So what's the Sup Forumserdict?
Shadow of War
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I don't even understand why microtransactions are in the game. It showers you with loot, and the orcs are a dime a dozen. Why would you even want to buy loot boxes?
I'll probably buy it after a considerable price drop. The nemesis system is a fun idea, but shouldnt be the core focus of a game
>First person I meet is tuff girl who don't need know man
>Second person I meet is tuff girl who dont need know man
>next person I meet is gondorian nignog with no explanation of why hes there
>Third person I meet is a straight white male who ends up betraying I meet
>Next person I meet is tuff girl who dont need no man
They improved upon the gameplay in just about every regard and even managed to make the story more engaging. But jesus christ the SJW bullshit
yeah uhh I don't think there were niggers in Middle-Earth
There were dark sinned races but none of them were inter mingled with gondor. Uruks were actually based on negros if I recall correctly
General's daughter wasn't a SJW character, and Shelob is just your typical femme fatale. I'll give you on the elf (is she even an elf), though. I hated that character from the first sight.
Wake me up when it gets cracked.
So whats the deal with Shelob in this game? Just a throwaway character? A boss? Another inevitable betrayal?
I guess that's what you call a Tolkien Black character
*destroys you're legacy*
She's just evil Galadriel, she plays literally the same role in the story. There's even a scene where she refuses the ring.
Characterization. She gives Elfman his chance to shine as a whiny, pragmatic cunt and Talion to shine as a gullible, easily corrupted man. By word of devs Shelob is supposed to express the political struggles between evil entities in Middle Earth. Same with Saruman's jams spying on Mordor
>women in the military in LOTR
Eowyn's whole subplot losing a lot of depth
>She gives Elfman his chance to shine as a whiny, pragmatic cunt
Jesus, they cranked up Celebrimbor's whininess in this game. He was always an evil cunt who didn't even pretend to be a good guy, but this time his every other line is
I went from "Will probably preorder" to "Will definitely pirate". It has less to do with the loot boxes and more to do with the $99.99 Gold Edition. If I spend $60 I want the whole game.
watching some streamer play it on nemesis difficulty and so far it looks like crap
>the character floats
>horrible animations
>combat looks the typical western crap like The witcher, Ass creed, or Batman, basically you bash 1 button and the character auto locks on the closest one and attacks them
>stealth is too easy because youre faster than your enemies
>AI is dumb (even on nemesis) and blind
>no actual mechanics, you cant even jump on command because jumps are contextual and youre character automatically lounges 20 meters from building to building
Game looks too easy and shallow, wouldnt waste my time playing it even if gifted.
I dont know much about lootboxes but i bet it makes the game even more tedious
can you still run-stealth people like in the first game?
>combat looks the typical western crap like The witcher, Ass creed, or Batman, basically you bash 1 button and the character auto locks on the closest one and attacks them
What kind of combat would be appropriate for this game?
DMC Styled HacknSlash?
yes, somethnig that requires you to actually position yourself instead of pressing one button and your character automatically lock onto the closest enemy and dashes to it. Even Skyrim combat is more interesting that this crap
what a shame, i was going to buy it too
Boring, nothing new about it. 2017 disappointment.
Is there more to the game than just taking over forts?
Bad news : you should have known that without buying it. Good news : you can refund it.
No crack - no verdict.
Bad news: it was a 3rd party purchase for a few sheckles less
Dudes on big elephants.
progress blocking microtransactions/10
stfu carlos goddamn
>Ranger + Wraith buddy pussying out to Shelob
She's just a spider goddamn just stab her a couple of times
It's shit.
this + graphics look like shit even on ultra and TAA
That's what being a cheapskate gets you.
Harad and all the land south of gondor was full of black people (who were in the service of sauron and even cross bred with trolls). More like Arabs rather than africans tho
> one sow thread is full of people shitting on it
> one is arguing about middle earth lore
> another is people generally okay with it
Good ol Sup Forums
She had the ring. The real question is, why didn't Celebrimbor's ring try to betray it's owner and return to him, like the One Ring did? This is exactly what fucked Celebrimbor over, and you would think he'd try to install a similiar theft protection into his jewelry.
Why does the game look visually worse than the first one? Just Talion's character model even
Goddammit, Carlos, you made me squirt cereal out of my nose
Because it was Sauron that, helping Celebrimbor forge the Rings, corrupted them so that the berares would bend to his will. The only rings free from this are the Three Rings of the Elves because Celebrimbor forged them alone and without Sauron's help.
tl:dr - Celebrimbor's ring doesn't betray his owner because Celebrimbor doesn't know how to slip his magic mojo GPS in it
hahahhahaha carlos you fuck
Budget cuts.
WB are hacks that try to have the best possible result with the least possible investment
Talion's cape looks like a piece of cardboard on his back, it's terrible
First one had great cape physics
>Sup Forums finally blames the game and not the black character
Makes me cry tears of joy
Ummmmm around here we refer to them as NIGGERS, or pavement apes as I like to call them
They tried and milked the graphic department to keep money. Much like anything else about this game.
Really, WB dev teams are mostly bare bones that have to do whatever they can with short time limits and even lower budget. Last big-budget WB game was Mad Max and since it was actually fun but didn't sell too well, they decided to jump the shark and make cuts wherever they could
>DMC Style
>requires you to position yourself instead of pressing one button
>skyrim combat
>even anything remotely close to interesting
so youre just a retard, nice
I like how they telegraph the ending from a mile away with spider lady "You and Sauron are one in the same"
come to think of it, Mad Max is probably mostly scrapped from assets of Shadow of Morder isnt it?
I mean, its the same gameplay, but in wasteland and cars
this is one of the worst fucking games I've seen.
>counter then stab
>counter then stab
>counter then stab
>kill boss with ease.
>LoTR game has niggers
>Mafia game has niggers
>World War 1 game has niggers
>World War 2 game has niggers
>Star Wars has niggers
>Wolfenstein has niggers
>Uncharted has niggers
>FarCry has niggers
>Dishonored has niggers
It's never going to stop, isn't it?
I mean, its still using the same combat from Assasin's Creed, an 10 years old game dissapointing.
The formula is basically the same, but this time its in Mordor, and with ORKS BRUH
Kids. They know kids will buy them even if they don't need them. I bet m8cro transaction buyers are mostly under 16.
Shadow of Mordor and Mad Max have nothing in common beside being both (sorta) open world.
Combat in mad max was still arkham-ish but much more bare bones. You could simply button mash and then do the eventual finisher, but enemies sometimes actually attacked in more than one at the time.
Not until they find the new oppressed race to forcefully insert.
Then blacks will again be completely irrelevant
To be fair, Wolfenstein makes sense, they are another group of people eating shit because of nazi dominance.
And FarCry has literally a entry in series thats in Africa, what do you want really.
How many games are going to have niggers and stronk womyns shoehorned into them before people start realizing Sup Forums was right and there's an agenda behind this?
Tolkien is fucking rolling over in his grave.
Considering dark skinned folk exist in all of those universe yes
>America has niggers
>Canada has niggers
>Britain has niggers
>France has niggers
>Germany has niggers
>Sweden has niggers
>Japan has niggers
Stronk Wamen were always present in games.
Black people, not so much, but it wasnt showed so much in player's faces
Wolfenstein is veeeeeery lax on the historical thing.
During WW2, there were virtually no blacks in Europe, beside the ones in the French foreign legion
black people literally did not exist in lord of the rings
>Tolkien is fucking rolling over in his grave.
Is he, though.
>Thank you for your letter. I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject - which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.
>Your enquiry is doubtless made in order to comply with the laws of your own country, but that this should be held to apply to the subjects of another state would be improper, even if it had (as it has not) any bearing whatsoever on the merits of my work or its sustainability for publication, of which you appear to have satisfied yourselves without reference to my Abstammung.
But Wolfenstein 2 is in America, no?
Are you suggesting that World War 2 wasn't won by gender fluid black homosexual women?
>nobody in any thread overtly positive, just neutral to bad
you know you've got a failure when your shills aren't paid enough to like your game
Whales. Whales are those retarded fanboys who wipe their asses with bills and say its all fine because it was "disposable income". Star Citizen cult is basically made of these. Then theres a second type of whales, people who have a bad gambling problem and which many devs want to keep exploiting until government starts regulating that shit.
Torrent when?
Why is it always black people. Why no latino or asians. And if the argument is going to be made that it looks out of place to have these people in these settings then why is it ok when its a black person.
My problem isnt that its black people, its that its only black people.
It has Denuvo, so itll not be tommorow, i can tell you that.
But its probably going to be out this month if i had to guess
He is but it's not because of the politics. It would be more because people will now look at the Ringwraiths and think that one of them is a donut steel OC character among other lorerapes and missed messages about the entire tale.
Gondor used to have colonies there before they fell under the sway of the Dark Lord. It's not unimaginable that when the Gondorians fled, some Haradrim fled with them rather than choose to serve Sauron. Remember that Gondor is right on the edge of the Western world of Middle-Earth. It actually makes a lot of sense for there to be black people in Gondor.
Dishonored 2, one of the games he complained about, has both hispanics and asians. Billie Lurk was the only minority in the original game, though, yes.
Warhammer 2 has Denuvo and was cracked on the day of release. If this isn't cracked by tomorrow it's because it's shit and no one can be bothered.
Pretty good. I like the extra mobility they've put in, and the regions being somewhat more clustered makes ambushes and random encounters a lot more common. Also glad to see that not all of the captains are just 'Hit Button to find, hit button to mark'. No clue why lootboxes are in, I had 4/5 gear slots at Legendary before getting halfway through Act 1, and Captains are easy enough to come by.
>middle eastern tanned skin races
>turned into niggers in the movies for diversity points
>no goyim trust me, tolkien totally made them black in the books I swear! Don't reread and check just GIVE ME YOUR SHEKELS
Haradrim are Arab, not niggers. Try again, libshit. Niggers in Middle Earth makes literally 0 sense other than some leftist pushing an agenda.
Because latinos and asians don't give a shit about how they're portrayed in games.
Black on the other hand are going through a crybaby fase where they will bitch and moan and yell about everything because they are insecure about themselves.
A mexican playing Overwatch and seeing sombra will think "oh cool a chica is in the game"
A black playing Overwatch will think "why is the clearly black guy a gorilla?"
Was it? I stand corrected then.
Why isn't my xbone controller working? The interface switches from qwerty to controller button prompts but it refuses to work when I press anything.
Only in the past 20 years, and every country except the top one has very very small amounts.
>a nigger serving Gondor
Shoot me/10
I don't give a shit about niggers either way but I heard there's some retard grind before you reach the ending. What's up with that?
Baranor (is that his name? Haven't seen him again in Act 2 yet) is from the White Mountains, actually, so fleeing Haradrim is possibly his origin.
>Defending this absolute fucking tripe
Calling you a retard would be an insult to retards.
Shadow of Mordor is without a doubt the absolute lowest that video games have sunk to.
I advise you to re-read Tolkien's letter to the nazis and think long and hard on what would he himself say on the matter. Would he really agree with people rambling about "muh jews"?
Why did they turn a literal brainless spider into some magic woman who can see the future, what the actual fuck
defending forts
>thinks ancestry is totally irrelevant and likes his name that has the same origin as nazis
>fears that his name will be offensive if people asking about race are mainstream
>skip forward to current year
>asking about race is mandatory
yeah, he is
New-gen players thinking that grinding is a bad thing
buying used or pirating is the only way i'll be playing it
Im defending it anywhere? Im just pointing out you are full of shit.
The combat in SoM is still the same formula from AC, im not defending it in any way.
To be fair, its leftist whites, not blacks. The vast majority of blacks don't give a fuck about inclusion and diversity, they just hate whites and rich people and want their gibs. The only blacks that care are the "woke" black females that got a full scholarship to some Ivy league school for a masters in racial bias studies because of their gender and skin color.
Polygon being Polygon, actually.
They needed someone to drive the plot a bit, and Shelob was just nebulous enough (Being intelligent, and being Ungoliant's spawn.) to have her fit the bill. Her already being in Mordor was an even bigger fit. Kinda unfortunately.
Are you suggesting blacks didn't participate in WW2 whatsoever?