Dark souls discussion

We all know that they're good, but which one is the best?

My favorite one.

Crash Bandicoot

Going to have to agree

Any good demon souls emulators? Looks good

Dark Souls is objectively the best and most influential followed quickly by Demon's Souls, the rest are just watered down versions of these two game designed for the casual masses.

No way fag.
Cuphead is the best.

BB >> DaS 1 = DeS >>>> DaS 3 >DaS 2

Dark Souls 1
Demon’s Souls

Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 2



is that even a question?

Dark souls 2
Is the best
The only one I ever played

I seen darksouls 1 in gamestop but faggots wanted 25 Euro. Decided to get KH2.5 for 15. Still haven't played

DaS > DeS > BB >>>>>>>>> DaS2 > DaS3

DaS > DaS2 > DeS > BB > DaS3

Fgts be saying Dark Souls 2 is the worst.
I agree with its bad enemy placement and terrible hitbox but at least it tried to be different from Dark Souls 1. DS3 basically copied and pasted everything from DS1 and reskin them.

>d-do I fit in yet?


Unironically 2
Don't let the redditors fool you

How does this even make sense.

Why was darksouls 2 so easy.

Not gonna lie, I was a new fag and I didn't know how to play the game and gave up. But after I over come my fears and the game was to oooo easy.

Played the game for 280h got every trophie. Almost every item. I could even draw out the whole map and where all the items are

Dark Souls = Super Mario Bros 3
Dark Souls 2 = Doki Doki Panic
Dark Souls 3 = Mario 3 flash fan game
Bloodborne = Super Mario World
Demon's Souls = Super Mario Bros

D3 > BB>D1>D2
Cant rank demon souls havent played ut

It's either DeS or DaS1, depending on personal taste. Personally I prefer DaS1 for the metroid-style connected world.

DaS2 is unpolished and lackluster, but it introduces a bunch of new ideas
DaS3 is very polished, but it's also simplified and lacks the depth/replayability of the other games.

>Dark Souls 1
>Demon’s Souls

Best list


Stop discussing series you started playing last year

>DS3 basically copied and pasted everything from DS1 and reskin them.

Demon's Souls actually

Shut up bitch

DaS3 is indeed unoriginal and copies a ton of stuff from previous games, but at least it was still enjoyable to play. DaS2 is just frustrating and the controls/combat/etc feel like I'm walking around in mud and slapping enemies with a floppy dildo making farting noises.



I had a ton of fun with 3 but it's not really that memorable. Still think it gets way more hate than it deserves on Sup Forums.

My favorite (1)