Sit down, buckle the fuck up, and embrace the future of gaming.
Game devs need to eat too and all you piratefags have left them with no alternative
Sit down, buckle the fuck up, and embrace the future of gaming.
Game devs need to eat too and all you piratefags have left them with no alternative
I don't play AAA games
Don't buy them.
This is going to encourage piracy, and the industry deserves it.
I'm a simple man. I see lootbox, I don't buy game.
But I thought piracy doesn't kill sales? Which is it, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums needs to learn to be responsible consumers and speak with their wallets instead of crying for petitions to change things they don't like.
why the fuck has like 20% of the threads on Sup Forums started to revolve around loot boxes in the last few days
did anything happen
I don't pay to play AAA games
>piratefags have left them with no alternative
>Vidya has literally never been so profitable
Pirates and rich normies are equally to blame.
Asian F2P games where on this like 10 years ago and western PC companies started this shit not too long after. The console publishers will do this shit for the next wave of releases and games in development then once people get tired of it they'll move onto something else.
Literally everything in the games industry that people were saying was going to doom the industry has passed without much issue. Even if it does somehow completely change the future of the industry there will always be alternatives unless you only play on console and you only play AAA games. In which case you deserve to get fucked in the ass.
People said normies and casuals couldn't hurt gaming and here we are.
I think this is one thing that I might quit gaming for, if it overgrows where it is right now.
So long as they are just cosmetics, It's okay.
Shadow of War and Battlefront II
>Sup Forums hates AAA
>Sup Forums hates indie
So what does Sup Forums even fucking play?
it doesn't, because it currently operates at a level that stimulates consumption rather than replaces it. if it spreads and less people feel it worth rewarding developer effort due to anti-consumer practices, i imagine it could start harming the industry. i hope that answers your question, bait-san.
I love indies and Sup Forums has shit taste
It doesn't kill sales, but it does hurt microtransactions.
GameStop has hurt the profit margin of publishers more than piracy ever did.
>Sup Forums is one person
AA games, the kind that have a budget big enough to not be pixelshit.
if they are going to be a thing on singleplayer games from now on I'm going back to piratinig everything
Butter simulators by small Turkish studios.
i play tetris
Well, I suppose this is one stealth way of taxing the rich, that doesnt look like taxing the rich.
Bravo, game industry. Doing what the politicians couldnt/wouldnt.
All the triple gay games jumped on the lootbox craze
>future of gaming
>buy metroid samus returns
>play game through 100%
>not a single loot box
Huh? How shit brained do you have to be to think that a few big games using a certain feature equates to every game
>speak with wallet
>always lose
Ebin mostly games that came out at least a decade ago?
Also plenty of Indies don't fall for the pixelshit-meme.
But the publishers are the rich and they do all the offshoring and tax evading ant rich person/corporation does.
>literally who says something retarded
i only play anime tiddy games
>future of gaming
>niggers and powerful womyn
I just shitpost on Sup Forums now that I have matured and grown out of videogames.
The same games I played 10 years ago, just at higher resolution. Civ IV > Civ VI
Who is behind this huge push about loot boxes all of a sudden. It was like the end of last week, and boom half the fucking catalog was about loot boxes. It went from Cuphead to loot crates. I hate the idea of the 'shill' boogeyman, but fuck this has to be an agenda. I've been on this site for eleven or so years and I've never seen it like this.
This. The people who have standards, are always outnumbered by idiots.
every single western game coming out now is full of randomized dlc.
dlc was already horrifically overpriced but now its worse because instead of buying what you want you can buy an almost unlimited bunch of attempts at getting something you want.
even if 50% of the people who buy dlc/microtransactions buy lootboxes the returns are much much better. while the game itself gets worse and worse for everybody.
>Sup Forums
We found the newfag/reddit
gaming is only 2 letters away from gambling
Dude same
Indies are getting bigger now. AAA games keep disappointing.
i dont even play games because they're all shit now
except glorious factorio
People thought the same of DLC back during Horse Armor, how ridiculous the idea of $5 micropayments for in-game content would be.
Jew-practices only get worse and wider-spread the more people encourage them.
Good games
because they're actually appearing in pure single-player games now? that's a pretty big step towards shit
Loot boxes are a problem, but the main problem is all the idiots who buy them
tens of thousands of bots posting on 4chins 24/7/365
>single player game
>"lets add lootboxes to stop pirates"
>paying costumers get fucked
>the new shadow of mordor, battlefront and ass creed all revealed to have loot boxes, two of which are single player games
>pubg, overwatch, dota, league of legends and TF2, which combined have a massive playerbase, all go all out with loot boxes
I'm more surprised Loot boxes are only just starting to be regularly brought up, they're on a different plane of jewery compared to dlc.
I don't buy that it is just Sup Forums suddenly finding out about loot boxes and this is the natural reaction. These threads have all been about gambling and how they need government regulation. Something fucking stinks.
if thats the future of gaming and if the lootboxes stop being just cosmetic-item related then ill simply find another hobby or play a game that doesnt have it even thought lets imagine 90% of games become riddled with shitboxes there will always be that 10% without them which is where ill get my fun from, besides that gaming has been dead anyway since 2014 so that doesnt surprise me, i dont think another 83 et-like crash will happen again but i can imagine tons of big companies leaving the industry or bankrupting if the consumer trust gets lowered and i would love to see the downfall of the triangle of disgrace (ea, ubi and acti) aswell some bastards like wb games, blizz, square enix, microsoft xbox division and bethesda
Just wait until they figure out how to pirate lootboxes bitch.
The timing of it is too much for it to be a mere coincidence. These threads are from an outside party. I want to know who, because they could use a lesson in subtlety.
I wonder if anyone at Valve who worked on the loot crate system in TF2 looks at what's happening with modern gaming and thinks pic related or if they're too busy trying to think up new and inventive ways to jew people with Artifact
you can add currency in shadow of war with cheat engine already, you mongrel
Gacha system is far older than TF2, or even its fans judging from your typical GMod videos.
Literally for what purpose would an 'outside party' promote disgruntlement over loot box systems?
>higher-end Indies
>fightan games
>older modded MP shootans+medieval-ans
>modded TES/Fallout
>Ninty games
>pre-2010's games, often with brother
I mean I do occasionally get something like Witcher 3 or XCOM: Snek Edition but otherwise it's not hard to avoid the giant, shiny new skinner-box traps.
You're all the same brand of fetid shit, so yeah you are all one person.
>don't say they popularized it when they didn't invent it!
i hate this meme
MMO's existed before WoW but it set in motion a huge trend in following MMO's. It's the same with TF2 and loot crate systems.
"Speaking with your wallet" is a great way to get no message across. All you're doing is being grouped as another non-customer, so the companies will just redouble their focus on the people who are eating this shit up.
If you're not voicing out "I'd be a paying customer, but..." then you might as well have no opinion.
I play tiddy games
lel epic trol xd
Kills the sales of Loot boxes
Japanese games
Why can't developers have some respect for their own game? Look, I get it, the microtransaction RNG shit is a gold mine. I understand the urge to forward this model, but can you at least be a bit more creative with the implementation in your game? Maybe at least try to make it sense within your games own canon? How can you take a game setting seriously when you get diverted to some stupid looking page that looks like a flash advertisement for a big stupid box with an unboxing animation and prices listed everywhere?
This kind of shit drives me nuts, especially in MMORPG's. How's anyone supposed to feel immersed when you're wandering some trail trying to get a sense of exploration and there's fucking 50 UI elements flashing on screen. Surely there's a way that isn't embarrassing for everyone involved.
>GameStop has hurt the profit margin of publishers more than piracy ever did.
This. If you REALLY want to fuck the games industry over, you buy used games.
gee i wonder, in the last week we got lootboxes and microtransactions in
Shadow of war
Forza 7
Battlefront 2
The new Assassins creed
I pretty much just play Nintendo games and JRPGs
He's usually wrong though.
>56 thousand subs
>Why can't developers have some respect for their own game?
Because the publishers won't allow it
forget about buying outfits as DLC goy, now you buy a box and for that box to contain what you want
>sequel to mediocre game
>I don't play racing games so I can't comment
>sequel to mediocre game
>entry in mediocre series
Imagine the shitstorm if the next Souls-style game by From had Loot Crates.
Mario Kart 9 with all your favourite characters! But some of them can only be found in rare loot boxes! for the low price of 9.99
this and looking forward to subnautica final release. i just wish my friends didn't have such shit taste.
*passes law to classify loot boxes as gambling, and outlaws online gambling*
As if any of us stopping buying shit had had any impact before.
"Voting with your wallet" is an asymmetrical process. It doesn't matter how many people refuse to pay as long as enough people do so to make the endeavor commercially viable. It's basically a peremptory argument thrown to silence potentially valid complaints by denying the value of public discourse.
Which suites companies just fine. Winning money arguments is what they're tailored to do.
Add to that that the point of contention happens to be that the very process of eliciting payment in our situation is predatory in nature and specifically tailored to make people with certain psychological profiles pay in spite of themselves, and I think you can see why your proposition is woefully insufficient to address the situation.
You'll just join us people that stopped buying and no one gave a fuck.
DRM became the norm - Steam won. DLC and micro-transaction became the norm.
This will become just another norm. People wanted societies to behave like markets. Well, you've got the society you deserve.
it's not about those games, it's about every realese getting lootboxes.
This is probably the first slippery slope that we'll see come true, in 5 years every single game will have slot machines and content cut from the game and sold to you in pieces
you have to make the difference between the poor student that pirate games cause he cant afford them and the dude with money that will boycot them because he dont want to support shitty practices
Indie games are becoming prominent because they have a greater degree of freedom without the corporate "maximize marketability, appeal and profit" mantra guiding development.
It's the "future" of games I don't buy and most likely wouldn't even pirate. There are more than enough games in the world to find good and healthy fun and there will be many more in the future. As always innovation stems from small to medium developers who take great risks to deliver awesome games instead of mass marketed AAA trash. It's not contrarian to call AAA games trash, they objectively are the McDonalds of gaming. Many people start eating out with McDonalds as children, but only the retards stick with it.
>they are the McDonalds of gaming
That's actually a good food analogy
Developers are beholden to the whims of their publishers so even if they don't want it in the game they have to implement it if the publisher wants it.
wtf i love lootboxes now
Obscure anime strategy games and Stalker
All i've been thinking of with Capcom being the way it is, is monster hunter lootboxes
>mfw Im going to keep pirating everything
>dont buy
>1 million other dumb subhumans buy
vote with your brainlet you mean
Rocket League has loot boxes and it doesn't really bother me.
>AAA = mcdonalds of gaming
Actually pretty good analogy, at this point.
people dont eat at mcdonalds because they're "retarded," they eat at mcdonalds because it's cheap and they don't like cooking
Devs don't get paid from sales revenue, they have salary contracts for the development period. Only self-published devs get sales money.
Post 1 actual reason why you shouldn't pirate games.
eating because its cheap and can't cook means you ARE retarded
It's not cheap though.