Is it even okay for Maitetsu to come out in English? Think of the porn scenes with loli heroines...

Is it even okay for Maitetsu to come out in English? Think of the porn scenes with loli heroines. Is that for Western eyes?

At least you're not getting Monobeno with its incest.

If you pick anything higher than 130cm you are a redditor nu-weebs normalfags who need to fuck off from Sup Forums.

Objective fact

143 will do it too, shes cute enough

>it's ok to virtually kill people
>it's not ok to make virtual love to loli

What did they mean by this?

Why can't I like 164, 158, 143 and 124

It's already in order from left to right

>five foot 5 female Is too big for this user
manlet detected

Sorry I meant right to left*

So they can ban it forever? Sound like a bad plan to me.

I mean look at what happened to anime now that netflix got a hold of it. Nothing but pure cancer.

two seasons ago we got one of the best animes in ages, last season we had some good but forgetfull shit and this season started REALY well
what the literaly fuck are you talking about?

Blend S is so damn good.

>Ever coming out
>Believing in Sekai Project ever

Is it okay to pick all of them?


Im talking about people like you.


>I mean look at what happened to anime now that netflix got a hold of it.
Absolutely nothing different whatsoever?

Except the rise of cancerous 3DPD garbage addaptation of anime, shit show like neo-yokio and of course literal ironic weebs shitters who are the most insuferable kind of person on earth.

It will only get worse as americans try its hardest to take control of the anime industry because they see that this is what people want now.

There is an av idol that tall
Its so fucking cute

so what? were in a loli thread, there are no reddit faggots in here, the loli cunny 5 posts above yours scared then away

my shitty broken english is irrelevant to the conversation

>this is still up

Anime is a fair sacrifice if it keeps such faggots away from eroge.

>the loli cunny 5 posts above yours scared then away

Loli doesn't scare anyone you dumb newfag.

Worst taste in the thread


>Loli doesn't scare anyone
there is were you are wrong

loli is like a filter to redditfags

>cancerous 3DPD garbage addaptation of anime
Until one actually does well, this is a non-issue
>shit show like neo-yokio
Lol nobody cares about that garbage
>and of course literal ironic weebs shitters who are the most insuferable kind of person on earth.
I mean they've been around since the mid-00s. I don't even know why you'd think this is a recent thing

>liking dominant women
Garbage taste, cuck.