Chinese Steam users are review bombing Kerbal Space Program

>Chinese Steam users are review bombing Kerbal Space Program
>the rating has dropped from Overwhelmingly Posited to Mixed
>all over one translation error in their localization
>now the discussion board and reviews are full of people with chicken scratch names screaming insults in Chinglish

Why do we not segregate these yellow monkeys into their own separate client? If they have a problem with the translation then they can stop playing Western games and go enjoy such classics as 'Hero Mission' and 'Mobile Legends: Bang Bang'.

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Steam should just shadowban China. They should be used to it from their government anyway

>Why do we not segregate these yellow monkeys into their own separate client?
They are for Dota.

They need to, this is fucking ridiculously unfair to other players. There are literally millions of them bombing store pages.

>tfw the Great Firewall is the only thing keeping the internet from being even more shit

yeah but when you guys review bomb a game for hurting your feelings, that's totally fine

Western review bombs are usually for legitimately terrible stuff like paid mods. These chinks are review-bombing Kerbal because they changed an easter egg phrase on the side of a rocket on the menu screen

It was different for Fallout 4 because FUCK TOOD and FUCK BETHESDA you shill.

What was the translation error?


the absolute fragility of pigskin western devils

Chinks are literally soulless automatons, they gave up all their humanity and creativity at some point in the past.

They changed a phrase on the side of the rocket in the main menu screen from a Chinese word that referred to the male gender, to a gender-neutral one, and now they're smearing their shit on the walls in rage because apparently the phrase references some quote by Chairman Mao or something.

>it's not petty and stupid when i do it!
uh huh

sounds pretty justified to be quite honest with you. good to see the chinks don't put up with SJW shit.

Fucking Chinese SJWs. So much worse than our own which makes this unjustified unlike when I helped review bomb Yooka-Laylee because they took out my boy jontron.

Uh huh, bigskin babbies are mad that their little whitey safe space doesn't pander to them anymore.
Deal with it, laowais.

I live in vancouver for only one year and in that short time span I learned to hate obnoxious chinese people. your regular idiot can only go so far, but a chinese idiot can go above and beyond to piss you the fuck off with methods you didn't even know existed

They can fuck off and learn English if they don't like it, I did it, it's not hard.
Or just do what they usually do and make a bootleg game called Kraperl Space Porgrom.

>wahh everyone needs to learn my soulless language
globalist fuck off

I've been shitposting in the forums all day and making Mao jokes while mocking their space program.
What am I in for?
I've already received several angry messages written in what looks like Edward Scissorhands attempting to fingerpaint.

Who gives a fuck. You dipshits throw a fucking fit over muh SJWs all the time.

I'm French, I learned English to watch movies and play games because I got sick of shitty dubs and localizations.
Mandarin is a retarded language that makes Japanese look refined.

>globalism and free market are only good when they cater to ME
Why are pigskins so whiny and hypocritical?

English-speaking nations rule the earth, better get a head start learning to speak it, bitch

English speaking nations are zionist cucks under jewish rule, you don't rule shit, anglo cockroach

not for long fuckboy

Why are they mad over one translation error? Was it something racist or making fun of them? What the fuck are they so worked up for

they just try their best to make your life hell by acting like complete asshats whenever they spot you. In a closed community where they actually know who does what you can expect all sorts of insanity suddenly finding its way towards you,but on a silly steam forum you'll mostly just see angry chicken scratches and assorted insults about "[family member] is [animal] I will [verb] your [second family member]". see

Because it was a quote by Chairman Mao or something.

>KSP was made as a money laundering scheme by the mexican cartel
>the entire "LEL SO KERBAL" cancer
>the shitstorm wayback when someone asked when the updates were being released and the consequent PR disaster that was "it's ready when it's ready ding dong bannu :^)"
I'm actually upset about having financed this

>changed a phrase referring to the male gender, to a gender-neutral one
but Sup Forums loses their shit over things like that all the time?

lol, I named my cat chairman meow

because it kills sparrows and spreads diseases

Yeah but the yellow monkeys produce nothing but bootlegs and expect small companies to bend over backwards to accommodate their retarded chicken scratch language.
Meanwhile they violate copyright on a hilarious scale every day and don't see that as a problem.
They laugh about Riot having to file a third lawsuit against Chinese companies trying to clone League of Legends, but a translation error in a small game by a small company warrants threats and review bombing.

They should be kept segregated, it's bad enough having to share the internet with the Russians, now we have to deal with one billion soulless chinks flipping their rice bowls every time someone speaks ill of their glorious Communist regime, which will be very frequent.

Yeah and it turns out it's just as retarded when the Chinese sperg out about that shit.

>being this much of a corporate dick sucker
Cheap chink shit from ali is a godsend, literally saving the world from neoliberal hegemony.

>Responsible for 75% of PUBG purchases
>Review bombing games now
Remove Rice

And we laugh at the retards here too.

>unfair to other players.
Other players are experiencing zero negatives from this unless they're fanboy scum who are so eager to gobble corporate cock that it's actively hurtful to see a game they like get negative reviews, and fanboys barely qualify as people so who cares?

>no-exit hot water

What did he mean by this?

They're review bombing PUBG too, apparently the servers in China are really bad.

oh no! poor billion dollar Riot has to file another lawsuit?
fuck off you're corporate dicksucker

Fuck off you yellow monkey.
What's it like having to use a proxy to watch YoutTube videos?

>Other players are experiencing zero negatives from this
It may very well discourage devs to continue any and all support for the game.
People who would actually really enjoy the game might also not buy it now, which is rather sad. There are plenty of games I wouldn't have played that are among my favorites if they wouldn't have at least a somewhat positive reception.

Forgot the Chinese crying over Dota2 already? Fucking new fag or senile old shit that needs to get bent.

>wahhh muh intellectual property
you have to be a legitimate goy puppet who loves having kike fists shoved up his ass to get in a tizzy over muh bootlegs

>KSP was made as a money laundering scheme by the mexican cartel

Sounds like pretty shit devs if all it takes to drive them off is some angry Chinese guys with a really minor complaint.
People who would actually really enjoy the game might also not buy it now, which is rather sad. There are plenty of games I wouldn't have played that are among my favorites if they wouldn't have at least a somewhat positive reception.
Maybe they should use the many tools available to them to understand what the game is actually like and why the reviews are what they are.

I'm reminded about that one clip of a BBC reporter interviewing random chinks and they all said something along the lines of wanting to kill everyone who said bad things about China.

I'm more concerned with the fact that China is a country full of liars and thieves who produce nothing of value.

>produce nothing of value
>produce almost everything
in a sense you're right but that says more about the state of the world rather than just china

That's what happens when you're raised in a vacuum where dissent is met with beatings and the government doesn't allow you to read newspapers or access the internet.
You grow up thinking that your country is hot shit, and when you're suddenly exposed to reality, all you can do is react with violence and threats.
It's the same for everyone who lives in some third world hellhole, they all think they're deserving of respect and admiration, and if you dare question it they throw a child-like tantrum.
Happens every time I try to play with someone from India, Russia, Pakistan, [insert Arab country that isn't currently embroiled in violent civil war], etc.
They have egos as fragile as their malnourished bones.

implying westcucks aren't the most bratty and entitled people

Well, shouldn't have stopped the Japs from wiping them off the face of the earth then, yank

You're proving my point, so which low-HDI shithole with no human rights are you from?


and you're proving mine, cuck


>he said, in English

Let me put it this way, when they introduced electricity to your village, how long did it take you to stop worshiping it as magic?
Have you ever seen an escalator?
Is dysentery still a leading cause of death?

>Kraperl Space Porgrom.
>Space Porgrom
>Space Pogrom
Fund it

it's real

What the fuck.

epic memes, don't you have some taxpayer subsidized hormones to feed to your five year old son?
>the absolute state of the nu-west
>this is what you're vehemently defending every single time you pretend you have culture

The fuck?
Sup Forums would spasm for the same shit.

well, english is much easier to learn than their shit-runes
>english is soulless
>said by chink

Sinophobia never fails to amuse me.

>shitskin literally seething

Don't you have some little girls to drown in a sack like unwanted puppies?

PUBG. All I did was uncheck "my language".
Like 98% of all reviews are from those slanty eyed, dog massacres.

>f-fucking sh-shitskins don't even have trans children, what savages

Phobia makes it sound like a bad thing

I'm not afraid of cockroaches but that doesn't mean I want them in my kitchen.

What, you want us to go back to colonialism, Achmed?

your seattle studio apartment doesnt even have a kitchen you fucking schleprock, who are you kidding

>legitimately terrible stuff like paid mods
Found the commie.

I don't live in Seattle but there are plenty of cockroaches there, they're called Chinese people.

>The Far-right is literally a puppet of the Chinese
That's fucking sad

>I'm going to stick it to the west on my computer which they invented, via the internet which they invented, on one of their boards, with their language
>that'll show them!

>Advisers vow to bobobobobobobobobobobobo

>Ruins any mmo they play
>Ruins any private server they join
>Ruins any thing they touch

I dont get this whatsoever. The original phrase was 不到长城非好汉 and they replaced the middle with Mun. Whoop de fucking do. Every other character looks the same so what is the issue?

I get that it was a Chairman Mao quote or something.

But how or why was it placed into the game? I don't understand that.

>yeah sure my society is falling to faggot pederasts and i'll go to prison for misusing someones pronouns
>but uhhh a white guy invented computers BTFO

No, that's your country, Achmed, pedophilia is actually illegal in civilized countries

from a steam review:
For those wondering what happened. It's something in the Chinese localization of KSP.

It was triggered by a post in Steam Community:" [mega thread] Sexism in Chinese language translation. And the 33,660,000 disappeared women in China."

In the Chinese version of KSP, the shuttle on the main page has been painted with a Chinese sentence meaning "without reaching Mun, you are not a good guy".(in English version it's mun to bust) This sentence is extended by a chinese proverb "without climbing the Great Wall, you are not a good guy" and The majority of Chinese players consider this translation as a combination of faithfulness,expressiveness,elegance.

However, after the post above( although if you check the replies of the post you can easily find almost nobody suports the author), developers still give in to a single 'feminist' and changed the sentence to a seemingly gender equal but far less elegant version. This kind of 'Political Correctness' it something I (together with many chinese players) don't want to see it happeneing, especially in a Aerospce simulator.

It must really piss you off that literally everything good and useful in your life was made by a civilization you hate, and your "civilization" has contributed absolutely nothing.

Not only computers, but literally everything.
All technology and science that you use in your day to day life, the car you drive, the cellphone you use, the language you're speaking right now, the fabrics in the clothes you wear, the electricity that powers your home appliances, the medicine that keeps you healthy, all of which we invented.

We own you, dirt creature.

Is this really something to get angry at if you're really antisjw

This seems like such a shit battle to pick. How is that political in any way?

because they are retarded souless insects

if you're taking the collective responsibility for the achievements of certain individuals who happened to exist geographically in the same hemisphere as you, then you're obligated to take the responsibility for all the disgusting fucking hedonism that has been pouring out of your country like an open wound.

essentially, you are personally responsible for THIS. own up to it.

So there's English as well as Chinese text on the shuttle? If it was Chinese text only I don't see how a fuss could've been raised.

>Sup Forums looks in the mirror and doesn't like what it sees

I kind of want everyone there to die. Including the kid. It's too late for him

>being rich enough and comfortable enough to be able to spend time pursuing pure pleasure, instead of spending 6 hours a day lugging disease ridden water from a well

No doubt this is something hard for you to understand.


Not 'happened to exist', products of our race and culture, because we're better than you.
We're smarter, stronger, braver, and that's why our accomplishments, wealth and history make yours look like a coffee stain on the bottom of the page.

You owe everything to us, and if we wanted to, we could wipe your entire race off the map with the press of a button.

You'd better pray to us every morning because we're the only true Gods in your sad life.

>Review bombing is okay when Sup Forums does it, but NOT anybody else.
Neck yourselves.

I've been trying to tell you faggots for ages now that China is the next big shitshow/goldrush for gaming. It's gonna make the casual influx following Modern Warfare 2 look like a pleasant time in comparison. Imagine a entire population with worse tastes than your average westerner or jap from being isolated for so long (Go watch any movie intended for chinese audiences" to see what I mean), and a way of life that revolves around dicking each other over with bad business practices.

Now they're the biggest potential population of people buying video games on earth by a massive margin.

Also, just an unpleasant reminder, Kikeshima's literally already sold Nintendo's soul to push the Switch in China. Nintendo is seriously under a decade away from being a Chinese owned company. Tops.

It means what it means: fear. I find it irrational since last I checked Hispanics and blacks make up way more of the US's ethnics though I suppose some say 20-30 years from now once China finally fixes itself and depending on political relations they may start immigrating more.

>If thou desist not, O Lut! thou wilt assuredly be cast out!

an absolutely dead culture. and you call chinks soulless? fall of rome soon.

i'd tell you to start stocking up on bottled water but that'd probably kill you even faster, all things considered

Can you blame us? What's to like?