and action instead of morphology.
And it would do nothing to stem complains about how the number of gay animal people doesn't fit the quota.

I don't give a shit about muh sjws, vidya just needs more duck people


I love me some la Fontaine since my childhood and you can use animals instead of humans to escape from political stuff in theory but it all comes down to allegories and interpretations so even if you make something with zero political subtext on the surface it could still be viewed as one. The opposite is easier too so if anyone would hesitate to make a statement on a political subject for the fear of backlash they could easily hide in in this type of stuff.
If someone is trying so hard to make something political out of a thing either when creating it or witnessing it there is nothing you can do to prevent the process or their obsession on the subject matter.

People would just claim each animal species is an allegory for a real-world race and find anything they can to say its racist

>Feather fingers
This always triggers my autism. I like the look of the wings coming from the arms and when they aren't in use, they fold closed. Kind of like pic related.

>And no the fact furries exist isn't a valid argument because every fan base has cancer parts.

>and no this cancerous fandom that's got more than it's fair share of progressives isnt an argumen

Wiw lod.

If you made the animals just animals without human speech or most other behavioral attributes that would anthropomorphize them, then it might be possible to keep the politics out of a game that stars animals, but it would still be kind of difficult to completely excise political ideas from any human-made work.

A: Furry games can easily be pure SJW garbage agenda pushing

B: Furry characters are deliberately and excessively racially defined and are easily transformed into stereotypes of real life races

Zootopia was very political.

People who whine about political themes in games are fucking stupid. What matters is the execution.

they would just replace skin color with animal type. like pitbulls/bulls are niggers or something

Anthropomorphism would ruin it. They'd just be people will animal bodies. It doesn't matter. People can only make people, regardless of how they look, and all the problems tied up with that.

armello isn't political and i like it

I would pay 1000 dollars for a good Ginga Nagareboshi Gin game

>Do this
>furries start thinking they're liked and wanted around
>they rise up and start advocating to legalize bestiality
>would be a million times more obnoxious than any current movement happening

And that's why its a dead game.

There's "trans-species" people already pushing for shit like this without the help of direct furry-games.

Also don't most furfags prefer humanoid-shaped bodies?

He's not wrong about that.

>There's "trans-species" people already pushing for shit like this without the help of direct furry-games.

And a sudden boom in furry 'support' would do nothing be egg these people on

calling everyone who enjoys furry content furries is like calling everyone who enjoys women pro-trans

Its already legal in many countries.
And in most isn't illegal or legal.
Basically as long as the animal is not suffering or physically hurt its not considered a crime.

Also dont assume that all people who like animal people in media automatically want to fuck animals.
Its like assuming that people who like cute girls in anime want to fuck actual children.

>t. furries

people like you coming out of the woodwork is exactly what i'm talking about

Do those animals have hierarchies? Do they are organized in tribes/nations/factions? Do they use money? Do they wage war? Does the universe have history and lore?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you got politics in your game, like it or not. If you absolutely can't handle a basic dimmension of human existence, play pong or a (very basic) platformer, since rescuing princesses is apparently racyss, ableist and literally hitler now.

It would be animal abuse.

It would be shut down in no time.

People would start to force politics in games anyway by ascribing certain demographics with certain kinds of animals. E.g. apes = Africans.

Nah, I'd rather sjws be happy than furries honestly.

I mean real world politics.
Like Left and the Right.

I just want more games where you play as an insect

i want to be a beetlebro or a praying mantis or maybe even a spider if im desperate