Literally fucking garbage. See you next week

Literally fucking garbage. See you next week.

Other urls found in this thread:

>endless legend

why yes i will, thank you

>wurm unlimited for $1

>Humble Bundle over the last month

Borderlands > Borderlands 2 > Borderlands TPS

tier 3 worth it?

Borderlands with DLCS to giveaway for free, Van Helsing for 1euro, im in

This might be their first decent bundle since like August, honestly.

Yes. Borderlands the Presequel is quite literally the game of this generation.

Jolly good.

$10 isn't bad to gift a poorfag friend Borderlands to play co-op.

so... trash? because this generation its trash

gib keys?


>with (some) DLCS
>not GOTY edition

2>PS >1


@ = 25

.... And what the fuck do you imagine the GOTY means? It has the fuckin DLCS you mongoloid.

Endless legend is fantastic, it's worth the 4 bucks by itself. I'm guessing it doesn't come with all the DLC though.

friendly reminder to anyone getting this

yeah it's classic only but that alone seems pretty good already


Last 2 digits are 0N

Enjoy Borderlands GOTY, spoiler alert, it sucks.


Didn't the Borderlands GOTY used to come with all but one of the dlcs?

Is moxxi dome the worst dlc ever made?

it is man, especially for so cheap. The DLCS always go on sale during steam sales too so you can pick them up next month if you like it.


God I was sort of OK with this bundle but the last time I tried to play borderlands with a friend I almost fell asleep with all the fetch quests and bullet sponge enemies


Tfw gf is using laptop

leave normie

Considering dropping $1 just because I don't own BL1 on steam

>Doesn't include prequel DLCs

It's been 3 years already, LOWER THE FUCKING PRICE

So buy the fucking bundle later you shit stain

Too bad, so sad.

# A


absolutely not

>nobody wants memelands
>everyone dumping memeland codes
>still can't snatch one

sent ;)

Contemplating on presequel. Does it fix the fetch quests and boring guns
I'll end up giving 0 to Gearbox anyway



>was actually thinking about playing through BL2 DLC with some friends
Is the DLC fun enough for $4.50?

it's not "real" DLC. just the extra characters and some shitty bonuses



those fuckers

Better deal at bundlestars.

not everyone is virgin weeb jackin it off to anime, fuck off

shareblue what are you doing on Sup Forums

Shitposting while waiting in queues in the game im playing.

Is van helsing good?

Average Diablo clone, Endless is the best thing on the bundle

Whatever Anthony

Please post keys for Venezuela poorfags.

Get it for Endless Legend.

And also for Wurm, the Sup Forums community will be up and running again shortly after this bundle.

best order to play borderlands games?
1 - 2 - TPS or 1 - TPS - 2 ??

Are these keys region locked?

you're mother is region locked

the gameplay in BL2 isn't that bad and it's fun to go around and shoot the shit with your friends but holy fucking christ the le-epic funny dialog written by randy buttfuck and unskippable bullshit and the constant backtracking will make you want to kill yourself

>you're mother
>you are mother
fuck you i'm a dad son

Humble keys are never region blocked unless specified, which I haven't seen.

The hell do you even do in Wurm? Single player runescape?

kek. is humblebundle ever good? seems like every week, people are always bitching about the bundles.

It's a fun game with friends.

1-2-tps. Tps spoils the shit out of 2 since it's being retold after the events of 2.

>cheap poorfags complaining about practically free shit handed to them
what else is new?

Yep, sounds like garbage to me.
Pic related, baka.

Is wurm gud?

What if I don't have friends? Is it still worth trying out?

Why don't you have any friends? Just man up, bro.

I'm trying to figure that out. I feel like I keep getting the run around with what you even do in it. Youtube reviews aren't much help.

getting endless legend for 4 buckaroos was nice tho
it'll take the edge off until endless space 2 finally gets a discount or something

>Is it still worth trying out?
not really

>What if I don't have friends?

>pay 1 buck to fuck around in borderlands 1 and van helsing with your friends
yeah why the hell not

I just buy the bundles

I never install them

I'm just collecting games.

Which I never gonna play.

I visit a videogame board, thus i must be weeb

at least it's charity


You should be, since it is a video game board on a weeb website.

>Muh shit generation
juvenoia has been a cancer on societies for centuries

How is Endless Legend? Is it that micromanagement type of RPG?


BL1&2 with some BL2 DLC mixed in

Got Borderlands 2, thanks user


[SPOILER]**=a rule of the internet that reads as follows: "For any given male character, there is a female version of that character."[/spoiler]

Imagine being so autistic you have to write a literal wall of text just to justify being a piece of shit weeb

Non meme answer? The Slam/O2 mechanic is okay but the story isn't that great. If you just want some more Borderlands gameplay it's fine but if you aren't already in love with the games then it isn't.

Been wanting to play the Borderlands games.
Gud deal for me

I used up my last activation before I realized there weren't even enough characters in that code.

sweet inavlid code. maybe someone would for for it if the last part had enough letters.



Only 4 digits, need one more digit

he's technically right, but at this point there's so many anons that it doesn't matter anymore

nice one buddy

>Bad Rats
wow thanks


I'll break it down for you.
>Go ahead and visit a forum that isn't Sup Forums. You can try Runescape Community, Bodybuilders, Ultimate-Guitar, Livemocha, DeviantArt, or even a private tracker's forum. Practically any forum will do.
>Ask yourself who is likely to be the largest community for that forum. If you chose Runescape Community - is it very likely that the majority of the users play or like Runescape? The answer to this question is "Yes". So why is it Runescape Community has a subforum for World Events and Politics? Why is there a forum for graphic design?
>That is because although the users of Runescape Community share a common interest (Runescape) that doesn't mean they are exempt from liking other things. These subforums were created so that people who liked Runescape could discuss World Events, Politics, or Graphic Design with other peoplewho liked Runescape.
>Sup Forums operates off this same idea. The main userbase are " People who enjoy anime".The subforums such as /k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and all other unlisted subforums are merely a part of the Sup Forums userbase.
>/k/ is for people who enjoy anime to discuss guns with people who enjoy anime.
>Sup Forums is for people who enjoy anime to discuss technology with people who enjoy anime.
>Sup Forums is for people who enjoy anime to discuss sports with people who enjoy anime.
>And so on and so on.

Is this good? I made a thread to ask about it, but it wasn't a console war thread or Cuphead so no one responded.

Or how about i keep myself entertained by shitposting on here, while dumb cunts like you try to achieve something by writing walls of text im not going to read anyway, having a blast and something to do inbetween games? Seems far more sensible to me autismo boi

Pls post keys with missing numbers and a quiz

that's rude user
does your mother know that you are rude to other people, online?