What is this and why should anyone care
>literally who just made a tweet here's why you should care and be upset
>Retard who's terrible at games and defended Sim City online trying to tell off other people
Can someone slap this fag already?
>B-be quiet or we will blacklist you from games journalism!!!
he must have got roasted by someone right before tweeting this
Don't say anything bad about us. It would be a shame if a facebook group of journalists from every major site found out and we all agreed to blacklist you from the industry. :^)
Nothing we do is wrong if we feel it's for the right reasons!
How do you feel about the fact that Milo Yiannopoulos was part of an email group where he discussed how best to slander Zoe and Anita in his articles with neo-Nazis?
if i was a freelancer i would tell him to shut the fuck up and meet him at a con and punch his face in
jail time would be worth it
>no disrespect or no job
Fuck me this future is both boring AND dystopian. If i wanted thought police at least give me flying cars and neon shit
The gaming industry is like Hollywood for nu-males
nothing in particular. they're both retards who will do anything for an extra 15 minutes back in the spotlight. not actually anything to do with video games.
Is this the guy who is always wrong about everything and can't even operate a controller at the level of a young child?
fuck I see it now. All these beta as fuck nu-males living out their, or what they think is, chad fantasies and pulling the over tough guy act and trying to toss power plays around.
Yup, the guy responsible for the infamous polygon Doom gameplay video. He's also a hugely pretentious twat that defends shitty practices like always online.
Well it seemed to be really relevant to video games in 2014. But the real joke here is that the guy who pretty much came up with the collusion narrative you're spouting turned out to be colluding to spread it.
he's probably referring to me since i shit talked polygon "in the press room" of another site
And he was wrong about game journos being in cahoots with one another how exactly?
milo didnt come up with shit he's a hanger on who just parroted what was already being said and jumped ship the second he saw a better opportunity
there is no "collusion narrative" the facebook group was found, and logs of them attempting to blacklist people from the industry was right there
Unless it's literally not true that journos are colluding (and given the dearth of articles about "gamers" being "dead" all at once at that one point in gamergate, I highly doubt it), who the fuck cares? You're allowed to collaborate with other people if you're just trying to dig up shit on people. You're not really supposed to collaborate with other journalists to make sure you're all toeing the same line, because, y'know, journalistic integrity.
No, that's the thing, there was literally no evidence in the logs of collusion. But Milo had pulled the same trick once before with another liberal mailing list so he knew reactionary manchildren with a chip on their shoulder would readily buy into it. But now that we know what Milo himself got up to and it turns out he actually is guilty of all that shit himself.
Whoops I meant deluge not dearth ignore my faggotry
>have not, in point of fact, heard
Can you believe these guys get paid to write
>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
>sweet this unashamedly right-wing blogger guy supports us, haha he complains about feminists all day long, he is so BASED!!!
>but the important thing is no agendas are being pushed VOTE TRUMP
>haha milo is so right about trannies being insane VOTE TRUMP
>the only reason I hate all these SJWs talking about games is that they don't even play videogames!!!
>haha milo wrote a game review for a game he never played and made fun of SJWs haha BASED
>milo also wrote an article after a shooting where he blamed videogames
>haha it's fine though there's no way milo is just an opportunist looking for clicks because he's not like the SJWs
>haha milo so based, he even knows the memes!! xD
yeah that gave me crosseyes
what did he do now?
>there was literally no evidence in the logs of collusion.
they mentioned the dude from the escapist by name and specifically said to not allow him a platform to talk on. stop going on the internet to tell lies.