I'm going to say it, even if it's a little petulant

I'm going to say it, even if it's a little petulant

I am legitimately sick of Blizzard and their lootbox peddling bullshit, and this event is egregious. I appreciate that they made a buch of great, cool, alternate, limited skins or whatever, but I absolutely resent their trasnparent bullshit in making all of them 3000 credit skins after they were all "Oh okay we get it you don't like duplicates, here, let's make it practically impossible to get credits because no duplicates"

"Enjoy unlocking the thirty lootboxes you get per event by actually playing the game to get these skins and only get one of them. Hope you will buy at least 25 to get another one so you actually get what you want! :^)"

Fuck lootboxes, and fuck the companies that propagate this literal gambling bullshit and hide behind videogames so they aren't subject to legitimate gambling commerce laws like they should be. At least PUBG lets me sell my fucking gametime-bought lootcrates and get steambux, Blizzard has no excuse. And fuck them for making me want the government to get involved in private businesses and regulate something as piddling as loot boxes, because they tried to be as exploitative as possible while trying to mask it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like how Sup Forums is just suddenly pretending they care about the wellbeing of the video game industry.
Fuck off, it's not gambling, go do something better with your life.

dude lmao. Just stop playing these shitty games. I dropped OW after 3 weeks.

I just spent 40$ on loot boxes and instantly regretted it.

"It's not gambling"

Requires money with an extremely low chance of a beneficial payout.


The worst is what they did in China to bypass laws. Si in China you can directly buy their in-game currency, that happen to come with a side of lootboxes. This is making me sick but at least it makes it clear that they're doing it for the money and nothing else.

Why are people just now bitching about lootboxes? They've been around for years now.

just spent $500 and got everything, EZ

>Dude lmao, just stop playing literally every AAA title

I mean, I generally do anyways, but it still matters. It still affects us if they think that that's all they can make because it's the best way to make money, and it's explicitly fucking illicit. It's disgusting.


Trust me, I want to see these fuckers meet a new crash, but not by exploiting idiots and literal children.

we've been bitching for years you faggots, it's people have been going "IT'S JUST AESTEHTIIIIIIIIIIIIIICS" for however long and this bullshit is getting out of hand now

It doesn't require money and you can still get the content for free.

hahaha you're trying so hard to fit in, holy shit.

Thing is it doesn't require money, the game does a decent enough job of giving you what you want free you just have to play a lot before that happens.

Okay, but I don't want to play the game. I just want the skin which you need to GAMBLE to get.

Hah, nice one

What the fuck is up with blizzard's fucking awful website.
Been trying to redeem my amazon prime loot boxes for like 30mins now, but the fucking page won't load.
All that fucking money they made from loot boxes, the least they can fucking do is fix their website.

you're a fucking faggot and I hope your ironic bullshit gets you ostracized. Refusing to take a stance and being 2kool4skool doesn't make you cool, it makes you an aimless retard.

>a lot
You mean 24/7. And still get fuckall.

>He actually bought Overwatch
>He still plays Overwatch

>no new emotes
>no new highlight intros
>skins are kinda meh

Zenyatta saved the event with his skin imo senpai

Literally just stop playing. You don't have to drop every triple-A game or anything like that but you should absolutely stop playing Overwatch for more reasons than just lookboxes

He has a point though. Why not just put the skins up for purchase so people can buy them? Cosmetics are fine, whatever, but locking them in a skinner box gambling simulator is horse shit.

Zenny always gets the skins.
>heroes skins isn't in overwatch for zarya yet

btw hots is more fun than overwatch now

I'm sick of children posting on this website. It is gambling. You have to put your credit card into a slot machine that is your premium game? Its gambling. End of debate. Its gambling regardless of whether you get a skin or not. Its gambling.

Notice how none of these threads were very common until some fatfuck on youtube made a video about them?

>I appreciate that they made a buch of great, cool, alternate, limited skins

Sup Forums has been complaining about mobile-tier mechanics infesting more traditional console/PC vidya for years, user.

Yea but since Jimmyboy posted his vid there has been multiple threads about them in a single day.

Yeah, but there has also been a rash of games with these shit elements present being released lately.

You don't like her 80's inspired skin?

They've been a thing and popular for years now.
It's explicitly marketing. Shadow got a fuckload of marketing, youtubers latched on to it because views = income, and now all Sup Forums talks about are lootboxes and Sup Forumsb8
& this was supposed to be the imageboard that could largely see through the stupidity.


Get fucked. I'm sick of nu-Sup Forums.

So is any investment in your life, but you don't see the government regulating your parents.

>popular for years

Outside of TF2 and eventually CS:GO quite a bit later, I can't think of any successful vidya that was basically a mobile skinner box in disguise with the lootcrate stuff until much more recently with Overwatch, PUBG, etc. Especially ones that are microtransactions rather than free drops for playing the game.

>They've been a thing and popular for years now.
>This was supposed to be the imageboard that could largely see through the stupidity

So why the fuck wouldn't they talk about it and get mad about bullshit? What, what are they supposed to do? Just sit around going HUHHUHHUH LOL at stupid bullshit while the entire industry of videogaming gets worse and worse and they have nothing left to play except games from a decade ago, because all that's left is lootboxes and mobile games?

I remember when this board was stereotyped as rage, as angry about shit. Now all I see is idle chuckles and defensive irony. It's pathetic.

Is that the one that looks like shit, or is it the other one which looks like trash?

They costed 3000 in previous event as well you mongrel, literally nothing changed.

>Caring about cosmetics

I got the only one I wanted (Zenyatta) in my second box, eat a dick.

>I remember when this board was stereotyped as rage
And here's where you out yourself as the redditor that only joined in 2016.

Roadhog got a new highlight intro


Yeah, except there's more now than there was even in the anniversary, and people bitched during the anniversary enough that they changed the whole fucking algorithm

Eat a fucking dick, pretending like you got yours and like it's just cosmetics now will just fuck you tomorrow. Look at Forza, Microsoft is literally making former menu options lootbox fodder now. How long until you're pissed about it? How long until you're as fucked as the rest of us?

>stephen cuckbert image with a retarded half-cooked comment
he's completely right. the sad part is people who play overwatch legit thought "no more duplicates" was a good idea. now they can't even buy the shit they want with in game currency, it has to be their real wagiebucks.


>Published on Jun 12, 2009
Go kill yourself, you faggot

you are literally retarded op. If you play the event games or comp you can easily get loot boxes. No one said you had to buy loot boxes its just an option. You get a loot box every time you level up or win an arcade game

Quit getting mad at video games.


Let me guess. You didn’t get the skin you want from the free box or try and play arcade for ez boxes.

Video games aren’t a democracy. It’s haves and haves not. Fuck off with your communism.

>I like how Sup Forums is just suddenly pretending they care about the wellbeing of the video game industry
do you come from some other chan's Sup Forums?


>shitposting this hard
the industry is filled with this cancer because of halfwits like you

Bought 24 boxes

Got Ana and Torb, two of three I really wanted. Bought Zenny with the money I saved after summer games. Will now grind for Mei's emote and skin and lastly Symmetra.

The lootboxes are a lot better now than they were last year. Last year I bought 50 boxes and only got Mercy after saving the duplicates money. Fuck that shit.

>he wants to government to interfere with the free market and private businesses
Enjoy the (you) commie scum

seeI'm generally 99% for full unrestricted capitalism, and you're just a cocksucking idiot waiting to get fucked. If all you do is laugh at a mark, you're the first up for the next con.

>And fuck them for making me want the government to get involved in private businesses and regulate something as piddling as loot boxes, because they tried to be as exploitative as possible while trying to mask it.
>And fuck them for making me want the government to get involved
>Fuck them

The intent is clearly that he doesn't want them to you faggot, stop shilling for corporate bullshit


I don't play this game anymore, but the skins are nifty. Their art department is on point.

While I dislike loot boxes, these are the loot boxes that bother me the least. You can not get any of this shit and still play the game just fine.

There's no point in complaining
Shitty practices will always win and there's nothing we can do about it except look for games who don't enforce shitty practices, until even those games are swallowed up by the greed and we become husks of our former selves and die, only for the next generation to be born already used to shitty practices which by now they've become the standard of a slowly rotting industry

you want skins but not play the game? You are whats wrong with it all.

>fuck them for making me want
>he doesn't want them
Yeah sure bud

I think totalbiscuit said they were bad last week and that is why. No one on Sup Forums can think for themselves

>Look at Forza, Microsoft is literally making former menu options lootbox fodder now. How long until you're pissed about it? How long until you're as fucked as the rest of us?

When it negatively affects I game I care about.

Be nice if they made the game more fun to play to give a reason to play outside of events.

wait, totalcancer hates loot boxes? fuck him hes a liberal cuck. i fucking LOVE lootboxes now

it's because of NBA 2k18, Forza, Shadow of War, Destiny 2 and Battlefront 2. People like you either love being cucked so much you don't even notice it happening or you're living off of allowance money and don't know the value of a dollar. I remember when people thought microtransactions in general wouldn't destory the industry, now we have $60 games with $90 day 1 season passes.

That's why I stopped playing, and won't be reinstalling just to see these skins, which is a shame because my golden orbs would've looked good on the Zeny skin.

The game is just fucking boring, after the honeymoon phase wears off there is nothing appealing about it. Especially if you're like me and the honeymoon lasted for just over a year. I'd go back and play some storymode-esque mode or something fun like that, but the team shooter shit gets stale quick. Which is a shame because the art is great and there is the potential for an interesting story in there somewhere, but Blizzard is making heaps of cash of lootboxes and alt accounts retards, so why do anything different?

Game will end up like TF2 eventually, a shell. Which is a shame.

fuck off you actual retard. overwatch-style loot boxes aren't gambling because you can get them for free, and pretty easily at that.

the lootboxes that are REAL gambling are valve-style like fucking CSGO

Children play these game dumbass, it's gambling if you're a dumb child

the box i got for free had the mcree skin, the only one i wanted so, they aint getting my money

If you play regularly you likely have a few thousand coins saved up, enough for one or two skins.

Not to mention you get 1 free box, 5 from playing arcade (literally play junkensteins revenge 9 times and you have them), as well as your loot boxes from leveling up. That being said, most people will probably have opened 20-30 boxes by the end of the event, and given you don’t spend your coins like an impulsive retard, should have enough to unlock at least one of the skins you really wanted.

But no, the same impulsive dumbasses that can’t save their coins will also impulsively buy the loot boxes and complain about the system that helps fund the free content Blizzard continues to develop for their $40 game.

I had 7000 credits for Summer event and bought one skin. Right now I have ~6600 credits. Well I play a lot but I get coins pretty frequently.

You only care because your favorite youtuber threw a fit.

Which YouTuber got upset?

Since when did v always have this cuck mentality? Stand against bullshit

Redditor outed.
Sup Forums has always been about standing up against bullshit. GG started here. It was also right about everything until it got hijacked.

>Sup Forums has always been about standing up against bullshit.

Newfag detected.

Sup Forums has never been about anything, especially not video games.

Just gonna post these skins



have you tried playing the game?
newsflash, you have to play the game to get the the pretty dress up items you want


is the bird real?


These almost make me want to get back into Overwatch


Only fun playing a few QP rounds with friends

>Requires money with an extremely low chance of a beneficial payout
i mean you are also doing the same thing with donating to charities


That's all the front parts

Fucking shit.

No, just the nu/v/ that banned GG discussion.

It is actually really easy to not play every AAA title since they are all bland shit.

>It was also right about everything until it got hijacked.

Hijacked? fuck off cuck. go back to reading the MSM

>only new content Blizzard creates for their hallway zergrush hats simulator is new hats in new time-locked loot crates designed to generate revenue

Being tigole must be great, you don't do anything but sit around fapping to waifus and then come out and say "something something toxic video gamers" to deflect Blizzard not doing shit with Overwatch the same way Valve doesn't do shit with TF2.

>roster under 30 characters
>they don't give each character a legendary skin each even
How fucking lazy are these people?

Right, posting the backs

Zen, Ana, McCree and Zarya skins are all top tier


