>undertale fags still so fucking mad that we didn't start hating this game once it got popular
Here's the deal: most of Sup Forums never liked undertale. Never. Not before it was popular, and not after. Nothing changed; before undertale was popular, the very few people that liked it would talk about it, and most people didn't care or even notice. It was only when it got popular that the majority took notice and started talking shit about it.
The difference here is that, the majority of Sup Forums ACTUALLY LIKES cuphead because it's ACTUALLY A GOOD GAME.
>ywn take bait so hard you make a thread complaining about it
Undertale fags still so fucking mad that we didn't start hating this game once it got popular
I still don't like the retro cartoon aesthetic. But I guess some of the shit that happens is crazy as fuck because of it.
at this point in time, everyone still loved undertale
give it a week
who cares they're different games
what the fuck does this game have in common with undertale
holy fucking shit I wish you fucking underage retards would die in the most painful way
But I like both.
I find it a shame that cuphead's difficulty will drive people away from the game even though it's looks great for the style its emulating.
At least there is now a legitimate reason for watching Let's Plays and longplays.
I could of beaten a boss on expert during the span it too to read and process this.
>what the fuck does this game have in common with undertale
the sjw content? and the cringy numales worshiping the dev?
>sjw content
I played undertale expecting a high dosage of sjw
it had fucking nothing
it didn't shoehorn undyne being lesbian
if you can't tell the difference between this you should either grow up or kill yourself
You're only proving that you're underage with retarded posts like these
Sup Forums holds on to this FOTM so we can screech git gud. Undertale wasn't hard so it can't have the same effect.
If you want to be called a retard you can just ask. You don't have to try so hard.
I don't play numale indie trash but cuphead seems a lot better than undertale
>sjw content
So when writers in the 17th century made a character gay, it was literally stylization. But when a game dev makes a character gay, he a is fucking sjw cuck pandering to the left. I swear, there should be some IQ test that needs to be passed to go on Sup Forums, since now the bottom of the barrel have free reign on this website
>Undertale wasn't hard
What SJW content is present in Cuphead?
You are meant to die frequently in certain fights to hammer in the element of memorization. Beyond that the game isn't very challenging or very long.
He's just mad because she is a lesbian so she can't self insert.
>If you ignore the parts where it's challenging then there aren't any parts where it's challenging.
tedious =/= hard
This is a bait thread. OP is lying. People here liked Undertale. People here liked Cuphead. There was shitposting. A lot of shitposting. For both games.
There you go.
Let me break it down for you. In the sans fight, his first move will usually kill you the first few times you see it, but you only lose a few seconds of gameplay from that. The point of attacks meant to kill you is to illustrate the story and gameplay element of memorization/time travel. The reason it doesn't make the game difficult is because the fights are not long and fairly easy once you know what's going to happen. Even if you screw up, you only lose a few minutes of gameplay.
Now picture a souls game. You are expected to travel for 15-20 minutes through an area where you can be killed in seconds if caught off guard. After that you fight a boss who's moves can be memorized, but it only makes the fight possible, not easy. The uphill challenge of the games shines in areas where a small mistake is a loss of most of your items and 20 minutes of gameplay.
If there was more randomness to the attacks in undertale or the attacks were harder to dodge, the fights would be too grinding, and shouldn't really be harder than they are. But as far as brutal fights go Undertale isn't close to the top of the list.
>most of Sup Forums never liked undertale. Never. Not before it was popular, and not after
Absolutely incorrect. Sup Forums's problem with the game came from learning memes about the game without investigating it for themselves (tumblr! furry! sjw pandering!), and the fanbase.
Basically shitposters. And shitposters make far more threads and post much more than the average Sup Forums user. Dont confuse a "What went wrong?" thread with a thread that has actual discussion going on and not just people replying with one line answers like